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Anonymous No. 16592530

Why did humans evolve to be puny with huge BHCs, while gorillas are at least as big as an elite strongman, stronger are more ripped but with literal 1 inch microdicks?

Anonymous No. 16592583

Being bipedal requires it.

Anonymous No. 16592639

Herbivores don't have to chase their pray, and so they have a "choice" so to speak and generally evolve either bulk or speed for protection from predators. Gorillas evolved to be bulky. Their foraging strategy relies quite heavily on physical strength, they climb and break heavy vegetation.

Size is also a primary factor in their sexual selection, the dominant gorilla male (silverback) controls the herd and access to females. Species where one male controls access to females tend to have smaller penises because competition happens at the level of male dominance, not sperm competition.

Humans on the other hand evolved much more complex mating systems that included moderate sperm competition, which favors larger penises for many reasons, including deeper sperm placement closer to the cervix and possibly displacement of other males.

Humans have also evolve to cver long distances as a part of their feeding strategy, which favors a smaller frame. There are more reasons, like high energy requirements of our brains and social cooperation, but that's the gist of it.

Anonymous No. 16592715

darwinists making up fairy tales without realizing they're comedy gold

Anonymous No. 16592721

All evolutionary explanations are hypotheses. Best supported hypotheses become theories and accepted models. Gorillas do in fact use their size and physical strength for protection from predators and acquiring food, and their penis size is not relavant in sexual selection. You're free to look for evidence that contradicts this.

Anonymous No. 16592723

Notice how darwinists never, ever, not even once consider that the male form is shaped by female desire.