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๐Ÿงต Planning out my degree

Anonymous No. 16589836

I'm in year 2 for my computer engineering degree and am trying to plan out what my 3rd and 4th year classes are going to be. I want to go into either medical devices or UAV/drone a la neuralink/anduril/lockheed.

I have to pick 2 of these 4 classes, or 1 if I get an internship, what would be the best

1 Digital Signal Processing: sampling, discrete processing of analog signals, fourier analysis, signal analysis, z transforms, filter design, real time DSP, applications

2 Antennas and Propagation: EM wave propogation, basic radiating structures (dipoles,loops,apertures array antennas), survey of practical antennae types, propogation models in free space, ground reflection, atmospheric reflection, urban environments

3 high frequency engineering: ideal and lossy transmission lines, waveguides, s parameters, couplers, isolators, circulators, rf and microwave amplifiers and oscilators, rf and microwave system specs.

4 introduction to robotics: fundamentals of robot manipulators, sensors, actuators, effectors, Denavit-Hartenberg parameterization, motion planning in multiple spaces, and programming of manipulators

Anonymous No. 16589837

all of these are 4000 level classes, DSP is not the first signals class i will be taking, i have a 3000 level class "signals and systems" as first intro to signals

Anonymous No. 16589899

I'd go for DSP and Antennas if I were you, but mostly because I already know some robotics and know it's just applied control theory. RF engineering sounds like the most difficult one to learn by yourself.

Anonymous No. 16589905

forget about your meme classes and start getting work experience

Anonymous No. 16590358

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