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Anonymous No. 16589158

is this a good way to make copper chloride at home?

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2025-02-17 17-10-30.png

Anonymous No. 16589312

No it sucks. You will mainly yield cuprous oxide and cupric hydroxide. Personally I'd just do a double displacement reaction using stoichiometric amounts of CaCl2 + CuSO4 in solution. Then gravity filter the unwanted calcium precipitate through a pair of coffee filters. You could of course prep it directly from reacting elemental copper + conc. HCl + dilluted H2O2 as well but it's just suffering without proper lab equipment.

Anonymous No. 16590804


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Wikipedia No. 16590889

"Argyria or argyrosis is a condition caused by excessive exposure to chemical compounds of the element silver, or silver dust. The most dramatic symptom of argyria is that the skin turns blue or blue-gray, and is usually most prominent in sun-exposed areas of the skin."

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Paul Karason.jpg

Wikipedia No. 16591233

Paul "Karason was fair skinned and freckled until the early 1990s. His skin turned blue after he began taking a homemade colloidal silver treatment and rubbing a silver preparation on his skin in an attempt to treat problems with his sinuses, dermatitis, acid reflux, and other issues. This caused him to develop argyria."

Anonymous No. 16593782

You would need to add an acid