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🧵 Puzzle 2. difficulty 2/7

John Puzzle No. 16591260

Continuing with the 2nd puzzle, this one slightly harder.

In each puzzle, 2 panels are missing.
You must select 2 of these panels—in the correct order—to complete the pattern. ( 46 is different from 64)
It is possible for the same panel to appear twice (e.g., “11,” “22,” etc.).
None of the puzzle require external resources. You do not need any special knowledge to solve these items. None of the patterns are cultural.

Lastly, you need to provide both the answer choice and the explanation. Feel free to use drawing tools to aid with your explanation. I encourage it so that it is clear to everyone what you are saying.
previous post:

solved by finland anon

Anonymous No. 16591264

you should post at most one puzzle per day
maybe only two puzzles per week

John Puzzle No. 16591268

fair enough. It is just that I started with easy puzzles. I will post the next one tomorrow.

Anonymous No. 16591269

Is it 1 and 6? I'm just counting the number of interior edges.

John Puzzle No. 16591273

Yeah. Gj.
But you mean interior edges adjacent to the black area

I'll post something harder next time.

Anonymous No. 16591277

Thank you for your service.

Anonymous No. 16591287

Titor-senpai I'm'a need more more of these puzzles, ASAP
The cock-teasing is not appreciated. I need my fix

Anonymous No. 16591295


Anonymous No. 16591299

dood >>16591194

Anonymous No. 16591423

Why are your initials J.P.?

Anonymous No. 16591468

post moar

Anonymous No. 16591649

>pattern recognition
what it is it good for?