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Anonymous No. 16590707

will we ever find a way to remove microplastics from humans anons? i feel like ill probably die at 30 from them at this rate, 40 at most

Anonymous No. 16590711

We just have to evolve now, no going back.

Anonymous No. 16590717

Science should make micro-plastics berry flavored to improve palatability.

Anonymous No. 16590726

but i dont wanna die to microplastics, i want to live and be old

Anonymous No. 16590728

Microplastics are good for you. In all honesty we should be paying businesses an extra fee for them graciously granting us the benefits of these wonder drugs.

Anonymous No. 16590748

Avoid synthetic clothes and you removed 99% of microplastics and endocrine disruptors of your environment.

Anonymous No. 16590757

i live in a room with a carpeted floor unfortunately, the carpet is likely made of some kind of plastic so its already over for me i think

Anonymous No. 16590766

honestly, the only way is if bacteria evolves the ability to eat plastic, or we engineer bacteria with the ability to eat plastic.
plastic itself clearly has a lot of useful chemical energy stored inside of it based on how readily and completely it burns.
however, this is like the Carboniferous period, in which nothing could digest woody plants, so forests were just piling up with dead (but not rotting) wood. think of it as we are in the "Plasticine" era.

[citation needed], because that's complete bullshit

Anonymous No. 16590770

The so called "microplastics" are 1000x smaller than this. They're inert and dont do much. Its already in everyone's blood, water, etc.

Anonymous No. 16590778

huh, i guess thats a positive way to think about it, i heard something about plastic eating organisms at some point im pretty sure, so hopefully life will find a way
i still dont really want to die young from plastic induced heart disease or something
havent they been shown to cause a bunch of nasty stuff in animals?

Anonymous No. 16590823

>plastic induced heart disease
Anon I don't think it's the plastic primarily driving heart disease. I think the high sugar, high cholesterol, HFCS artificial ultra processed garbage we stuff in our faces is far more critical than the few milligrams of inert plastic we might net accumulate in a year

Anonymous No. 16590838

>[citation needed], because that's complete bullshit
The most common synthetic textile is polyester fibers, that not only shreds a lot of tiny fibers easy to inhale but they're also coated with phtalates. It turns out most phtalates/BPA comes from sources unrelated to diet (not linking the doi, use google yourself).

Anonymous No. 16591103

Why would you think that? Who on earth has ever died from microplastics? I've been ingesting microplastics since I was a baby and I just turned 30 and I'm in perfect health. I would concede that I probably have less testosterone and more autism than I would otherwise, but even if that's the case it's not like I could tell.

You should just stop reading alarmist bullshit, it will make you feel better

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Anonymous No. 16591344


Anonymous No. 16591715

No that's what this whole /r/fuckinglitter is about

Anonymous No. 16591777

a plastic bag made this post

Anonymous No. 16591819

What is point of going to plebbit aside rage content and reading how people have mental breakdown every monut because things they can't control?

Anonymous No. 16595211

also a lot of natural fibers are coated in synthetic stuff

Anonymous No. 16595216

Microplastics dont exist, just the next, global warming, which I proved was poly psychosis narrative.

Anonymous No. 16595635

There was a whole TV segment today on how youth nowadays have ‘eco-anxiety’.
Gen Z and A are having nervous breakdowns over things they can do nothing about…

Anonymous No. 16595760

>dont want to buy stuff thatll barely last
>gen z and gen a have eco anxiety!!
>cosooooom the slop