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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16592023

>some of the largest celestial bodies in the universe will be BLACK holes
>some of the smallest celestial bodies in the universe will be yt dwarves
what did the universe mean by this?

Anonymous No. 16592037

The universe is bbc suck
little yt dwarf is even bigger mad

Anonymous No. 16592042

>universe is a dick joke
in clown world i would expect nothing less

Anonymous No. 16592045

petition to change black hole name to BBC hole and white dwarf name to TWP star

Anonymous No. 16592053

I thought black hole was the smallest? It's literally a single point in space with mass crammed into it. The event horizon is not part of the black hole, it's just the boundary in space nside of which everything will get sucked into the black hole.

Anonymous No. 16592116

>literally thousands of years behind the rest of the human race
>when presented with the fruits of everybody else's success and intelligence, can only meekly mumble about dicks
funny every time

Anonymous No. 16592135

did your tiny white dwarf tingle a little bit in its little white clitty cage while you typed that?

Anonymous No. 16592142

That is what makes it high brow. The superior race knows the power of idolization on the masses and how they are dialectically curtailed and made to submit.
The only accelerationism faster than race mixing is central banking.

Anonymous No. 16592913

mutt's law