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🗑️ 🧵 The Truth: Ouroboros

47 No. 16591628

When we look out into space, we look back into time. The further out into space we look with a telescope (i.e. the further back into time we look with a telescope), the further apart celestial bodies are observed to be from one another, and the faster they are observed to spread from one another. Given a Big Bang scenario—that is, given a universe which is expanding, and which has only ever been expanding from an initial singularity—precisely the OPPOSITE should be the case. That is to say, given a Big Bang scenario, it should always only be the case that the further out into space we look with a telescope (i.e. the further back into time we look with a telescope), the CLOSER celestial bodies should be, and the FASTER they should converge upon eachother. Given that this is NOT what is observed—given that the OPPOSITE is observed from our relative position in the spacetime continuum—one MUST, therefore, conclude that space is, in fact, NOT expanding, but CONTRACTING... But not on the whole; for the universe, as a whole, must be of a constant size in order to meet the first law of thermodynamics.

Space expands and contracts at a LOCAL, not a GLOBAL, level... After the “Big Bang,” celestial bodies did, indeed, separate, but only to a certain degree, whereupon a certain "entropy maxima" was reached, and whereupon all celestial bodies (i.e. all matter/energy, etc.) began to CONVERGE BACK INTO eachother. With the use of radiometers, this maxima could be EMPIRICALLY VERIFIED—and an eternally recurrent universe (i.e. a self-contained, self-sufficient world, of which we are an inexorable piece and part) could be proven FOR ALL TIME.

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47 No. 16591644

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47 No. 16591652

An infinitely large space presupposes that there is a space outside of space—an absurdity. For space to get larger and larger, it must expand into something external to it—The consensus view is that space “expands into itself,” but to suppose that space “expands into itself” is to redefine the term expansion, to use the designation to refer to something other than what it originally referred to—to make something which is unreal appear real. In other words, to lie—both to oneself and to others.

An infinitely small space also presupposes that there is a space outside of space—the same absurdity. For space to get smaller and smaller, it must contract out of something external to it—

Space, on the whole, neither grows nor withers, neither expands nor contracts. On the whole, space—the universe—is one finite, definite, unchangeable force of constant size.

Nothing in reality is created or destroyed—only transformed.

The world does not operate as an organism does, consuming something other than itself and excreting into something other than itself—the excrements of the world are its food.

Nothing in reality is self-sufficient. Nothing but—reality itself!

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47 No. 16591701

Only those who affirm themselves can live with the notion of an eternally recurrent universe. The rest will hope for an infinitely novel universe, one wherein the possibility of heaven or something analagous to it awaits them in the future…

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47 No. 16591706

Whether or not one affirms themselves or will affirm themselves is not given to them to decide. What one affirms depends on what one is… And only the healthiest, strongest individuals have any hope for it! The rest are left to hate the world and themselves!