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Anonymous No. 16588855

Is there a true modern study that’s been conducted into the information gap christians imposed on us?

Anonymous No. 16588867

gtfo retard

Anonymous No. 16588875

I think we can measure it but I’m not sure what an appropriate unit be for the Y axis. “Level of science” seems too nebulous and arbitrary.

Anonymous No. 16588878

wheres the trump dark age on this graph

Anonymous No. 16588879

The Christian dark age more or less coincided with the Islamic golden age. Science didn't stop, it just moved. Also lol at the jewdates.

Anonymous No. 16588891

Ya, moved right on the X axis about 1000 years

Anonymous No. 16588966

chat, is this real

Anonymous No. 16588990

>Christian institutions preserve human knowledge during the dark ages while the rest of society collapses
>Get blamed for the lack of advancement during the time they were preserving knowledge
Amazing how ungrateful the world can be. If it wasn't for Christian institutions like monasteries, what little we know about the dark ages, and the times before it, would be lost.

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Anonymous No. 16588999

Yes it was definitely christianity and not the black plague that caused the dark ages.

And it was definitely enlightened, high-IQ atheists painting all those pictures of God on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel during the Renaissance.

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Anonymous No. 16589190

Stop being so disingenuous.
Here is the correct chart.

Anonymous No. 16589228

I wish I was an ignorant peasant in the dark ages with a house, tons of land and a tradfamily

Anonymous No. 16589424

would you be okay with only bathing a few times a year? Perhaps they got used to smell not knowing anything different.

Anonymous No. 16589440

Other continents got a 1000-year head start because Europeans were stuck with Christianity, and Europeans still ended up dominating the rest of the planet? Based take.

Anonymous No. 16589447

We are talking about human history here, not the bugussy, Be sensible anon

Anonymous No. 16589952

Look at some of historian Gunnar Heinsohn's research on the "history" of the dark ages.

According to his research most of the so called first millenium was simply invented with history of rome recorded three times by using contemporary records from different areas but claiming them to be successive.

He relies primarily on archaeological, architechtural and soil structure analysis to propose this theory. He points to evidence of a great environmental catastrophe that levelled civilisation all the way from scandinavia to egypt that appears to have been written out of history.

Anonymous No. 16589981

Cumulative mandela effect.

Anonymous No. 16589992

no, it's just a coverup by the cult of rome and related jesuit orders

Anonymous No. 16590003


It's like we have history as in what really happened with one specific event following another but then they created this timeline in I think the 1600s where various groups tried to determine where everything fit together.
Look at Isaac Newton's work many aren't aware that he researched the historic chronology topic and proposed his own very different timeline.of events.
It's not till the 1000s that people really started to have a firm enough records of events.
Heihnsohn suspected that what might have transpired is that the AD system was actually based on the custom of the founding date of a city such as rome and then there was some sort crossed wire and people started thinking it was the birth date of jesus

Anonymous No. 16590716

Sounds Eurocentric. Does he corroborate it with any Islamic or Chinese timekeeping?

Anonymous No. 16591118

Just live close to a river like most people did. You are dumber than an inbred peasant.

Anonymous No. 16591320

I suspect that's just my personal bias and interpretation of his work.

Anonymous No. 16591338

Why is the Roman period so steep? There was not so much scientific advancement then. Engineering maybe, but as for discovering new truths about the world I don't think they were much faster than ancient Greeks.

Why the Middle Ages dip so deep? Some knowledge was lost, but most of it was preserved by Christian and Islamic monasteries after the fall of Roman Empire. Christian institutions were the where the knowledge and education was available, other than that people mostly didn't give a shit. Attributing slower scientific advancement to Christianity alone is misguided, although the fact that doctors of The Church sucked Plato's cock and took from him the belief that experimenting is stupid and you just need to think very hard didn't help.

Anonymous No. 16594679

>Why the Middle Ages dip so deep?
It was a benighted theocracy.

Anonymous No. 16596967

christianity in it's early century was a brown proto-thirdworldist ideology but eventually deformed into something else that was arguably a bit better but still bad. the thirdwordist christianity i would say it barely dented the progress of man (which is still invariably bad) but later christianity didn't do much to change anything majorly and might have even helped things. sexual repression is not proportional to not progressing as a society.