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Anonymous No. 16591162

These odds just keep RISING. We now have a 1 in 32 chance that an asteroid will wipe out a CITY. If you gave me a 1 in 32 chance of dying right now, I would be terrified!

Anonymous No. 16591270

>will wipe out a CITY
What percentage of that line is cities? Seems like it's less than 100% to me.

Anonymous No. 16591274

I hope it falls on India lol

Anonymous No. 16591276

I wouldn't mind if that entire line is gone

Anonymous No. 16591494

>We now have a 1 in 32 chance that an asteroid will wipe out a CITY
I think there literally isn't a city on that line

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Anonymous No. 16591503

There's one population cluster in South America under the line, several in Africa, and India is just endless Indians everywhere.

Anonymous No. 16591510

It will hit Abyei, ending one problem but creating another one as Sudan and South Sudan fight over the tourism rights to the crater.

Anonymous No. 16591560

This thing is like 4 levels of nothing ever happens and people will still spam this daily for years until at least 2028.
It will miss but even if it doesn't it could be redirected but even if it isn't it will just hit an ocean but even if it doesn't the area can be evacuated and no one will die and barely any damage will actually occur.
There's no way they can completely rule out the possibility of it hitting until the 2028 observation window so happooning retards will keep spamming until then.

Anonymous No. 16591591

and when will it hit?

Anonymous No. 16591614

Where is this chart from and how reliable is it? How can we be sure of the impact area when we don't even know if it's going to hit the -planet-

Anonymous No. 16591615

that poster likely doesn't think west Africans or Indians count.

Anonymous No. 16591637

>risk corridor is nowhere near me

Anonymous No. 16592214

we know what orbit it's in right now, and we know the possible orbits it can end up in after the 2028 close pass of Earth (which changes the orbit), we just need very precise timings of that close pass so we can figure out exactly which of those orbits it will end up in

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Anonymous No. 16592232

>8 megatons
So basically just an average afternoon in Nevada in the 60's? Should be fun to watch and any thirdies that might get vaporized in the process will be a bonus.

Anonymous No. 16592242

so what if it wrecks the panama canal? would that cause the greatest damage to humanity?

Anonymous No. 16592626

the Nicaragua Canal will have been built by then

Anonymous No. 16592647

Yes. It's only a significant event around the impact site.

Anonymous No. 16592901

Wouldn't that not really be a big deal since boats would be able to pass through after a couple days

Anonymous No. 16592986

Not if it caused damage to the locks. The lake at the middle of the canal would drain out if the locks were broken open and if they were broken closed, no ships could pass through.

Anonymous No. 16593032

soooo, as an american, I don't have to give a fuck?

Anonymous No. 16593174

Please india please india please india

Anonymous No. 16593678

For the most part the tests done in the American southwest were in the sub-2 megaton range

Anonymous No. 16593733

>1 in 32 chance an asteroid kills a bunch of huehues, niggers or poos

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16593965

it's down to less than one percent now

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Anonymous No. 16593967

oops, wrong image
it's down to less than one percent now

Anonymous No. 16594047


Anonymous No. 16594103

I would be fine with a space rock taking out anything along that line.

Anonymous No. 16594206

>These odds just keep RISING
The window of uncertainty is getting narrower and the Earth is still inside it. Therefore the chance will keep rising, until it suddenly drops to zero.

Anonymous No. 16594589

it's down to 0.28% as of yesterday

Anonymous No. 16594666

Yes, there were a lot of them in that area before the atmospheric test ban treaty but we did test a 15Mt nuke at Bikini Atoll, so about twice as large as this impact is estimated to be. It wasn't a good time to be a bird or other wildlife nearby and there was some fallout on nearby islands but overall the world didn't notice.

Anonymous No. 16594669

>On 22 December 2032, the asteroid is expected to pass much closer to the Moon than it does Earth.
Wonder if it would hit the side of the Moon facing Earth, and if so, would we be able to see anything.

Anonymous No. 16595153

I need exact unix timestamp of that date to set up email notification few times, I'm going to watch that happen LIVE!

DoctorGreen !DRgReeNusk No. 16595790


Anonymous No. 16595830

By that time, it can be redirected.

Anonymous No. 16595932

8 megatons?
I heard it was more like 50

Anonymous No. 16596060


Anonymous No. 16596083

Where did you see fifty? Every credible source has put the effective yield at 7-8 megatons. If it turns out to be bigger than thought and made out of pure nickle, then a larger yield become probably but based on what's known about it now, it's not a big deal unless you're in the immediate area of impact.

Anonymous No. 16596100

>We now have a 1 in 32 chance that an asteroid will wipe out a CITY
No. Kill yourself.

Anonymous No. 16596103

whenever I see doomporn I know somebody is trying to grift and profit off it somehow

Anonymous No. 16596242

As I keep growing, I came to realize about the sacred law:

"Nothing ever happens"

Our universe is perfect, there is no threat. There are no pandemic or asteroids. Even in wars only retards lose their lives who fall for propaganda. Raising above animal circuit is never taught in schools and its for a reason. There is nothing to worry about, nothing to rush too. But the elites can't have that, they need to create problems to earn money by solving them.

Anonymous No. 16596409

actually it's just the space cultists worshiping rocks

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Anonymous No. 16596411

Somewhere there's a warehouse full of Skylab survival supplies that they've been trying to offload for fifty years.

Anonymous No. 16596428

It could hit anywhere along that line and improve the world. I'm on the meteor's side desu.