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Anonymous No. 16589116

Do scientists smoke weed before making their hypothesis about the world?
This John Wheeler guy sounds like a crackhead

Anonymous No. 16589126

Just another Platonist.

Anonymous No. 16589450

I wish I could've seen Feynman's face when he heard that bullshit

Anonymous No. 16589469

It's actually a legit theory.
Somehow when you turn the switch, electrons on the oposite side of wire will react with the speed of light. The flow of electrons theory doesn't explain any of that.

Anonymous No. 16589787

I was under the impression that electrons are a classical means-to-an-end to explain phenomena that largely consists of continuous wave oscillation and propagation.
Isn't giving an election identity redundant?
Like saying music is comprised of discrete 'samples' that float through the air into your ears rather than the propagation of waves through the medium of air.

t. retarded anon

Anonymous No. 16589795

the more crazy and pointless the theory, the more taxpayer money they receive

Anonymous No. 16591023

>electrons on the oposite side of wire will react with the speed of light
Not true

Anonymous No. 16591279

>I was under the impression that electrons are a classical means-to-an-end to explain phenomena that largely consists of continuous wave oscillation and propagation.
Where the fuck did you hear that? Tell whoever said this to kill himself for being a communist.

Anonymous No. 16591296

kill himself for being a bourgeois intellectual*

Anonymous No. 16591305

No, for being a communist who seethes at QM.

Anonymous No. 16591309

As opposed to seething at QFT and the standard model?