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🧵 evolution

Anonymous No. 16589323

i don't understand how evolution works. I get that Africans are dark because they live under the sun and need to protect their bodies from UV rays. But why do Chinese and Japanese have small eyes? what does that have to do with evolution?

Anonymous No. 16589357

You don't understand how google works.

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Anonymous No. 16589725

>But why do Chinese and Japanese have small eyes?
Maybe they're the descendants of Eskimos.

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Anonymous No. 16589736

>But why do [...] Japanese have small eyes?
Maybe because Little Boy was so godawfully bright.
"Eyewitnesses more than 5 miles away said its brightness exceeded the sun tenfold."

Anonymous No. 16589767

africans have bee bee seas because their bodies need cooling rods since they live in africa.

asians have small eyes because they’re aliens that evolved on a different planet.

Anonymous No. 16590128

They aren't smaller, they just have that monolid and it comes in different shapes.
It has no effect on vision, natural selection was basically neutral about it.
You as well ask why some people become bald, same reason: random mutation no big effect.

Anonymous No. 16590219

valid point.

Anonymous No. 16591703

>why do Chinese and Japanese have small eyes
It's an adaptation to snow blindness and similar conditions in deserts that caught on and never went away for one reason or another.
Europeans also have such an adaptation, a different one, though usually peoples faces are too poorly developed to showcase it.
This adaptation is a double eye-lid, where the eyebrow and cheek act to close off the eye very easily, which gives the impression of thin almond eyes when eyes are almost shut during exposure to intense sun glare.

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Anonymous No. 16592147

Random evolution fun fact:
You probably think of the pincers on a crab and the pincers on a scorpion as being the same body part, right? And indeed they are very mechanically similar.
However, they evolved completely separately and from different body parts.
On a crab, the pincers evolved from the front pair of legs; on a scorpion, they evolved from the pedipalps (the smaller front limbs on a spider that it doesn't walk on).

This sort of convergent evolution suggests that we could find some life elsewhere in the universe that's outwardly very similar to what we already know, if the planet is similar enough to Earth

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Cult of Passion No. 16592198

>that's outwardly very similar

Anonymous No. 16592213

So they don’t have to expend effort squinting in the sun

Anonymous No. 16592241

Naturally squinted eyes makes it easier to extract fish from the salty ocean all day.

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Anonymous No. 16592255

>extract fish from the salty ocean
Sichuan is a province in Southwestern China.
Isn't Sichuan landlocked?

Anonymous No. 16592257

Aren't legs also limbs, what is the difference between front legs and front limbs?

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Anonymous No. 16592272

This is tibetian fox.

You understand thia when you walk on snow on winter when the sun is low and there is no trees or anything that blocks the rays.

Anonymous No. 16595960


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Anonymous No. 16596301

>But why do Chinese and Japanese have small eyes? what does that have to do with evolution?

A better question is why do some Africans, and Northern Europeans, have squinty eyes, but then others don't?