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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16589610

2032 Asteroid Thread, the odds are even higher now at 1 in 38

Anonymous No. 16589617

who cares? by 2032 I'll be long dead

Anonymous No. 16589619

How big is it?

Anonymous No. 16589623


Anonymous No. 16589664

Space isn't even real, bro. They've been brainwashing us for hundreds of years in preparation for this attack. They're just gonna nuke everything and claim it was an asteroid.

Anonymous No. 16589668

Literally nothing burger. It will burn in atmosphere anyway.

Anonymous No. 16589684

>100 meter asteroid
Something is going to burn, thats for sure.

Anonymous No. 16589743

bout the size of a below average bee bee sea

Anonymous No. 16589747

nukes aren't real

Anonymous No. 16589823

Nothing will happen because nothing ever happens

Anonymous No. 16589825

It's just their latest effort to create an emergency to justify centralizing globalist power to the masses.
The climate change hoax is running out of steam so they need something new.

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Anonymous No. 16592331

Based owarida poster.