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Anonymous No. 16589788

When will celiac disease be cured?

Anonymous No. 16589794

when total doctor death is implemented

Anonymous No. 16589796


Anonymous No. 16589801

there is nothing to be cured
carnivore diet

Anonymous No. 16589890

HAHAHAHAHAHA how the fuck is celiac disease even real. Nigga just stop eating gluten. Nigga stop stuffing your mouth with bread.

Anonymous No. 16589892

Functional medicine is pretty much there already
A large amount of autoimmunity is modulated with diet and digestion, add some cycles of fasting and proper refeeding, and you've probably got an acutal cure
Valter Longo's work shows even one cycle of the fasting mimicking diet can decrease autoimmune severity, this plus a functional medicine approach is the future

Anonymous No. 16590073

>add some cycles of fasting
All well and good, but I don't think that cures dysbiosis .

Anonymous No. 16590271

That's what the diet is for
Also certain types of fasting have been shown to be helpful for dysbiosis

Anonymous No. 16590671

how will this prevent an immune response to gluten in the future?

Anonymous No. 16590817

It won't.
God wants you to eat only meat or you wouldn't shit your gut out when you eat something else.
So stop disobeying him.
His punishment for the wicked is cruel.

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Anonymous No. 16591007

There is an OTC epigenetic reset that people have been using for a little over a year which has documented safety and reliability. It would help you allot.,be%20influenced%20by%20gluten%20exposure.

Anonymous No. 16591012

when chemical eniggeers get used to make organic fertilizer :) finally useful to society

Anonymous No. 16591015

God wants you to eat raw meat, heathen

Anonymous No. 16594002

>diets of heart attack

Anonymous No. 16594022

Just don’t eat gluten, that’s the cure
You have an auto immune disease. Tough shit, it sucks. Diet modification is some of the easiest shit to accomplish with even a tiny amount of discipline but millions simply refuse to do it and feel entitled to eat slop the rest of their life with perfect health markers.

Anonymous No. 16594067

review of some less schizo treatments in clinical trials:

Anonymous No. 16595627

>diets of heart attack
good to see your brain degenerating as expected, moxyte

Anonymous No. 16595633

This is for IBS, but I figure if it helps those people heal their GI tract, it should help celiacs also.

Anonymous No. 16595644


Anonymous No. 16595905

Reminder that Mina used to never show her feet in pics because of "weirdos" on the internet, but now that she has gotten older (and is insecure) she shows 'em off all the time.