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🗑️ 🧵 The 3 great pyramids of Giza are the representation of Orion's Belt

Anonymous No. 16589535

"...the crossing of the four stars of the quadrilateral (the four stars around Orion's Belt: α Orionis, γ Orionis, β Orionis and κ Orionis) forms an angle of 51°51′, that of the pyramid of Cheops. The distances of the seven stars of Orion combined make 5,236 light years . Now 52.36 cm corresponds to the Egyptian cubit and to approximately {\displaystyle \pi /6}\pi /6 meters. The angle of the pyramid of 51°51'14'' is also linked to the number Pi (height/base = 4/Pi), the author concludes that {\displaystyle \pi }\pi is inscribed in the position of the stars. He puts forward many other coincidences to support this correspondence between the geometry of the constellation and that of the Great Pyramid.

His theory presents the pyramid as a true "mineral computer". By superimposing the drawing of the great pyramid on that of the constellation of Orion (and Sirius), he develops a basic diagram, which, scaled to the pyramid, would allow us to decode many universal data: Earth-sun distances; diameters of the sun, the Earth, the Moon, etc. He thus goes further than what Robert Bauval and others (Virginia Trimble, for example) have already put forward on the Orion-Giza link. The geometric and numerical coincidences would be very numerous. This is the reason why the author claims that the pyramid was built according to Orion (associated with Osiris) and Sirius (dedicated to Isis)...."

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Anonymous No. 16589570

Sounds like bullshit and nitpicking

Anonymous No. 16589574

schizophrenia, a horrible disease for anybody related to those that have it

Anonymous No. 16589576

You are right. It is bullshit. They aren't aligned and it is easy to prove.

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Anonymous No. 16589579

Forgot pic.There is a far better alignment with the Burlington cartoon by Leonardo da Vinci.

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Anonymous No. 16589584

Here is the Burlington alignment.
>inb4 but itsh nawt egshact! sniff>
Artist licence, you wankers.
But, if you can find a bunch of other Fine Art examples, which match the stars this well and aren't based on this particular drawing, then I will concede.

Anonymous No. 16589598

How did they get the paint to stick?

Anonymous No. 16589601

did you account for the 11k years ago placement of the belt?

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Orion's belt....jpg

Anonymous No. 16589608

There are at least 2 other pyramid sites that match the belt too. Have to factor in the thousands of years ago placement though.

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Anonymous No. 16589611


the great solar bark traverses the primordial waters.
oh where is it heading?

I dont think nature uses pi in the formation of circles,
the ratio of the n-sphere to the n-cube could be found by other means

one thing i trust nature to do continuously is to mediate its pressure, than perhaps the golden mean is the best to employ, for it is the mathematical expression of pressure

Anonymous No. 16589631

>The distances of the seven stars of Orion combined make 5,236 light years . Now 52.36 cm corresponds to the Egyptian cubit

α Ori 497.95 ± 56 ly
β Ori 862.85 ± 71.21 ly
γ Ori 252.44 ± 9.77 ly
δ Ori 916.17 ± 128.35 ly
ε Ori 1976.71 ± 423.58 ly
ζ Ori 817.43 ± 112.99 ly
κ Ori 647.14 ± 27.07 ly

So the sum of all the distances could be anything from 5141.72 to 6799.66 light years due to uncertainty.
Yeah, you're full of shit OP.

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Anonymous No. 16589633

But, again, this is not to say that no such celestial alignment exists. The Giza Plateau pyramids are a stunning marvel of megalithic engineering and given that they are aligned due North and possess so many other mysteries (some of which Da Vinci, as an initiate, himself may even have been aware of), it is unfathomable to think that they would not have some connection with the stars and cross quarter equinoxes that were so important to the early Irish megalithic stone builders. In fact, if you are looking for a more likely candidate for a constellation alignment, you would do well to search for research carried out related to the Cygnus alignment, which also makes an appearance in that other important megalithic site, Newgrange, Boyne Valley, Ireland. This gives you a clue as to who actually may have built all of the megalithic structures around the world.
>inb4 How could the Irish have built the pyramids? They aren't even from there?
Pic related. Also if you think a prehistoric civilisation capable of undertaking a feat of engineering that we would have difficulty (read impossible) replicating today was not also entirely capable of circumnavigating the globe and repeating it time and time again on every continent, then you might be underestimating just how huge this undertaking truly was.

Spacetime is a fabric, or did you forget?

Anonymous No. 16589648

i forgot. :(

Anonymous No. 16589651

>inb4 the Irish didn't build all the megalithic structure around the world
A civilisation that was capable of moving those stone blocks in place (something which we would struggle with today) would have had no problem moving themselves to any location on Earth to repeat the process again - is what I meant to say. It is also highly likely that the knowledge required to build these kinds of structures was for initiates only and would not have been shared to the masses meaning that it is likely only one civilisation (or priestly class of said civilisation) built all of them.

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Anonymous No. 16589660

Earth is flat and the stars are stationary.

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Anonymous No. 16589692

I looked into it, and if that theory is correct, then the smaller pyramid is unfinished and was supposed to be of the size of the other two.
It's also strange that Sirius is often mentioned in this context, but almost nobody tells that the three stars can be used to find the Sirius in the sky the way Ursa Major is used to find the Polaris.

Anonymous No. 16589711

and if this theory is correct, then you know where to dig (maybe they decided not to finish the third pyramid not to give away the exact location right away)
and that hypothesis makes this theory sorta more scientific than it was before

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Anonymous No. 16589859

Hopi connection