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Anonymous No. 16591742

what a clean and beautiful equation! it could literally have been anything else but reality happens to follow this equation

Anonymous No. 16591786

It's just a model

Anonymous No. 16591795

gEttiNg BoggEd doWn iN thE nuMbeRs

Anonymous No. 16591796

terrence howard debunked this gibberish a couple years ago

Anonymous No. 16591912

So much in that excellent formula

Anonymous No. 16591915

I find it to be a poor choice of font.

Anonymous No. 16591927

this. all physics is just a model. don't mistake a model for reality, you are a shitty physicist if you do that.

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Anonymous No. 16593797

Wasnt this just some 15 year old smashing the formulas together for lulz?

Anonymous No. 16595284

It seems like a good 3/4's of physicists nowadays have serious map/territory problems. It's like that think that with a fine enough fluid dynamics model on their computer, material water will suddenly emerge from the bits of information.

Anonymous No. 16595893
