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Anonymous No. 16589086

Isn't dark energy proof of a fake vacuum? If the amount of dark energy in the universe is going up, doesn't that mean that the chances this fake vacuum decays is going up too?

Anonymous No. 16589102

dark energy is a hypothetical solution to the universe expanding. not proof for anything.
another possibility is the timescape model for example.

Anonymous No. 16589172

dark energy is just aether, isn't it?

Anonymous No. 16589316

While false vacuum is a dark energy candidate in the sense that it would exist at a higher energy state than true vacuum, and yet be difficult to detect. However what you are suggesting would mean that some process is converting observable (non-dark) energy into false vacuum, and thus increasing

False vacuum itself is a dark energy candidate in the sense that it would exist at a higher energy state than true vacuum, and yet be difficult to detect. It's decay would at best keep dark energy constant (if it would decay into another form of dark energy)

Anonymous No. 16590055

>dark energy
dark energy might be ambient electromagnetic (EM) energy
humid air is moist or contains water vapor
similarly, space contains EM radiation

Anonymous No. 16593862

no, aether is just dark energy

Anonymous No. 16594724

I've heard about false vacuum, and now we have fake vacuum too?

Anonymous No. 16594727

Its not a vacuum, its pressure. Which has the same appearance as a vaccum.

If you make a hole in a space ship, is the air sucked out by equalling the pressure inside with ouside or is it blown out - if so what is blowing the particles out? Nothing, it's sucked.

Anonymous No. 16594729

answer the fucking question instead of pretending to have a discussion.

Anonymous No. 16594783

Imagine if you have a piece of paper.
Usually, when connecting two point you would just draw a straight line between them and normally that would be the shortest distance.
But see what happens when I fold the paper. And walla! Now if I push a pencil through it, you can see that this is the shortest distance!