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The Metaphysicus.pdf

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต New Universe Theory

Anonymous No. 16591453

I've completed a new theory of the universe and submitted it to the Lancet and New Scientist, and all major news stations.

It attempts to bridge the gap between General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics, and I believe it does this by correcting General Relativity.

While the logic is complete, it is midway through being transcribed into my poetic style, however it is all there for you to have good fun muddling through.

if you would like to get in conact, my ig is,
or twitter ReverseFeedback
or website, reversefeedback co uk

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16591456

I think I'm going to call it, Relativity Simplified

Anonymous No. 16591469

I think I'm going to call it, Relatively Simplified

Anonymous No. 16591483

oh wow, fresh schizoslop

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Anonymous No. 16591504

You're doing this all wrong. First you need to get it into a "peer-reviewed" journal that doesn't really have a good review process and lets any slop through. Then you can get New Scientist to cover it.

Anonymous No. 16591551

GCHQ and the Media cartel, do not have access to weapons, it is all fear mongering and fake events.

9/11 was an event, its all fake, so they can fear monger, spy on peoples homes, and steal all their intellectual property.

They should be scared of us

Anonymous No. 16591565

Yeah they're spreading a load of shit about me because, they're all jealous I'm monogamous and heterosexual, basically.

Anonymous No. 16591572

Also I keep talking about how polyamory causes psychosis, and proved it down to the laws of physics, and proved how marxism is a result of poly psychosis, and it was all just a work of homoerotic expression people took a little too literally.

Anonymous No. 16591581

Where are the mods?
This clearly belongs on /x/
Stop degrading this board.

Anonymous No. 16591583

Why tf did you submit that to Lancet? Do you know the scope of Lancet?

Anonymous No. 16591597

That was for the pandemic.

Anonymous No. 16591605

schizoposting is better than yt celeb posting

Anonymous No. 16591609

If you skip to page 7+ for the raw explanations and maths.

You don't need a whole book of equations, as long as it can rationally explain observations.

Anonymous No. 16591617

Serious people who check out this site see all the spam and low effort /pol/ posts, all the bait threads and the schizophrenics.
And what do they do?
They leave.
In response the percentage of /pol/tards and schizos here further increases and the quality of the posts decreases.
It's like a cancer that's just allowed to fester due to shear lack of moderation.

Anonymous No. 16591624

I see more sanity on here than mainstream news, its all fake acting events, and commercial marketing disguised as code.

Its literally all a 24/7 live reality tv service, leaking the personal details of people using GCHQ's illegal monitoring.
They send all the information to all major news outlets using Instagram explore and youtube shorts / hompage, and fb homepage.

Real journalism doesn't exist, and if it does, they squash it out like Costa squashing out independent coffee shops.

They dont have access to weapons, its all fear mongering.

Anonymous No. 16591626

Read OP's pdf.

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Anonymous No. 16591669

>Serious people who check out this site

Anonymous No. 16591785

So basically.
I've explained the universe, and mid way proving that polyamory is driving speciation and a few otherthings, but gchq have been puting a transparent veil of cling film over my discoveries because they do not want people to say polyamory is bad because it leads to trans gender child sex operations and then they wont have genetalia to sell to the chinese on their organ harvesting market.

Anonymous No. 16591822

lol, as if there is any real discussion on this board. Its 99% schizos, trolls, 14 year old asshats and tards.
I am the 1%

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Anonymous No. 16591835

Initial discovery, I sent in an email to the lancet for proof, knowing GCHQ were stealing it.

Anonymous No. 16591841

Waves are just basically just sonar in water except radio waves in a sea of photons.

And I've been jewed by my own government, who has sold it to china.

Anonymous No. 16592452

Basically, the style was inspired by thus spoke zarathrustra, so its just trying to create an experience for people to enjoy the discovery.
But the faggot nerds in gchq who feel inferior to my intelligence leaked, because they wanted to be the messenger, they wanted to gain favour with organ harvesters, and they are so fucking dellusional and insane that they think anything I write or discover is theirs to leak to anyone for money.

They are fucking insane.
And I'm not going to harmed in the slightest ever in my life, there is a larger chance of me taking control of the british army and executing all the traitors staffing gchq.

Anonymous No. 16592646

This has been the norm on /sci/ for years. All the good contributors from years ago are too busy doing actual research, teaching, or finishing grad school to waste time making high quality discussions on the science subforum of a Macedonian spanakopita recipe-sharing site.

Anonymous No. 16592660

Not reading that but does it explain why niggers tongue out anus?

Anonymous No. 16592661

>good contributors
/b/ was never good, newfriend.

Anonymous No. 16592858

Yeah and the main stream media by direction of gchq are blocking it out because, im a heterosexual and speak out trying to educate people that polyamory causes psychosis. They don't like honesty, and people who are proud to keep their virginity waiting for one woman, because they don't want to be a, faux alpha fuck boy who leaves a train wreck of cluster b in women of 10 years younger than them who go on to be too traumatised to have children out of fear of abandonment or flat out become lesbians, or just abstain full stop.

But gchq would rather pick on virgin women and dox women who don't put out en mass.

Yeah guess a heterosexual who doesn't respect rapists might be a slight threat to their homosexuality.

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Anonymous No. 16594614

It entirely disproves quantum mechanics.

Also further proof that GCHQ were spying on me, and leaking it, because, Jews first apparently, except, with jews you lose. The dates of submissions are quite suspect, it would be interesting to see what the 16th July 2024
Revised: 6 August 2024 Accepted: 7 August 2024 submissions where, and then revised on the 12th August after I posted mine publically.
And his theory wrong, and does not describe everything to the extent I have, and appears to be lacking, a fair amoung of skin where its needed might I add.

I even have a few emails sent to the Lancet with this screen shot and extra information, and git edits dating back from around the time, up until now, showing all the progress.

GCHQ are selling all our advancements, because jews can't stand losing to heterosexual monogamous men with foreskins, who are Christians.

In essence, I was writing a lot around the time, GCHQ picked up on my projections, and have been leaking it ever since.

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Anonymous No. 16594623

A few private messages that prove when I started thinking through it, and some before hand which show projection of me coming up with the original thought idea.

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Anonymous No. 16594625

Yall Jews and Hares just got Space Turtled, its Turtle for, to dabb on universally.

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Anonymous No. 16594697

Here you go, I'm editing the original metaphysicus now, and I'll do some of the fly for you.
Check this, so how does heat travel from the Sun to the Earth if its emitting photons in a photon field? Through friction of course, the photons dont actually travel from the sun to the earth, nessesarily, they transmit the energy through the field of photons, and the ever building pressure of the field around the sun forces photons out, but you ask, surely that means the pressure is equal?
Well thats a good question and I'm glad you asked, pressure is misleading, its all about volumes of density, if photons move from a high density area to a low density area and spread out into the void, the collective resulting pressure of the void pushes back onto the sun. Perhaps with a little bit from spacers but thats yet to be determined.

So assuming there is resulting pressure from the photon field, gravity is relative not only to the mass of the object but to the density of photons in the area of space, but surely all the pressure of photons must be distributed towards the edge of the universe some how and lost? Which likely explains why the pressure doesn't instantly implode stellar objects.

I'm doing it here because jelly commie pollies are shutting normies out of every normal discussion, I can't even post my philosophy on reddit without having their homosexual gatekeepers shut down my posts, while promoting copy cats. All aided by GCHQ of course.

>there was a 900 second timer to post so I added this to the original document and pushed it to the git hub

And wait for more leaks, and share prices to change as they jew me live.

Anonymous No. 16594718

I want to state for the record, I sent my original theory to ITV, BBC, Sky, Channel 4 news 15 other people or so, and copied in GCHQ.

Yet the find of a century, is being jewed, and sold to Lockheed Martin, and other people, privy to being in with the know.

Anonymous No. 16595048

Damn that's sad. Do you not have YouTube or tiktok?

Anonymous No. 16595068
