๐๏ธ ๐งต Designing scientifically a magical system.
Anonymous at Mon, 17 Feb 2025 20:24:04 UTC No. 16589508
Any physics/chemistry nerd here that can help me design a scientific explanation of how an elemental magic system similar to avatar cartoon could function cientifically?
My first guess is that an extra fantasy electrogmagnetic force is required for that reaction.
It would be very clear that there would be some earth poles in both the horizontal and vertical axis of the world map, where a type of this force travels between something like fire pole to the ice pole.
Also, there would be needed an extra axis for a fifth element where it goes from the center of the planet.
This could generate 5 posible axis for the 5 clasical elements.
If this electromagnetic force fills the planet, then I would need something like an extra type of atomic subparticles that react to each of these forces.
Likely something like something like a fire isotopode of the charge of this particle could react to a particular pole frequency.
Magic then would be simply something like an acumulation of these atomic subparticles from the enviroment into a magical pot device or even organ in the magic user.
Which after enough acumulation of these "magical" electrons, would mean that by some trigger the magic user does, would mean a chain reaction that would similar to powder or an explosive cause a big liberation of those particles releasing the spell, like a fireball.
Likewise, this energy would be of a certain electron type of charge, which would mean It would likely react or not react with other elements.
This could explain why a fire spell has not effect on something like an earth magical device.
Or could explain why an element have a bigger effect on an oposite element, since this would mean the receptive material reacts much more easier to that particular electron and cause some chemical reaction.
Anonymous at Mon, 17 Feb 2025 20:47:01 UTC No. 16589529
This type of conjecture is ultimately a waste of time because you can just justify anything you want by inventing things that don't exist. I invented a pottery based magic system where clay absorbs mana of different types depending on location and then a craftsman can mold the clay into different shapes to create different effects. I can post hoc rationalize anything afterwards.
Also you're missing the point by being such a nerd about it. Avatar is about man nature and spirituality being in sync. The theme is lost when you do all this explaining
Anonymous at Mon, 17 Feb 2025 20:49:14 UTC No. 16589530
that misses the entire point of worldbuilding a sci fi or fantasy world.
Anonymous at Mon, 17 Feb 2025 20:50:39 UTC No. 16589531
Already did this once. No I won't help you. Yes, you just invoke gates to "fade" realms.
Anonymous at Mon, 17 Feb 2025 22:03:51 UTC No. 16589589
we already have a magic system based on race.
white's are the strongest, blacks are the fastest, asians are the smartest, browns are the grinders, reds are in between.
Anonymous at Tue, 18 Feb 2025 02:51:36 UTC No. 16589817
That's not so much world building as it is being autistic. For fantasy you don't really need to go anywhere near that far to assemble a cohesive magic system. If you want to do it then have fun but fantasy readers really don't want to hear about particle interactions
Anonymous at Tue, 18 Feb 2025 07:52:36 UTC No. 16589921
No it doesn't. Best world building is all done post hoc. You first design the things that your story needs to create a good foundation for the story and themes, this is where you are supposed to have the good ideas that make your story great. Then you fill in the blanks later with stuff that makes sense for the style of story you are telling, what your story needs as a support, and additional details that are interesting and fit the rules and setting you already established.
It's pointless to ask how magic works unless you already plan to to use the fact that you explain how the magic works in the story as a crucial element in which case you should already know how it works. The fact that you have to ask questions like this already means the element is a dud because you have no idea what you are doing and should drop the subject entirely if possible and if not then make stuff up or borrow from existing mythology which is full of ley lines and dragon veins and zodiac positions that you can take advantage off.
The other guy is absolutely right, it doesn't make sense to try to explain how bending works because it's already explained how bending works. You do taichi and fireballs fly out and that's cool
Theres a modern blight of "world builders" that just wooorrrllldddd buiiild without any sense, which then at best leads to bunch oif shitposts on /sci/ and at worse books that no one reads. You guys have lost the plot of what makes a story interesting. You see something like Avatar which has good world building and is good and then try to create it in reverse trying to construct an elaborate fake world with 0 good ideas. In reality Avatar was made with the good idea of bending being cool and then filled entirely post hoc but sensibly. "Well if we have these guys that can bend water how do they do things - well they can just live in the south pole lmao and let's put the flame guys on an island that looks like a flame and has bunch of volcanoes - brilliant XD"