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🧵 /med/

Anonymous No. 16592013

Knife and gun and acorn club

Anonymous No. 16592014

Previous >>16579041

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Anonymous No. 16592019

Gamers wrist

Anonymous No. 16592025

It was very interesting to see how the residents and attendings in the peds ER reacted to a kid coming in after getting shot by a cop for the capital offense of driving while black. Complete disgust before the cops came and pushing them out of the trauma eval room after the patient showed up

Anonymous No. 16592040

how old was this kid? 20? he was just a baby... he didn't do anything wrong...

Anonymous No. 16592044

Imagine simping for idiots who would shoot an unarmed teenager while he's walking away

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Anonymous No. 16592055

Have an OMM practical coming up. I just want to study for other shit. Hate this shit and I hate my life, bros.

Anonymous No. 16592058

I heard OMM is actually difficult as hell, since it's a pseudoscience all the spinal level stuff seems to be completely arbitrary (even more than regular medicine)

Anonymous No. 16592061

GL with ur witchcraft exam anon

saw OMM in the ED once, had a DO attending fix a subluxed rib. Pretty neat.

Anonymous No. 16592067

psych patient checking in. involuntary psychiatry is state sanctioned torture against divergent minds. death to psychiatry.

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Anonymous No. 16592079

It's not that it's difficult. It's just a timesink when I could be studying for other classes.
Thanks, anon.

Anonymous No. 16592093

What are you interested in anon

Also best of luck on the exam

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Anonymous No. 16592096

>What are you interested in anon
Probably pathology. It's not competitive from what I understand and I just want to have a chill life looking at histology slides. I'm pretty decent at the histology questions on my exams so I hope that's a good sign.

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Anonymous No. 16592104

>fatties are told to "stop eating!"
>not eating literally increases your LDL
>LDL clogs your arteries and kills you
Telling fatties to stop eating is literally lethal advice.

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Screenshot 2025-0....png

Anonymous No. 16592105

I've been looking in the MD/PHD process and having a hard time understanding what the advantage is job wise. Getting a standard 80/20 split has been very difficult since the 90's, and it's improbable to start up your own lab without having more than 70% protected time. So what exactly do MD PHDS do if they fail to get a grant and start up their own research lab? Do they go 100% clinical, and if not what does a 50% and below research output look like? Is the whole thing just a scam like regular academia?

Anonymous No. 16592115

>chill life
Watch yoself path boy
>he doesn't know sugary meals also increase LDL over time if eaten in excess
Laypeople literally cannot compute the actual meaning and purpose of cholesterol
I think the idea is that by the time you graduate residency you have such a strong network in your field of research that you will never really struggle to get started with independent research and grant writing - there are always spots at the big institutions, especially if you stay where you are

The real cuckolding factor is the time sink, imagine almost being 40 by the time that you're done with residency (if you are doing any subspecialty residencies or fellowships like these MDPHDs always end up doing). Beyond grim

Anonymous No. 16592127

how do i stop hating my women classmates

Anonymous No. 16592158

brain rot where did this term come from? the vaccine days of course. new paper details the brain rot and neural cell death of the vaccinated. straight up neuron death. they have clumps of this shit in their brains...... it's killing them

SARS‑CoV‑2 spike protein induces
cognitive deficit and anxiety‑like
behavior in mouse via non‑cell
autonomous hippocampal neuronal

Anonymous No. 16592168

whats with the lack of progress in treating glioblastoma

Anonymous No. 16592226

niggers shouldn't commit crime on average

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Anonymous No. 16592371

>only have completed one abg on a dummy
>other intern is asked to do one; asks me if I have done it before - say yes
>show him
>oh fuck flashback is a bit slow - maybe it's venous
>pretend I did it right
>pathology comes back
>arterial blood

Anonymous No. 16592383

Can you learn medicine by only reading Kaplan Lecture Notes? It's mere 5000 pages instead of the whole curriculum. Asking for a friend ofc.

Anonymous No. 16592459

>Can you learn medicine by only reading

Anonymous No. 16592689

Loved doing ABGs on trauma, me

Anonymous No. 16592709

>That's my name!
>Did you kill another patient again Karl?
>I was only practicing medicine!
I'm sure you can agree to making it mandatory for gastroenterologists to practice colonoscopy on eachother first before examining patients.

Anonymous No. 16592904

I don't understand what your point is. Literally everyone in medicine except attendings is under supervision of their seniors. You don't get to practice a procedure you've never done before without a senior making sure you don't kill the patient. The only exception to this would be emergencies.

Look Anon you can read all you want, you're not learning how to do procedures without actually doing procedures under supervision. You might as well be asking if you can learn to box by just watching youtube videos but never hitting a bag, let alone sparring. No, you can't.
>inb4 but what about specs that don't involve any procedures!
A doctor is a doctor first, a specialist second. When someone collapses on the street, you don't get to refuse CPR because you're a pathologist.

Anonymous No. 16592909

The mass media controlled by gchqueer, are calling brain rot tiktok/social media addiction.

However the term was originally used to describe polyamory enduced psychosis, however gchq didn't like that, because without polyamory there wouldn't be an easy to manipulate herd of live stock who a very insecure due to low self esteem and are easily controlled by the mass media with fads and latest manufactured trends, all organised in advanced with gchqs mass media and illegal surveillance.

Anonymous No. 16593896

>for the capital offense of driving while black.
lol sure, dumbass libtards

Anonymous No. 16593980

basically final boss of cancer in terms of difficulty, makes a basal cell carcinoma look like a normal-ass wart. temozolomide is still the standard of care and in a bunch of research with other chemo drugs as better cocktails. there some are trials of other modalities out there too.

Anonymous No. 16594113

Why would you ever do elective surgery on a person with ESRD

They just would not stop bleeding holy shit
Started developing a hematoma even where we had just done blunt dissection

Anonymous No. 16594117

The better question is why would you ever do elective surgery period

Anonymous No. 16594123

Poor lady was in her 30s man, she just wanted a decent looking body that wasn't totally deformed while she suffered through HD

Anonymous No. 16594140

>cosmetic surgery on a patient with ESRD
How do plastics even sleep at night?

Anonymous No. 16594144

It was a revision of previous reconstruction, not a purely aesthetic elective procedure
The attending is a good person, he wouldn't do anything unwarranted

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Anonymous No. 16594243

>Telling fatties to stop eating is literally lethal advice.

Anonymous No. 16594246

npc field

Anonymous No. 16594247

you can learn it poorly, yeah.

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Anonymous No. 16594257

Mutt got your foreskin?

Anonymous No. 16594278

>reddit memes
classic npc med student wanting to go into an npc field

Anonymous No. 16594281

It ain't my #1, that would be vascular because I have unresolved childhood trauma that turned me into a masochist

Anonymous No. 16594305

fair enough carry on

desu reconstruction is based, plastics isn't all bad it's just that my colleagues who went into plastics were unironically all coke addicts who cheated on their spouses and met criteria for narcissistic personality disorder

actually, now that I think about it, they probably seemed a lot like chad memes from 2016

Anonymous No. 16594307

>cheated on their spouses
This is kind of based.

Anonymous No. 16594330

which specialties have the tallest drs? which have the shortest?

Anonymous No. 16594335

OBGyn or IM
>Why do you say that?
% women

Anonymous No. 16594339

How do I make sure I get a /med/ doctor? I don't want to talk to a normie

Anonymous No. 16594341

You can visit my office anytime, anon.

Anonymous No. 16594379

What do you do anon? Some other surg subspecialty?

Anonymous No. 16594438

do you think it would work if I asked for a based doctor and not a cringe doctor? would they prescribed me Xanax?

Anonymous No. 16594547

God I love nicotine

Anonymous No. 16594555

I have no friends in my class as I find many of them annoying and they all likely see me as the weird aloof quiet retard. I should just go into EM so I can work nights and prolong my shit existence.

Anonymous No. 16594557

hello everyone,
strongly suspect i have macular degeneration, as my vision turns black in either eye once a month/every few months, and straight lines are turning wavy in my vision every few days. however, i am only 25. my grandmother also had the condition. i'm afraid of losing my vision but i also don't want to get shots in my eyes as treatment. what do i do

Anonymous No. 16594579

>macular degeneration
lmao. go see a doctor is what i'd recommend.

Anonymous No. 16594584

they won't find anything because i don't have any central vision loss yet, i just have the symptoms of blackness covering half my vision and seeing stars in my eyes occasionally. also it happened again two hours ago. that's why i'm asking you

Anonymous No. 16594586

there's more to look for than just central vision... if they don't find anything in the eye then they'll just refer you to your PCP to get bloodwork or other shit checked. if you start with your PCP, theyll probably refer you to optometry/ophthalmology at some point anyway so you can start with either.

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Anonymous No. 16594587

You show them this picture
>positive reaction, recognizes loss: not a normie, carry on
>neutral reaction, does not recognize loss: normie, proceed at your own risk
>negative reaction, thinks of a swastika: libtard, avoid

Anonymous No. 16594588

>he thinks he can function in the ED as an antisocial autist

go rad or patho

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Reddit reckoning.jpg

Anonymous No. 16594600


Anonymous No. 16594602

this, so much this

Anonymous No. 16594605

after getting a haircut i discovered large red spots on my head, it doesn't hurt only itches a little
i'm going to see a doctor on monday, any tips what should i do in the meantime?

Anonymous No. 16594634


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med poster scrubs.jpg

Anonymous No. 16594638

they're easily recognisable by the scrubs they wear

Anonymous No. 16594653

I only wear these to rape victims in the ER

Anonymous No. 16594670

you have so much trust in the anonymity of this Mongolian basket weaving forum
go to the shittiest place in town, for starters

Anonymous No. 16594676

>you have so much trust in the anonymity of this Mongolian basket weaving forum
Nah I'm just not a pussy, I've been to court 3 times in my life so far and won each time, including against the commander-in-chief of police, huge retarded faggot. I wish they would harass me over satire on 4chins, i could use more money.

Anonymous No. 16594752

what resource or book for REALLY comprehensive and detailed guide on arterial blood gasses.

Anonymous No. 16594882

I found this comical, but also the comments are ultra depressing

Anonymous No. 16594924

Every time.

Anonymous No. 16594973

>anything with a number you shouldn't eat
Damn, no B vitamins for me then, what could possibly go wrong