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๐Ÿงต Its over for chemcels

Anonymous No. 16589722

AI can now generate new materials given their desired qualities. So basically the vast majority of material scientists is useless now, only being relegated to the role of creating these materials and then performing tests on them, well at least until they make end to end robot operated lab where robots just move materials from machine to other machine and perform the tests themselves.

Anonymous No. 16589727

material scientists on suicide watch kek

Anonymous No. 16589728

People have been using predictive design since the 1990s at least. Even AI. This is just the newest iteration of that.

Anonymous No. 16589746

about fucking time.

these chemcels have had this coming for a while

Anonymous No. 16589750

thank god we can trust generative ai with 100% certainty, and all the information that it was trained on generated by actual sapient entities can finally go into the garbage.

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Anonymous No. 16589760


Anonymous No. 16589761

Isnt like third of all scientific papers false, and then when somebody wants to actually use the study for something productive, they double test it to prove it was real? Like the Korean and Chinese superconductor year or so ago where people talked about how we could have small MRIs and sci-fi railguns and super fast electronics, but then it was proven to be bullshit. Not much will be different with AI, because unless you use AI as the final quality control, it works pretty well.

Anonymous No. 16590454

Make it come up with cool shit we can do if we had bulk amounts of extremely unstable elements.

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Anonymous No. 16592463

I've got a sneaking suspicion that it isn't actually over for chemcels. Just a hunch.