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Anonymous No. 16588223

>One single individual who is the most dominant mind on the planet earth at the moment. Effectively Voldemort. Person, whose name we are a little bit afraid to invoke... Edward Witten
Is Eric Weinstein just autistic or Witten is actually someone people don't fuck with? I heard Weinstein saying other cringe shit like aliens manufacturing CPUs so I'm not sure

Anonymous No. 16588252

>aliens manufacturing CPU
that's high quality retard bait

Anonymous No. 16588259

TSMC will open some fabs in Arizona so some aliens might actually manufacture CPUs.

Anonymous No. 16588358

weinstein is such a clown

Anonymous No. 16588396

yep, common sense

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Anonymous No. 16588448

Weinstein describes a very common fallacious attitude people in the academia take towards authority figures. In a perfect world, academia would be free of authority bias. If some grad student from University of Wyoming points out a crucial mistake in Witten’s paper and the grad student’s reasoning is genuinely correct, then the scientific community should immediately retract the paper and thank the grad student for pointing in out.

But this is not the perfect world. Politics and clout permeates the very core of academia. Witten can pull a lot of strings (pun intended), whereas that grad student can’t. He can be vindictive (not saying he is, but he can). He can make sure the people who retracted the paper never get theirs published. None of this is guaranteed to happen, but people don’t want to risk their careers for the Truth. It is the unfortunate reality we live in. Academics are not Socrates who deliberately never asked for money for his services in opposition to sophists. They’re people making a living. It’s shit, but what can you do. Schopenhauer famously took Socrates’ approach, but he was a trust fund kid who only got recognized at the end of his life. Not everyone has that kind of autism and resources.