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🧵 /sfg/ - spaceflight general

Anonymous No. 16616942

idk what this means edition

previous >>16614392

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Anonymous No. 16616944

first for wife

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Anonymous No. 16616948


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Anonymous No. 16616950

wrong version OP

Anonymous No. 16616952

Do libcucks even have a long term memory? Don't they remember sucking Elon's dick 15 years ago when Obama was giving him billions? Don't half of them have Teslas in their driveways?

Anonymous No. 16616953


Anonymous No. 16616955

face it, we arent getting modular spaceships any time soon

Anonymous No. 16616960

Nta but it only sucks the soul out of the game and causes a fuck ton of issues everywhere

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Anonymous No. 16616966

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Anonymous No. 16616967

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Anonymous No. 16616971

Good news! SpaceX is looking to hire someone to fix the vibration problem.
It will be sorted in no time.

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Anonymous No. 16616972
>What Did YAOKI See in the Crater That Day?
>The lunar rover YAOKI, developed by Dymon successfully landed on the Moon on March 7, 2025, and captured 25 photos from inside a crater. While all the images were taken from the same angle, we discovered that by stacking, adjusting, and analyzing them, various details became visible.
>Yaoki team released all of their raw data, and stacking the images shows definitively the landing leg and confirms the other object is debris.

Anonymous No. 16616974

>aren't the boogeymen I made up in my mind acting illogically?
gee anon, I dunno.

Anonymous No. 16616976

fuck you

Anonymous No. 16616978

25 launches this year BTW

Anonymous No. 16616979

How many more times can we post this?
Just read back a little until you're caught up, you may discuss this as a reply to the first adequate post of the news
I hate phone posters so goddamn much, is there a filter here to remove all posts from Android and iOS?
Instead of flags, /sfg/ needs device icons, enforced universally, no immunities

Anonymous No. 16616981

Tory was pretty silly saying that about Vulcan and Atlas V.

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Anonymous No. 16616982
>In a March 12 media round table, Tory Bruno, president and chief executive of ULA, said the anomaly was traced to a “manufacturing defect” in one of the internal parts of the nozzle, an insulator. Specific details, he said, remained proprietary. “We have isolated the root cause and made appropriate corrective actions,” he said, which were confirmed in a static-fire test of a motor at a Northrop test site in Utah in February. “So we are back continuing to fabricate hardware and, at least initially, screening for what that root cause was.”
>That investigation was aided by the recovery of hardware that fell off the motor while in flight, which landed near the pad, as well as “trimmings” of material left over from the manufacturing process. ULA also recovered both boosters from the ocean so that they could compare the one that lost its nozzle to the one that performed normally. The defective hardware “just stood out night and day,” Bruno said. “It was pretty clear that that was an outlier, far out of family.”
>That information has been passed along to the Space Force as part of the process to obtain certification for national security missions. “We’ve completed everything that you’re supposed to do,” he said, with that information provided last month. “Typically, it’s not a very long process in the past when vehicles are certified,” but deferred questions on the timeline of certification to the Space Force.
>Bruno also addressed in the media round table a report by Bloomberg March 11 that the Department of the Air Force, in an annual assessment of contractor performance, had concluded ULA “has performed unsatisfactorily” on its National Security Space Launch contract. That report also said the Air Force was assessing if it was feasible to reassign launches awarded to ULA to an “alternate provider,” which would be SpaceX.

Anonymous No. 16616983

>inb4 even worse rud on flight 3

Anonymous No. 16616985

Serves them right. This company has value only because the have contracts.
Yank the contracts.

Anonymous No. 16616986

>How many more times can we post this?
until starship makes it to space intact kek
>wah waaah whine whine
go back to twitter if you want to know what shitphone people are posting from

Anonymous No. 16616987

Well, all of the potential payloads for the next Vulcan flight need the VC4 configuration, so if there's still a problem with the boosters this is a great way to discover it.

Anonymous No. 16616992

>How many more times can we post this?
Posting of this news will continue until moral improves.

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Anonymous No. 16616994
>Falcon 9 and Dragon are ready to launch Crew-10 toward the International Space Station at 7:48pm ET tonight, with NASA’s Anne McClain and Nichole Ayers, JAXA’s Takuya Onishi, and Roscosmos’s Kirill Peskov headed to the orbiting outpost for a long-duration stay.
>Their arrival will set up the return for Crew-9, with Butch Wilmore and Suni Williams finally coming home from their more than nine-month stay on board the ISS.

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Anonymous No. 16616995

billions of beetles must die

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Starliner Sunni v....png

Anonymous No. 16616998

>tfw you've been asked 10+ times when they're coming home since Starliner came back unmanned
Finally, I've run out of ways to say "middle of March".

Anonymous No. 16617000

SpaceX doesn't even have a propaganda department, the fanbois take care of that detail for us
Same reason you don't see Tesla ads on TV during sports
(You) desperately want one, because you admire Elon.

Anonymous No. 16617001

Now that I think about it, why would someone with four PhDs aspire to spend a year in a floating gym bag at the risk of vaporizing to death?
I guess I don't have the right stuff

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Starliner astrona....jpg

Anonymous No. 16617003

Spacecraft are forever, humans die quickly

Anonymous No. 16617007


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Anonymous No. 16617008


Anonymous No. 16617011

will watch. manned launches are cool

Anonymous No. 16617012

because once you have 4 phuds the only way is up

Anonymous No. 16617013

shes the DEI hire

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Anonymous No. 16617017

Anonymous No. 16617021

if it blows up im going to cry

Anonymous No. 16617022

Dragon mishap
Starship failure
Screenshot this

Anonymous No. 16617025

these indians really cant get anything right. its spelled vapourise in British or vaporize in American. they've created some fucked up hybrid of each

Anonymous No. 16617035

its so dead lately. the starship and lunar failures have put a big damper on the community.

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Firefly Blue Ghos....mp4

Anonymous No. 16617037

This just landed last week.

Anonymous No. 16617038


Anonymous No. 16617039

is that the foot of a snapped leg support?

Anonymous No. 16617041

Maybe work on your attention span. If you concentrate for more than five days you might actually notice the cool things that are going on.

Anonymous No. 16617042

Who did those flights kill? Other than your naivety? As someone who has hated Elon Musk since I learned his name I'm genuinely surprised and enthusiastic that SpaceX is doing as well as it is. Although it is quite fortuitous for Elon that the Obama era DEI mandates at Boing and Lockheed encouraged the actual smart guys to seek whiter pastures.

Anonymous No. 16617043

And the groundbreaking science revelations just keep rolling in don't they?
Discovered so far: NOTHING
Value for Investors & government: Zero.
Dont worry, its cumulative. We will add the incoming accomplishments in due time with due diligence as they continue to overwhelm our servers, it seems like 100 exabytes of storage and petabyte class connectivity wasn't enough for all this awesome data, as its rolling on in

Anonymous No. 16617047

fuck you

Anonymous No. 16617048

id they'd put a damper on the fuel pipes in the first place we would not have a damper being put on the community

Anonymous No. 16617049

hey, that's what I was gonna say!

Anonymous No. 16617050

I’m excited to see a lunar eclipse from the moon’s surface

Anonymous No. 16617052

ftl when?

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Anonymous No. 16617054

Anonymous No. 16617055

in roughly two weeks, give or take

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16617056

I hope the female counterparts to the men toiling away at the dream at least get their dick wet at night
at least on friday night, after a substantial sum has been wasted on a shitty dinner, cringe social event with her stupid family, and the worst marvel movie yet
bitches are the problem really. how's a man to achieve Mars with a female in tow? this is even more shallow than a surface tension of a liquid film bubble.
I hate women so much

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Anonymous No. 16617057

Anonymous No. 16617058

ok, faggot

Anonymous No. 16617061

It's not the failures that put the dampers on the community, it's the pile of troll posting that pushed regulars out of the threads while they were dominated by said trolling.

Anonymous No. 16617062

>buy 1 inch thick alluminium plate
>artistically mill away 90% of the material

i am a space man now

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16617063

Says the faggot with a fat princess wife
so, what did (You) do this weekend?
be descriptive
Do you really love her? Why?

Anonymous No. 16617064

There's got to be a point where it becomes cheaper to cast and press these shaped aluminum structures than milling them.

Anonymous No. 16617065

It's a solar eclipse

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Anonymous No. 16617066

spacex: spaceflight is easy, just cut metal
other space companies: >>16617054

Anonymous No. 16617069

it’s a terran eclipse

Anonymous No. 16617071

Really hard to estimate but I don't think vast is actually planning to mass produce these things so the upfront cost is probably too much of a barrier.

Anonymous No. 16617072

if musk is pro space then why is his adminstration cutting space science funding?

Anonymous No. 16617076

Not all space science is the same.

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Anonymous No. 16617077
>HELSINKI — China is inviting interested parties to submit proposals to join the country’s pioneering Mars sample return mission, due to launch in late 2028.
>“This opportunity is open to the global community. International partners are welcome to collaborate with the TW-3 Mission at the system or payload level,” the CNSA statement reads. The call offers new insights into the mission in terms of mission scheduling and domestic payloads.

Anonymous No. 16617079

There's still got to be a better way to make these pressure vessels than resorting to high cost mass-autism.

Anonymous No. 16617082

>SpaceX and Tesla don't have a marketing department
@elonmusk and X serve that role

Anonymous No. 16617083

Chinese century is here

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Anonymous No. 16617087

>"The annual launch capacity of the newly built No. 3 and No. 4 stations will be no less than 32 times, and the designed annual launch capacity of the four launch stations is expected to exceed 60 times."

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Anonymous No. 16617092

The 1337 engine will save us

Anonymous No. 16617093

Science and research in general is being cut in the US

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Anonymous No. 16617095

>Please go ultra-hardcore on deletion and simplific-ACK

Anonymous No. 16617097

China raunch manr lockets!

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Anonymous No. 16617098

Does this qualify?

Anonymous No. 16617099

>USA has a healthy technological advantage over every other country on earth
>should they try to maintain or expand the gap?
>nah let's cut all that shit, create an environment of uncertainty which will prohibit any attempts at innovation and long-term research and stump space exploration on top of that, why the hell not
Elon really is a chinese double agent...

Anonymous No. 16617100

And that's a good thing!

Anonymous No. 16617101

bug hands typed this post

Anonymous No. 16617104

Anonymous No. 16617109

What foolish circumstances if China can do a mars sample return before the United States of America

Anonymous No. 16617110

I'm sorry that you think gender transitions for mice is science.

Anonymous No. 16617111

You only need a rocket for mars, just send people there and hope they survive there somehow.

Anonymous No. 16617113


Anonymous No. 16617114

>hope they survive there somehow
that's another company's problem to figure out, not spacex's

Anonymous No. 16617115

Gender is a an evil and wrong idea perpetuated by a pedophile with a feminization fetish.

Anonymous No. 16617117

looks familiar somehow, cant quite put my finger on it

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Anonymous No. 16617118


Anonymous No. 16617119

Elon is the one who wants Mars colony

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Anonymous No. 16617120

>inb4 EDS sabotour

Anonymous No. 16617121

tell me anon. Why are you pretending to be retarded? Honest answers only.

Anonymous No. 16617122

Fake launch and/or scrub, Clear hasn't scheduled a stream for it.

Anonymous No. 16617126

>Aftermath of the flame deflector of the CZ-8's launch. via 空天逐梦
>I am not sure this deflector is suitable for extra-high launch cadence of anything faster than 2 weeks turnaround as planned by the Chinese, but the video author says it's performing "better than expected" so I wonder...

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Anonymous No. 16617127

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Anonymous No. 16617128

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Anonymous No. 16617131

Anonymous No. 16617134

muchass grassyass

Anonymous No. 16617135

the amount of retards i've spoken to who legitimately thought they've been stuck up there in a tin can by themselves for months, or that 8 months in space is an unprecedented duration, is discouraging to say the least

Anonymous No. 16617138

without those retards, how could Mr DJ Trump win 2 elections?

Anonymous No. 16617140

it was unironically troons who made him prez again lmao

Anonymous No. 16617142

Everyone was running stories on how astronauts were stuck up there and people don't usually read anything more than headlines.

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Anonymous No. 16617143


Anonymous No. 16617144

that's so cringe tho

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Anonymous No. 16617146

Anonymous No. 16617158

Spaceflight today is just like the Age of Sail. It will be full of hardships and sacrifice, but we must push through for the future of humanity.

Anonymous No. 16617159

he doesn't give a shit about anyone. he'll do and say anything. he'll sell anything, hacker culture, 4chan culture, anything. he'll step on the corpse of anyone and anything. I'm over him. not for me

Anonymous No. 16617168

good. maybe you'll quit your bitchin

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Anonymous No. 16617170

What's next for /ourguy/ Fraser Cain?

Anonymous No. 16617171

>he doesn't give a shit about anyone. he'll do and say anything.
we already know that, retard. who cares, as long as he gets us to mars.

Anonymous No. 16617172

Give me spin gravity and I'd be okay with it

Anonymous No. 16617173

humans will get to Mars with or without him. humans will make brain chips with or without him. nobody is irreplaceable. stop being a retard. at most he might make them happen faster sure. not arguing against that. but everybody is replaceable. especially hustlers

Anonymous No. 16617174


Anonymous No. 16617175

>nobody is irreplaceable.

Anonymous No. 16617176

are you done with that bitchin yet?

Anonymous No. 16617178

he offers a few years extra, at the very best.

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Anonymous No. 16617180

I kinda like the way he talks about stuff lol. A total maniac who will fire and grind through expendable engineers on a whim, sure, but at least he pushes for stuff. On the flipside people tell him to stop saying weird shit on Twitter, but then he just keeps doing it anyway. At one point they describe how they locked his phone in a safe so he can't tweet dumb shit, but then he got some hotel staff to open it for him at 3am

Anonymous No. 16617181

if I changed my mind it means many will follow

Anonymous No. 16617182

>but everybody is replaceable
Especially employees

Anonymous No. 16617184

good, glad thats settled then

Anonymous No. 16617187

desu I still believe in >13
But I stopped believing in >20, 3 months delay out an annual goal of 24 doesn't forgive.

Anonymous No. 16617189

>looks at something as basic as MSR

These post Apollo NASA timelines are not very convincing.

Anonymous No. 16617190

and bosses, the boots you are licking are going away with you.
mars is not for humans anyway. but you will build the transport infrastructure anyway.

Anonymous No. 16617194

why wont they land dragon on moon

Anonymous No. 16617199

And why is he a poor fag now?

Anonymous No. 16617200

can't wait for two more hours :/ gonna watch the replay. hope it goes well

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[1920x1080] vtime....png

Anonymous No. 16617202


Anonymous No. 16617203

1 not enough fuel
2 not enough space for supplies onboard
3 no way to lift off afterwords

Anonymous No. 16617205

once AGI is able enough he'll fire all of you lol

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Anonymous No. 16617212

>NASA Narrator mentions one of the clamp arms holding the erector to Falcon's second stage is experiencing an issue with the hydraulic lines.

Anonymous No. 16617215

imagine if it bonks the rocket and it tips over haha that would be so funny

Anonymous No. 16617218

why doesnt he do that to fix starship now :(

Anonymous No. 16617219

now now you said all this was behind you

Anonymous No. 16617222

Hey they're looking for a new guy to fix the plumbing, which 100% means he's gone ballistic at Starbase, asked who designed this bullshit and fired him. I didn't count how many times he fired someone in the book on a moment's notice, or they just quit from the pressure. Then he said if we don't fix this, we will die. Someone says it will take three months to fix, and he says do it in 30 days

Anonymous No. 16617223

Everyone saw that job listing and went full retard. That propulsion engineer wasn't fired, he left in February.

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a saturn moon.jpg

Anonymous No. 16617224

What a silly planet.

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a arr lotate same.jpg

Anonymous No. 16617225

Universe confirmed for Simulation and/or God.

Anonymous No. 16617226

What is Perseverance even doing?

Anonymous No. 16617227

NTA but he's one of the worst spacetubers
Never asks his guests interesting questions, never understands the topics he talks about.
As for why he's poor, I don't care but I'm glad it happened

Anonymous No. 16617228

That'd need a inflatable bouncy house to catch it

Anonymous No. 16617229

Saturn: Did you know that moons in the solar system are free? You can just take them. I have 274 moons.

Anonymous No. 16617230

>2/3 vs 1/3
There's only one way to get an exact 50/50 split (50 CW, 50 CCW), but there's two ways to get a 2:1 split (33 CW/67 CCW or 67 CW/33 CCW).
So this was twice as likely.

Anonymous No. 16617231

Probably has to do with the density distribution of dark matter. Enough mass in a particular point in space will lead to rotational changes of normal matter as stuff falls towards it. The other likely explanation is that galactic collisions factor more into directionality of rotation, as most collisions are not between supermassive blackholes of equivalent mass; but enough angular momentum is imparted to flip directionality. We can look towards Uranus as an example, where in its deep past, a collision occurred a latitude instead of a longitude, which leads to a planet essentially in a tailspin. Occam's Razor points to these more than this being another sign we're in a simulation.

That said, if we are discussing simulation theory, I'd say that the speed of light is basically the renderer capping physics at 30fps because the simulation breaks at anything higher, leading to computational failures and massive geometric/simulation/rendering errors. Proving once and for all that consoles hold us all back.

Anonymous No. 16617232

okay nerd

Anonymous No. 16617233

QI predicts this

>dark matter
no such thing

Anonymous No. 16617234

>invoking Occam's Razor to support simulation theory

Absolute midwittery

Anonymous No. 16617235

>stuff spins the same direction
So what
Taking pictures like a nosy tourist

Anonymous No. 16617237

shut up fag
he is irreplaceable, the fact that those things might get done later doesn't change that
you (and many other) seem to have this assumption about science, engineering and technology deployment itself is somehow automatic and inevitable, it isn't
just look at what happened to the progress of space in the previous 50 years
without Musk it might have slowly stagnated 50 more years or even longer
what if western countries fell into some kind of race communism or islam (still not impossible)
you could have a dark age that lasts hundreds of years

Anonymous No. 16617238

it means you are easily influenced by peer pressure
you had flimsy reasons to "support" Musk in the first place and now flimsy reasons to hate him
you are an NPC

Anonymous No. 16617239

Retard, do not vote.

Anonymous No. 16617240

That would seem to suggest that some portion of galaxy redshift is actually an artifact of he rotation itself... isn't that one of the QI predictions with frame dragging?
>QI predicts this
Question related

Anonymous No. 16617241

this is based on nothing at all
the great man theory of history is correct, things don't just happen by themselves

Anonymous No. 16617242

*fired in February

Anonymous No. 16617243

Please never vote again.

Anonymous No. 16617244

Marx disproved the Great Man theory

Anonymous No. 16617245

Revoke universal suffrage.

Anonymous No. 16617246

Marx was a faggot

Anonymous No. 16617247

so if I flip coins, I could either get 2/3rds tails or 2/3rds heads, so 2/3rds is twice as likely than 50/50.

Anonymous No. 16617249

raise port side shields

Anonymous No. 16617255

Maybe, but I bet Stigler's law of eponymy applies to great men, so "great men" are just the guys that got the credit

Anonymous No. 16617258

>USA has a weakening manufacturing base
>tariff raws
I really can't put into words how disappointed I am. The first chance to set things right in generations and everyone involved is retarded

Anonymous No. 16617259

Musk reproved it

Anonymous No. 16617261

Hydraulic issue welp!

Anonymous No. 16617262

It's over

Anonymous No. 16617263

orange man is bad luck

Anonymous No. 16617264

>decide to turn on the NASA stream to see the T-
>first thing I hear is
>launch scrub
am I cursed or what

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Anonymous No. 16617265

Reminder to watch the MIT 16.885j lectures.

Anonymous No. 16617266

scrub a dub dub
4 guys in a tub

Anonymous No. 16617267

We truly had a horrible 7 days! huh

Anonymous No. 16617268

Musk must have been very lucky then, keeps building successful companies and getting the credit

Anonymous No. 16617269

>muh hydrolicks

Anonymous No. 16617271

Excuse me, that's guys and gals.

Anonymous No. 16617272

>Arguing from analogy
Elon would be disappointed in you

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Anonymous No. 16617273

meanwhile, ESA has gone slightly insane

Anonymous No. 16617274

>am I cursed or what
Just a coincidence. All of us want to be the main character in these stories, though, and I've had the same kind of thoughts.

Anonymous No. 16617277

can someone explain me what a delta v nap is?

Anonymous No. 16617278

we prefer the term guyplekind here. ok sweaty?

Anonymous No. 16617279

It's when you sleep at high speeds

Anonymous No. 16617280

You mean a Delta-V Map? That's a plot of the various bodies in the solar system by how much Delta-V (in m/s) you need to reach them, orbit them, land on them, etc.

Anonymous No. 16617281


Anonymous No. 16617282

this anon >>16617279 is wrong. The speeds don’t have to be high, all that matters is that there is a change in velocity while you are napping.

Anonymous No. 16617289


🗑️ Anonymous No. 16617290

these people are so fucking dea

Anonymous No. 16617301

Well yea, if you have spin grav there's almost no downsides to being in low orbit. Just the extra radiation.

Anonymous No. 16617302

>tune into the stream
>"we are not going today"
Great stuff

Anonymous No. 16617305


Anonymous No. 16617306


Anonymous No. 16617307


Anonymous No. 16617308


Anonymous No. 16617309

I can see this headline, especially since it is incorrect about the hydraulic issue.

Anonymous No. 16617310


Anonymous No. 16617314

Who scrubbed my launch?

Anonymous No. 16617315

Why don't they just dive and parachute down, are they stupid?

Anonymous No. 16617317

So as a casual, SpaceX is all bark no bite correct?
Every time I tune into one of these gay streams it’s a fuck up

Anonymous No. 16617318

You idiot they can't survive reentry, otherwise everyone would do it that way. Dumdum.

Anonymous No. 16617320

stop tuning in then ffs
you're ruining it for everyone

Anonymous No. 16617321

No hurries, dying in space is very cool, everyone knows that.

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Anonymous No. 16617322

Yep, over here at /SpaceX Fails General/ we call them ScrubX, never on time, always scrubbing, an embarrassing display of incompetence compared to Boeing and ULA and heck even the Space Shuttle which were real, flawless, reliable, American rockets

Anonymous No. 16617323

What's the problem? The parachutes will slow them down

Anonymous No. 16617324


Anonymous No. 16617325


Anonymous No. 16617326

MOOSE pilled

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16617328

fuck you

Anonymous No. 16617329

If this were my country, they would've just get on with it, and probably die on re entry or something.
Like real men

Anonymous No. 16617330

parachutes don’t work in space

Anonymous No. 16617332

That's why they have to dive down first dummy

Anonymous No. 16617333

Based Spaniard

Anonymous No. 16617337

The guy who wrote the paper is a crank. He is a computer scientist, not an astronomer. He has made literally dozens of conflicting claims over years about anisotropy between spin directions. One particular claim was followed up by some astronomers, who found his signal was garbage. His catalog of galaxies had many duplicate objects listed many times, when they removed these the signal vanished. He didn't do the simplest checks. And you can bet he put the same attention to detail and rigour in this new claim.
For this particular paper he is looking at a tiny part of the sky, as JWST data covers small areas. Nearby galaxies can have correlated spin, this paper uses less than 300 galaxies, it's also not 2/3rds. He could have easily tested his ideas by looking at other JWST data in other parts of the sky, the introduction even talks about some, but the paper only presents one field and doesn't say why.

The guy has literally made the same claim before, and has a history of publishing bullshit.

Anonymous No. 16617338

well "just the guys that got the credit" isn't always accurate. It's true for some things, like how the president is responsible for economic performance in this term even though that never made sense. Or how no one gives a shit about who wrote a song, only who performed it. Or how a movie star might get more credit than a director, who gets more credit that his writers, artists, cinematographers, editors, or composers.

Musk either seems to be good at managing on balance or at least good enough, the collasal failures haven't been fatal. I think what matters more is he has effectively built a nerd cult of personality that attracts talent into his companies. People want to work for mavericks.

Anonymous No. 16617339

oh, sorry I missed that.
Yeah, then it should work.

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elon scrub.gif

Anonymous No. 16617341


Anonymous No. 16617342

>simulation cultist
>"computer" "scientist"
Why are they consistently the most mentally ill of all STEM people?

Anonymous No. 16617345

So, sabotage?

Anonymous No. 16617347

Why would the Biden administration do this?

Anonymous No. 16617348

it's all just a test to see how long the human mind can last trapped in space before going insane

Anonymous No. 16617352

if the astronauts like being on the ISS so much, why don't they stay there for another year?

Anonymous No. 16617355

>being in space for more than a year
the oldspace mind can't comprehend such a thing, that's why trips beyond the moon are nonsensical for them. space is hard, this is why we test, too risky, gradatim ferociter, etc etc

Anonymous No. 16617356

A grim possibility.

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Anonymous No. 16617369

Also the image is totally misleading. If you look at the paper with more galaxies, he finds the opposite, more galaxies rotating the other way. You might say that this is a different direction, it's not, it's a wider view of the same area.
So this guy looks at a tiny set of data (34! galaxies), claims to see more in the same direction. So writes a paper and claims this is definitely statistically significant. Then he finds this wider data, which should allow him to test his claim, at it shows exactly the opposite. More anti. He again writes a paper claiming how it's significant without ever reflecting on the fact that his own results conflict with each other. He has failed to replicate his own study. The take away is that these results are not statistically meaningful.

Another paper debunking his previous claims based on shitty use of statistics.

Anonymous No. 16617372

>stay there for another year
the russians routinely do that
nasa is very conventional when it comes to human flight. not risk averse, which is actually a valuable position to take.

Anonymous No. 16617374

I yearn for permanent space habitation.

Anonymous No. 16617379

>site breaks
>this goofball immediately restarts the server, ensuring that if anything is wrong recovery is impossible
>then asks his "webmaster" to fix it
lol, lmao even

Anonymous No. 16617387

>"this is a skill that we have built and honed and practiced over decades of work"
>no working backup
>website crashes and they simply can't recover
he needs a few more decades of practice

Anonymous No. 16617394

It kills your bones, muscles, eyes. NASA doesn't give a fuck about working on spin gravity though so we're stuck with short missions

Anonymous No. 16617400

Why was restarting the server the wrong decision?

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Anonymous No. 16617420
>Tell your friends! The Moon will turn a brilliant shade of red early on Friday morning during a total lunar eclipse where long wavelength red light will pass through the edge of Earth’s atmosphere and bend toward the Moon. The Moon enters the Earth’s shadow around 05:10 UT (01:10am Friday morning Eastern) and the total eclipse where the Moon takes on color begins around 06:26 UT (02:26am Friday morning Eastern), lasting just over an hour.

>Here's our total cloud forecast during the lunar eclipse peak Friday morning, compliments of meteoblue (ICON)

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Anonymous No. 16617437
Starlink launch in T-14:00

Anonymous No. 16617441


Anonymous No. 16617447


Anonymous No. 16617456

>elon gets one chance to rescue butch and suni from certain death
>he blows it

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Anonymous No. 16617457

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Starliner departure.jpg

Anonymous No. 16617459

Now they shall surely die.

Anonymous No. 16617462
>NASA and SpaceX are going to wait until Friday to try the Crew-10 launch again. 7:03 pm ET.

Anonymous No. 16617463

what if the filesystem is fucked? (and it sounds like it was)
then you restart and anything that might have been salvageable in memory is now gone and what you've got is what you can recover from a fucked up filesystem (and it turns out this was nothing)

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Anonymous No. 16617467

>Technicians work on the Artemis III Orion crew module inside the Operations and Checkout Building at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida on March 5, 2025.

Anonymous No. 16617470

What about Artemis II? Where's that at?

Anonymous No. 16617473


> Shamir is primary author of nearly 150 peer-reviewed publications, and a co-author of many more, most of them in tier-1 journals. He has more than 2000 citations, an h-index of 32, and i-10 index of 81 according to Google Scholar. He received over $6M in external funding (of which over $2M as PI), from various competitive sources, including the ultra-competitive Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI). He serves as a reviewer for over 50 journals, and his work is very often mentioned in the world’s premier mainstream media.

But everybody should listen to you instead. Hey, sorry he gave you a bad grade in that class years ago -- but a passing D is okay.

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Anonymous No. 16617475

>On 22 February, technicians at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida carefully lifted Orion out of its assembly stand to begin installing the solar wings. The installation is a very delicate process which takes over a week and is performed by the engineers from Airbus in the Netherlands, where the solar arrays were built. Each wing was meticulously aligned and secured to the European Service Module using 16 hold-down release mechanisms. These release mechanisms ensure the solar panels remain locked during launch.

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Anonymous No. 16617477
>Technicians install four solar array wings on NASA’s Artemis II Orion spacecraft inside the Neil A. Armstrong Operations and Checkout Building at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida on Monday, March 3, 2025. Each solar array is nearly 23 feet long and can turn on two axes to remain aligned with the Sun for maximum power. Orion’s solar arrays, manufactured and installed by ESA (European Space Agency) and its contractor Airbus, will deliver power to the service module that provides propulsion, thermal control, and electrical power to the spacecraft, as well as air and water for the crew.

Anonymous No. 16617480

Neat, as fucked as Artemis is due to SLS being a shit I still want to see the planned missions happen. It's been 50+ fucking years, unless some of you anons are ancientfags none of us alive have gotten to witness a manned landing live. That's criminal.

Anonymous No. 16617485


The problems with Starship probably means Artemis II happens. Maybe III -- but that would require more billions and a successful II. Definitely more iffy.

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Anonymous No. 16617489

>Teams at NASA’s Michoud Assembly Facility in New Orleans prepare the completed Orion pressure vessel for the Artemis IV mission for shipment to NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida.

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Anonymous No. 16617492

crushed to death by Xenia Onatopp's thighs

Anonymous No. 16617493

Neat and productive

Anonymous No. 16617494

Damn, so no matter what we've got at least three more Orions in various stages of construction to use up.

Anonymous No. 16617513

Okay I am ready to face reality again. Do they know why the engine got fucked?

Anonymous No. 16617514

For Flight 8? Nothing's come out yet.

Anonymous No. 16617515

Titan must have bumped into a load of them early on to make itself a planet-sized moon.

Anonymous No. 16617516

Back in 2019 NASA awarded the "Orion Production and Operations Contract" to Lockheed for six to twelve operational spacecraft. #2 flew on Artemis I, #3 is undergoing final prep for A2, and #4 and #5 are in various stages of early construction. #3-5 were specifically ordered under the OPOC in 2019, and #6-8 were ordered in FY2022. That's a bit concerning as NASA was supposed to start reusing Orions by the time we got to A6, but at least the individual unit cost seems to be coming down dramatically. The first production batch was only 50% the cost of the capsule that flew on Artemis 1, and and Lockheed seems to think a further 30% price drop is possible for the second batch. That'd put each Orion at around only $400M per capsule which isn't that much more than the estimated production price for a Crew Dragon. Lockheed was talking about building Orions in trios, so I don't think the second batch have started production yet.

Anonymous No. 16617517

>reusing Orions
I didn't think this was an option, what determines whether one is reusable or not?

Anonymous No. 16617520


Anonymous No. 16617536

Orion reuse is kind of a mess. There's "light" and "heavy" reuse modes. Right now we're getting started in "light," where we just pull the avionics, life support, etc, out of old Orions and reinstall them in new ones. Light reuse is supposed to get us up to Artemis VI where we start heavy reuse and refly the actual pressure vessels. Light reuse is supposed to be good for a total of five missions and heavy reuse is good for only two. I have no idea how this is supposed to line up with the various capsule production orders. It looks like the plan is to eventually build up a of pool of interchangeable hardware that gets periodically refreshed in between being build-a-bear'ed into operational spacecraft.

I'm not saying that this is the worst way to do reuse, but if there's a worse one I haven't heard of it.

Anonymous No. 16617539

>Light reuse is supposed to get us up to Artemis VI
Christ on a cracker, they're planning to reuse only after all existing Orions have been expended? Fucking hell, I can't wait to see the first Orion reuse in 2039.

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Anonymous No. 16617543

Nigger, we barely even have rafts. We're no where close to something resembling a real sailboat

Anonymous No. 16617546

>we barely even have rafts
That's enough to populate southeast asia, AKA Proxima.

Anonymous No. 16617558

Now that spacex is over, what to look for next in spaceflight?

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Anonymous No. 16617559

who pushed this nerd to the ground?

Anonymous No. 16617561

He's doing a puzzle, leave him be.

Anonymous No. 16617562

This immediately summoned the frog who spilled his nuggets and fries, then I teared up

Anonymous No. 16617563

>draw me like one of your european service module

Anonymous No. 16617569

If you look at his astronomy work alone it tells a different story, the vast majority of his citations are self citations. And as I pointed out, his own work completely debunks itself.

Anonymous No. 16617572

Elon is basically God

Anonymous No. 16617573

>/sfg/ when a jiggie link gets posted

Anonymous No. 16617576

>there's two of them

Anonymous No. 16617578

Are they for sucking dust and whatnot out of the capsule during installation of stuff? That would make some sense I guess.

Anonymous No. 16617579

they blow air into the area for the workers to have air to breathe. its a tube connected to a fan.

Anonymous No. 16617583

It is a positive air pressure setup that ensures the inside keeps a clean room status.

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a mars leopard sp....jpg

Anonymous No. 16617591

Pity NASA is never going to bring that sample home.

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a vulcan boo boo.jpg

Anonymous No. 16617592

Legacy hardware with manufacturing defects. Such fun!

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a more like failb....jpg

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16617594

Sob me out of three moon probes werked.


Anonymous No. 16617607

Remember that time when SLS took so long its SRBs went out of date, then they just yolo'd it anyway

Anonymous No. 16617609

Mars IS home

Anonymous No. 16617612

saturn now has 2000 mooms

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Anonymous No. 16617613

SpaceX is finished

Anonymous No. 16617615

this but unironically, there are AMERICAN PATRIOTS STUCK IN SPACE and Elon's rocket has been delayed over and over now, Boeing (a true and AMERICAN company) must step in to rescue them immediately

Anonymous No. 16617618

>JWST has like 700,000% more time requested on it than they can support
just how brutal and cutthroat is the process for getting your time approved, lol

Anonymous No. 16617619

sounds like there's a huge business opportunity for making commercial telescopes

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Anonymous No. 16617621

I don't get the obsession with 'muh taxpayers money'

Anonymous No. 16617623

And who will fund it? Not like scientists pay for time with JWST out of their own pockets

Anonymous No. 16617626

Who do they hate more, Russia or SpaceX? Because the Russians would again be the only ride to the ISS if they retire the Dragon

Anonymous No. 16617627

whoever pays the scientists will pay for the use

Anonymous No. 16617630

are the plans to build a JWST publicly released? what usually happens with all those one off cutting edge science blueprints?

Anonymous No. 16617631

It's especially hilarious because taxpayer money hasn't directly funded US government spending for a long, long time

Anonymous No. 16617632

Anonymous No. 16617637

he's a "journalist" not a website guy :)

Anonymous No. 16617638

>Astronauts should refuse to use the only launch provider the US has

ok retard

Anonymous No. 16617644

Who will if Trump cuts all the gibs

Anonymous No. 16617646

the US isnt the only place with scientists

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Anonymous No. 16617651

explanation from VP of launch of SpaceX why there have been so many issues with F9 and lowish cadence

Anonymous No. 16617653

yeah nah fire that guy. whiners arent winners.

Anonymous No. 16617672

It's quite not that bad, it's under 10:1 requested: available hours. There are some ground based telescopes which have been even worse. It is pretty brutal this year though, even proposals in the top quintile were rejected. JWST is particularly time intensive because when you submit a proposal it isn't just the scientific justification text, you have to plan every aspect of the observations (exposure time, dithers, filter changes...), there are hundreds of pages of documentation. And each type of observation you do has to have the needed exposure time simulated and justified. So it's pretty anticlimactic when you get rejected (like mine this year). But you can always resubmit.

Actually the other way round, NASA pays US astronomers who get time to enable them to do the science. These grants add extra pressure on submitting proposals.

Anonymous No. 16617674
why stuff like a jet to orbit is not possible irl? it just makes sense to gain horizontal speed using the oxygen in atmosphere

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Anonymous No. 16617680

>We have stood done multiple times

Anonymous No. 16617681


Anonymous No. 16617683

>he doesnt know about the secret moon bases
its ok anon, im sure they will find a use for moon rocks someday.....

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Anonymous No. 16617690

It's possible but the vehicle is really complicated and the payload ratio sucks. A two-stage reusable like Starship or Neutron is way better.

Anonymous No. 16617694

>more muffin photos

Anonymous No. 16617699

Not worth it. Mach 3 is just 1.0 km/s and you need 7.5 km/s to reach orbit. It's better to make a simple fuel + lox rocket.

Anonymous No. 16617703

isnt the entire point of superheavy just to get just 1.2km/s

Anonymous No. 16617705

couldnt you just make seco 20 seconds shorter, so it doesnt spin and you could test heatshield with it?

Anonymous No. 16617710

it's not that easy in SECO-ry

Anonymous No. 16617720

>All that tanks
I hate the rocket equation so much bros

Anonymous No. 16617727

how fast does ship accelerate during its seco?
why cant they test it on ground?

Anonymous No. 16617731

if booster would be reusable they would only need like 2 of them max

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Anonymous No. 16617735

How it feels to prebreathe off that contaminated oxygen tank

Anonymous No. 16617737

what a based way to die

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Anonymous No. 16617742

Anonymous No. 16617749

Good show

Anonymous No. 16617752

Because the problem appears when it's low on fuel.

Anonymous No. 16617754

Will be the official anime of Mars

Anonymous No. 16617755

??? Just don't fill it up
I should apply to SpaceX

Anonymous No. 16617757

It's not that simple in rocketry

Anonymous No. 16617759

Then fill it up and drain it out mostly

Anonymous No. 16617761

it already does that naturally during flight. Problem is that it happens at a faster rate than wanted.

Anonymous No. 16617780

Where can I read the report on what went wrong on starship 7?

Anonymous No. 16617784
why wont space x hire this guy, look at this design

Anonymous No. 16617787

fire developed in the aft section of the ship

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Anonymous No. 16617788

Either you have too much atmosphere and the necessary speed would make you glow (same as re-entry glow), or you would have too little atmosphere, and couldn't get enough of that free-as-in-beer oxygen. And that's assuming you have engines that could make you go fast enough.

Anonymous No. 16617790

Okay. But where can I read the report of that?

Anonymous No. 16617794


scroll down, its the second newest
not sure how to link it directly

Anonymous No. 16617795


here is the mission report right after launch

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Anonymous No. 16617798

Soyuz 5 S1 test article was sent to NITs RKP test center for static fire tests.

Launch planned in theory for December, but the launch pad will almost certainly not be ready for that date (or any time soon after either)

Anonymous No. 16617800

>Who do they hate more
Whoever the TV tells them to hate today.
There's just no living with these people, something has to give eventually.

Anonymous No. 16617802

methane stopped flowing to raptor vacuum cooling systen around the nozzle and it burned through

Anonymous No. 16617809

little did we know that the real reason Russia invaded Ukraine was to recover the Zenit and Rokot avionics tech needed to complete Soyuz 5 and Rokot-M

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Anonymous No. 16617816

so many people putting out disinfo its insane

space force just announced layoffs last week

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Anonymous No. 16617823

and then there's this which i havent heard about. it may be true but google and grok arent turning up anything. more fake news being spread?

Anonymous No. 16617825

I just assumed X-37 was doing the same kind of shit, and haven't there been a couple instances of Chinese sats tailing close to US/EU ones in the past couple years? I swear I've read that story before.

Anonymous No. 16617826

i dont think x-37b is involved with signal intercepts, but it could be since we dont know everything its been experimenting with. as for the other thing, yeah satellites that intercept or inspect other satellites has been a thing for awhile now and sometimes makes the news.

Anonymous No. 16617832


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Anonymous No. 16617835

/sfg/ - Synthetic Firmament General

Anonymous No. 16617839

literally who?

Anonymous No. 16617841

Seriously what happened with the SPHEREx launch. They delayed nearly every day for almost two weeks

Anonymous No. 16617851

Aerospace companies have a natural mean they trend towards without the presence of certain personalities in leadership
Or it's been weirdly windy lately

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Anonymous No. 16617853
>According to sources there is a "plan" under formulation to remove nearly all NASA Headquarters functions and move them to various NASA field centers. There will be little left in Washington, DC. Oversight will now be distributed - not centralized. Human Spaceflight (Space Operations Mission Directorate) will reside at NASA Johnson Space Center (where it already is for the most part). Exploration Systems Development Mission Directorate stuff will be split between Johnson Space Center, Kennedy Space Center, and Marshall Space Flight Center (again, not much change). Science Mission Directorate responsibilities will eventually go to Goddard Space Flight Center. Armstrong would get Aeronautics programs and Technology development would be sent to Langley Research Center. NASA Ames and Glenn will see some shrinkage and a possible effort to be closed (their real estate is valuable). Meanwhile JPL is a big TBD. Stay tuned. Things keep changing.

>JPL is a big TBD

Things can just happen

Anonymous No. 16617855

>we purposely stacked the first quarter of the year to get ahead on our goal (170) for this exact reason and we absolutely can still hit the launch goal.
Have they ever hit their goal? Don’t they deliberately set it too high then fall like 5 short every year?

Anonymous No. 16617858

>yfw an account you have never interacted with blocked you
>it is always lefties with the brain worm

Many such cases.

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Anonymous No. 16617862

Anonymous No. 16617864

is it ever possible to launch more to space if you carry less fuel? like v1 ship is 1200 tons, and you would make it 1000 tons istead.

Anonymous No. 16617865

Classic gypsy experience when traveling through eastern europe

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Anonymous No. 16617866
more blue ghost kino

Anonymous No. 16617867

Elon is good

Anonymous No. 16617868


Anonymous No. 16617871

why? whats the point? is it saving the government serious money?

Anonymous No. 16617872

>decentralize the agency which requires extremely close cooperation and management between different branches
>this will somehow accelerate human development and space exploration
I pray that this is merely an issue with my world model, because the alternative is incredibly depressing...

Anonymous No. 16617873


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Anonymous No. 16617875
>In the next few days I want to dive into the Senate 2025 NASA Authorization Bill. Pic shows an overview but I want the details.
>Those bullet points sure are pointed. It's early days but thus far Musk's political manuevering on this front has done more to help SLS, Orion, Gateway, ISS. By sort of de facto coalition building a resistence.
>We can only read the few public tea leaves here though and time will tell if this is a strong opposition or just final death throws.
it's fucking over....
musk xisters, we failed

Anonymous No. 16617877

Why is only the good stuff getting cut while the bullshit boondoggles like SLS and Mars Sample Return being kept?

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Anonymous No. 16617878

>#HeraMission flying 295km from Deimos on its way to asteroid Dydimos. What a fantastic view

Anonymous No. 16617879

>ISS won't be deorbited without having a replacement up first
Good, keep continuous presence going.

Anonymous No. 16617880

because the good stuff doesn't have political state backing. SLS, MSR and ISS are all propped up by rather influential faggots in high places. Who knows how long it will take to get rid of them

Anonymous No. 16617881

>which requires extremely close cooperation and management between different branches

A completely seperate headquarters is not necessary for this.

Anonymous No. 16617882

cute boulder

Anonymous No. 16617883

>man with severe EDS sees a copypaste of the previous years text as the end of Elon

Anonymous No. 16617884

lovely complexion

Anonymous No. 16617885

>two SLS/Orion flights per year after the first lunar landing
Congress can write as many bills as they want about this, there's no way it is ever happening. The SLS assembly architecture was not designed to produce more than one rocket per year and so far has proven completely incapable of even that

Anonymous No. 16617887

Who are the new influential faggots? Because Shelby and all of his old friends have either retired or been primaried by this point

Anonymous No. 16617888

It's THE END of the Elon as we know it

Anonymous No. 16617889

>delusion: the post
fuck if I know. These kinds of people don't tend to show themselves publicly too much. Any attention could turn into a scandal and stop their money laundering schemes

Anonymous No. 16617891

Thanks. Browsing spacex's website is really annoying. I was hoping there was a non-web3 site that had them.

Anonymous No. 16617893

>a heroic rebel alliance is forming to fight against elon's galactic empire of evil
i sleep

Anonymous No. 16617896

If you think that is delusional then tell us what part of the text is not a copypaste of the previous years bill.

Anonymous No. 16617897

half of it was weather, and half of it was finicky scientific payloads, which are often more buggy because they are bespoke rather than using a well-tested standard satellite bus.

Anonymous No. 16617898

Oh yeah! 0.14%!! That's way better spent on Israeli missiles

Anonymous No. 16617899

Elonchudmusk BTFO

Anonymous No. 16617901

So is this place being raided as well?

Anonymous No. 16617902

You are mentally ill

Anonymous No. 16617903

I wouldn't call it "raided." There's just a few residents that get off on posting like retards. They know enough about spaceflight to sound dumb without actually being completely dumb.

Anonymous No. 16617905

you sure seem confident in that. Maybe it is, maybe it's not. I'm not gonna waste my time comparing two bills for some retard to say NUH UH
you're delusional because you see your schizo boogeymen around every corner.
it's just one sperg being mad about this or that. Business as usual.

Anonymous No. 16617906

it's less of a raid and more of a colony

Anonymous No. 16617907

>an arbitrary threshold of people who disagree with me is passed
>they must be Russian/CIA/JIDF/Trannies sent here specifically to fuck with me

Anonymous No. 16617908

The 4D chess will continue until the mars project is realized

Anonymous No. 16617909

maybe an infestation?

Anonymous No. 16617910

What's the point in continuing work on Soyuz-5? Why not instead just finish development of Angara A3 (as originally planned) as an interim solution until they have something reusable. It's not like Progress lacks work; they manufacture the Soyuz-2.

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Anonymous No. 16617911

New 2 hour moonkino from Astrum just dropped

Anonymous No. 16617912

what benefit does "continual presence" provide to anything?
SpaceX is literally the only rocket company pursuing reduced costs to orbit

Anonymous No. 16617913

does this fag think he's clever for not understanding what a continuing resolution is?

Anonymous No. 16617914

why does man climb mountains?

Anonymous No. 16617915

Yes, I'm a tranny from Discord. They've been paying for us to raid you for many years

Anonymous No. 16617916

Can't they use the existing Zenit pad at Baikonur, at least as an interim pad?

Anonymous No. 16617918

How would it look if the Chinese have a continuous space presence while the Americans do not?

Anonymous No. 16617919

What benefit do (you) provide to anything?
Fuck you.

Anonymous No. 16617920

Having an Astronaut Corps that's sitting around for years at a time not being Astronauts is a great way to not have an Astronaut Corps anymore. Driven and talented people don't want to put in a lot of effort just to be a spacesuit cosplayer who does "minority science outreach" along side the kind of human waste whose entire personality is "woman in STEM."

Anonymous No. 16617925

Just stop, tranny language even used ironically is so tiresome

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Anonymous No. 16617928


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Anonymous No. 16617931

Anonymous No. 16617934

why does a lardass climb the stairs to mcdonalds and stays there for 20+ years?

Anonymous No. 16617936

Awful post, just terrible, many people are saying it's the worst, I wouldn't say that but many people are saying it

Anonymous No. 16617937

I heard some congressman sent a letter co-signed by a few other states, urging the fast tracking of Isaacman's confirmation. Anyone know how effective this will be?

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Anonymous No. 16617938

you're just mindbroken. I, for one, find it quite funny.

Anonymous No. 16617939

So you lack a theory of mind for people who aren't as retarded as you are

Anonymous No. 16617941

you are literally that anon's pic lmaooo

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Anonymous No. 16617943

you either don't know what theory of mind is or you pretend to not know
I just ascribed a mental state to you a few posts ago. Now answer me honestly, do you get off on being purposefully obtuse or do you just become mad very easily?

Anonymous No. 16617946

Why cant the acting administrator just be the nominee?

Anonymous No. 16617952

It's baselined on the existing zenit pad
But this rocket needs modificaiton (it's not just a russianized zenit, but actually different diameter, completely different S2, all that).
And the Zenit pad is 40 years old and hasn't been used in 8 years, they need to renovate it, it was only really starting in mid 2024, it's probably got a couple years desu. And there are diplomatic and funding uncertainties

Anonymous No. 16617957

is anybody else even close to a Starship clone? is anybody even trying?
the dream of the space shuttle was dead, anon

Anonymous No. 16617963

>is anybody else even close to a non-functioning meme rocket
far more organizations than you'd imagine

Anonymous No. 16617964

why is NOTHING happening today

Anonymous No. 16617966

NOTHING has been happening since forever in spaceflight, newfriend
it's endless two more weeks posting until a morsel of a happening graces us with its presence

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Anonymous No. 16617967

That rock doesn't deserve to be a moon, it needs to be disassembled and turned into a space station

Anonymous No. 16617971

Anon it weighs almost as much as the entire anthropogenic mass

Anonymous No. 16617972

hey, hey. You shouldn't call your mum that.

Anonymous No. 16617973


Anonymous No. 16617974

All combined anthropogenic mass is around 1.something teratons. The Moon masses 73.46 teratons.

Anonymous No. 16617976

And much like that mass, it can be reduced violently.

Anonymous No. 16617978

huh, hadn't realized there were so many changes

Anonymous No. 16617983


Anonymous No. 16617984

I don't see the problem

Anonymous No. 16617985

Everyone is busy watching pi day videos on math channels

Anonymous No. 16617990

There aren't any launches scheduled, so we end up with a ratio of serious to retarded posts that doesn't encourage good discussion. The only people who show up consistently at times like this are low effort trolls or people fishing for validation by posting dumb memes

Anonymous No. 16617991

This used to be prime 4ASS time but this general has fallen off a lot.

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Anonymous No. 16617999

>Starship 35 moving back to Megabay 1 today after finishing cryo proof testing at Massey's test site.


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Anonymous No. 16618001

Ken has completely lost touch with reality.

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longcat superheav....jpg

Anonymous No. 16618002

Anonymous No. 16618003

Less dry mass or more efficient engines

Anonymous No. 16618005

You need better engines, a lighter stage, or to have very bad gravity losses in the prior version.

Anonymous No. 16618006

What about wider stage and more engines?

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Anonymous No. 16618007

>anthropomorphic ass

Anonymous No. 16618008

Those can give you a better structure to fuel mass ratio and can reduce gravity losses. It's hard to generalize because it depends on where you're going with your rocket and what you're trying to lift with it.

Anonymous No. 16618009

I came to the same conclusion as him, and I'm a 1. pretty obvious how elon gives zero shits about hls

Anonymous No. 16618011

Not sure if irony or derangement syndrome that people are pouncing on Kremlinology of all things about this.

Anonymous No. 16618012

>doesn't encourage good discussion
kek lay off the estrogen, lad.
The general is fine, but spergs like you feel the need to loudly alert everyone when you encounter any form of banter.

Anonymous No. 16618016

what the fuck is a "1"?

Anonymous No. 16618018

Cost, structural integrity. You could make a Hydrolox Starship with a lot of boosters but it'd be huge, costly and even more prone to RUDs

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Anonymous No. 16618020

newfag detected

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Anonymous No. 16618021

What are the probabilities that China's Qianfan and Guowang constellations will miss their ITU resolution 35 deadlines, and what would be the practical consequences of those deadlines being missed?

Anonymous No. 16618023

That's Earth's moon!
That's every building in every city, every road, every dam, every machine. No one is going to build something comparable to the sum total of human existence on Earth out of a shitty little rock in the same universe where starship just failed again

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Anonymous No. 16618025

>Programs like the Brooke Owens Fellowship help open up [the aerospace industry to] women.
>Although SpaceX founder Elon Musk is heavily involved with the Trump administration and has spoken out against DEI, his company has sponsored dozens of Brookies and hired most of its interns. Prospective participants in the fellowship still often put SpaceX at the top of the list of companies they would like to work for.

>Elon is pro DEI
ya right yjk he's in it for future baby mommas. just look at them. how is it that most of them are attractive? walk into a group of male engineers and you'll find maybe 1 good looking dude out of a 100.

Anonymous No. 16618026


Anonymous No. 16618027

What are the deadlines for the Chinese megaconstellations? There's been a lot of talk about Kuiper's deadline coming up next year but I don't think I've ever seen any dates for any of the Chinese projects.

Anonymous No. 16618028

Is this the aphantasia thing? You do know that it's a meme propagated by midwits, right?

Anonymous No. 16618030

nigga, maybe a third of them are attractive

Anonymous No. 16618031

>Elon is pro DEI
clown timeline
just kill me already

Anonymous No. 16618032

>What are the probabilities that China's Qianfan and Guowang constellations will miss their ITU resolution 35 deadlines
very high
>what would be the practical consequences of those deadlines being missed?
none, they will extend the deadlines.

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Anonymous No. 16618033


Anonymous No. 16618035

The ITU resolution 35 deployment deadlines are
7 years: at least one
9 years: 10%
12 years: 50%
14 years: 100%

Guowang application was filed in 2021
Qianfan application was filed in 2023

Anonymous No. 16618036

Oh you're the ukrainian bot

Anonymous No. 16618037

okay, so it's exactly that. Thanks for the confirmation, 5.

Anonymous No. 16618038

several chinks will lose their heads and new deadlines will be set. there will be increasing emphasis on the 'dead' aspect of this feature.

Anonymous No. 16618039

stupid frogposter

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Anonymous No. 16618040

its not that

Anonymous No. 16618041

>refueling ten times and practicing life support has nothing to do with Mars
Not even coherent. This is the best way to test interplanetary ship habitability, and on the government's dime.

Anonymous No. 16618042

I want to fuck like half those girls

Anonymous No. 16618043

I'm not. It just reminds me of people reading way too much into the language used, which was a hallmark of Cold War era prognosticating about what Russia was doing.

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Anonymous No. 16618044

Anonymous No. 16618045

elon: im making the world a better place through technology
leftists: fuck you

Anonymous No. 16618046

Do you sometimes worry that you will die early like get killed in a car crash or get diagnosed with termimal cancer and won't get to witness all the major space flight milestones you should've seen, like the first Mars landing, Dragonfly landing on Titan, the discovery of life on Europa etc.? I do and it worries me every day. I'm going to stop leaving the house except if it's necessary and eat healthy and work out regularly so I can live the longest life possible and witness all of that and hopefully retire on Mars.

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don't fall f....png

Anonymous No. 16618047

>making the world a better place
>giving negros access to the internet
almost had me there

Anonymous No. 16618048

elon has never mentioned HLS once

Anonymous No. 16618049

At least three Israelis spotted.

Anonymous No. 16618050


Anonymous No. 16618051

You could probably find all of Elon's secret children by finding all the women from this program that are now single mothers.

Anonymous No. 16618052

Do we know if Elon has a type?

Anonymous No. 16618053

As we've left the shittle dark ages and entered an era of hope, I could die happy knowing we will inherit the stars

Anonymous No. 16618054

therefore he doesnt care

Anonymous No. 16618055


Anonymous No. 16618057

>is anybody even trying?
China's CASC and Landspace say they are.

>the dream of the space shuttle was dead
There was the Delta Clipper, Venture Star and XS-1, though those never went far. CASC was working on some kind of secretive reusable TSTO spaceplane and they did a suborbital test launch in 2021, though that might've been canned in favor of LM9/10A/12A. CASIC has supposedly been working on a TSTO spaceplane called Tengyun. I think what definitely killed the TSTO splaceplane concept was F9 and Starship.

Anonymous No. 16618058

They're both aiming for something like 14k satellites when the constellation is fully operational, so even 10% is a pretty big deal. That said, Starlink's full operational population is several times larger than what's currently in orbit, so I'm sure the Chinese projects have some interim "technically operational" milestones that they can hit a lot more easily. Both projects have factories running and producing hardware in volume so the real issue would be getting enough launches to get their hardware into orbit. Having a delay be someone else's fault helps a lot in getting extensions with these kind of things. Given that the first deadlines aren't until 2028/30 I don't think they'll have much trouble finding rides. If China doesn't have one of its Falcon clones working by then it's probably because their economy and collapsed and government devolved into a new cannibal warlord era, so meeting an ITU deadline will be the least of their worries.

Anonymous No. 16618060

They don't just need to get F9 clones working, they also need them to reach high cadence. It took SX quite a few years to do that.

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Anonymous No. 16618061

Anonymous No. 16618062

If Kate is a DEI hire then it was all worth it in the end

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Anonymous No. 16618063

everybody else is even worse actually
those ribbed tubes are actually an indication that those tubes suck, not blow
-t. confined space trained
in KSP you can ride a whiplash to Mach 4 (1200 m/s), which is almost half of orbital velocity (2300m/s) and 20km, which is 1/4 of the altitude to your destination LKO
this is much better than the equivalent on a full size earth, where orbital velocity is ~8 km/s.
The maximum speed for airbreathing vehicles is still the same but the orbital velocity is higher, so you only get 1/5 of the velocity required instead of half.
Super Heavy gets you a bunch of altitude as well, and spare vertical velocity (read: time to accelerate)
a horizontal takeoff vehicle capable of lifting Starship with this sort of performance would be too big basically, you'd need to start by building a runway for it. If you really want spaceplanes you should do vertical takeoff, horizontal landing.

Anonymous No. 16618064

when are we getting to one starship every eight hours again?

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Anonymous No. 16618069

>those ribbed tubes are actually an indication that those tubes suck, not blow
no they arent because i used them near every day for my last job. i havent seen a hose that wasnt ribbed. if they are used for some sort of vacuum too then ok but i havent used them for that.

Anonymous No. 16618070

This does not establish relevance. Milestones are still being met.

Anonymous No. 16618072


Anonymous No. 16618073

hmm it looks like some in the pic indicate that they are used for suction too. i guess i just havent used them for that purpose.

Anonymous No. 16618074

if you weren't a part of a raid you would have just called him a nigger and moved on with your life
do they have access to Baikonur? I thought Kazakhstan was using the fact that the entire Russian violence machine is tied up in a Ukraine War to bar access to the Russians
holy shit it's the magic boulder
post them so I can jack off to spaceflight hardware
this can happen if you have too much fuel for your thrust level, like with Centaur
it doesn't have enough thrust to burn all of its fuel before it falls back into the atmosphere, there's a maximum mass it can deliver to LEO and you can replace some of the fuel (that can't be used) with payload mass. Be better to just use more engines in my opinion.

Anonymous No. 16618075

the only milestone that matters is boots on the moon, and there is no sign of that happening

Anonymous No. 16618076

>if you aren't racist you must conspiring on discord
>conspiring to bother ~30 people on the slowest 4chan board

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Anonymous No. 16618080

>Delta Clipper, Venture Star, and XS-1
oldspace grift projects, not real attempts
if they were real attempts they would have been TSTO

>killed the TSTO spaceplane concept
VTHL isn't dead imo, I think it's possible for it to be resuscitated. Doesn't India have a few projects that would lead to that eventually? Not serious projects, but...
if you're blowing with them you could just be using unribbed tubes, which are like the world's longest grocery bags
you don't need to be racist/homophobic to call somebody a nigger or a faggot
it's just shock value to attempt to filter tourists and retards

Anonymous No. 16618081

I've been banned for saying that in this very general, so I don't anymore. This site is more strict about no no words than normie websites now

Anonymous No. 16618082

it's only 3 days, and it's a low % chance

Anonymous No. 16618084

Of all the third worlders, I've found africans rank far higher than south americans and indians.

Anonymous No. 16618085

there's a spectrum, in my experience
but yeah south americans, SEAsians, and South Asians are subhuman

Anonymous No. 16618087

You really need to stop watching porn

Anonymous No. 16618088

the ribbed ones exist for durability and so that they don't collapse when sucking
it's better to suck than blow btw

Anonymous No. 16618090

I've only be banned once on /sfg/ for calling someone a nigger. Guess I the tranny mod was dilating extra hard that day

Anonymous No. 16618091

If that's where your mind immediately goes, I think /gif/ is more your speed as a board.

Anonymous No. 16618092

No one expect faggots would rank Africans higher than south Americans

Anonymous No. 16618093

>3rd worlders getting access to the internet
>a better place

Anonymous No. 16618095

br br?

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Anonymous No. 16618102

When are we going to kill people like this?

Anonymous No. 16618103

Be the change.

Anonymous No. 16618104

I will not be rage baited today, I will not be rage baited today, I will not be rage baited today…

Anonymous No. 16618109

are u suggesting we kill jpl employees?

Anonymous No. 16618112

We should focus on keeping this planet alive instead. We only got one Earth

Anonymous No. 16618115


Anonymous No. 16618116

is that a ui for ants?
anyway it looks ok I guess? I didn't listen what the guy was saying but I'm guessing they're trying to keep as close to ksp's feel as possible.

Anonymous No. 16618118

Has the FAA been completely dismantled yet? Are we gaan?

Anonymous No. 16618120

the FAA is a non factor and, in light of recent events, never was. It was always starshit development that slowed things down, not bureaucracy.

Anonymous No. 16618123

So you are calling SpaceX and Elon a liar

Anonymous No. 16618128

wouldn't be the first, last, or hundredth time he did that

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Anonymous No. 16618129

Anonymous No. 16618130

What would it change? The bottleneck is ShitX themselves it seems

Anonymous No. 16618131

>landing on the moon is impossible says only company who cant do it

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Anonymous No. 16618132

It's kind of telling that libs have always been anti-space while conservatives are the ones who progressed it. We will have people on Alpha Centauri while they are still crying about niggers and climate change. I could only hope for a worse fate for these vile anti-human scum.

Anonymous No. 16618133


Anonymous No. 16618135

>Is this the aphantasia thing?
No, you're just new

Anonymous No. 16618136

Pathetic attitude

Anonymous No. 16618137

The astronauts are chuds if they ride on ElonXpress. Kill them too

Anonymous No. 16618138

The gay ragebaiting WILL stop

Anonymous No. 16618140

ESA Robotic and Human Exploration Strategy director said at a french parliamentary comission on human spaceflight to maybe expect bad news about MSR coming from NASA tomorrow.

Anonymous No. 16618144

why is ESA talking about NASA programs?

Anonymous No. 16618145

If China were smart they’d put the manned lunar program on the backburner and speedrun mars sample return to beat the US

Anonymous No. 16618146

international cooperation is the poison killing spaceflight

Anonymous No. 16618147

MSR is a joint ESA-NASA program, they're in the loop.

One guy from SX I know who works on Starship said they're not *quite* as pressed with time as with IFT 8, ofc I mean like, 2 weeks more time to work on it and not months lol. I think musk just asked for an April launch of IFT 9, which should give them about 2 weeks more than what musk asked for IFT 8 (Launch in february, actually he wanted even before feb 24th kek)
Berger says unlikely to be before Summer but I kinda doubt it, he's also been wrong about some starship aspects lately (thinking Superheavy reuse would be a late 2025/early 2026 thing, thinking HLS had higher priority than Marsship)

Anonymous No. 16618148

I hope they do. We need some competition badly. I think about how ChatGPT was starting to stall in terms of progress and pushing out features to the public, then that open-source Chinese model came out and gave ChatGPT a kick up the arse. Spaceflight has stagnated for too long.

Anonymous No. 16618150

just give MSR to rocket labso my stock can move

Anonymous No. 16618151

sample return is a meme. focus on the moon. become rich and powerful.

Anonymous No. 16618152

Blame NASA's lack of funding for this.
Anyway ESA's ERO is much further along than the other parts of MSR, they're still on track to have it ready for the late 2028/early 2029 window

Anonymous No. 16618153

>I think musk just asked for an April launch of IFT 9
4/20 lol

Anonymous No. 16618154

they should do the whole thing themselves if they're so great

Anonymous No. 16618155

Desu would have really wanted first orbital + ship catch ship to be on 4/20/25, 2 year anniversary of first flight. Sadly that opportunity is gone. I just want the next one to not shit hitself on ascent, I miss the cruise and reentry views.

Anonymous No. 16618156

maybe they should fuck your wife for you too, huh?? does that sound nice to you????

Anonymous No. 16618157

/sfg/ - Sucking Frameworks General

Anonymous No. 16618158

Probably not impossible by say, late 30s/2040 based on experience for ERO, MMX phobos sample return, the new Exomars lander, if these work there will be a solid technical basis for an european MSR, ofc there's the question of funding.

Anonymous No. 16618160

mars is the key. cancel artemis and go to mars

Anonymous No. 16618161

>land a rover
>drill some samples
>leave them on the ground
>land another rover nearby
>drive over to pick them up
>drive them over to the-

Anonymous No. 16618163
this is so cool
spacecraft in mimecraft

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Anonymous No. 16618165

All the China Great Wall Corporation launches, the last one was the 100th

(fun fact: CZ-2C is operated by two different launch providers, China Great wall corporation (a joint CASIC-CASC subsdiary) and China Rocket (a full CASC-CALT subsidiary)

Anonymous No. 16618168

Huh, I didn't you you could fly stuff in blockgame.

Anonymous No. 16618170

i cant keep track of all their scams and front companies

Anonymous No. 16618171

All the art and UI stuff is placeholder, they're working on the core physics stuff, which from that video is looking really impressive compared to what KSP could do.

Anonymous No. 16618173


Anonymous No. 16618177

Everyone with a brain knows that HLS is total bullshit

Anonymous No. 16618180

Listening to kimbal musk speak is so interesting. It’s like if Elon didn’t have the impedimental retardation

Anonymous No. 16618182

Vely implessive

Anonymous No. 16618185

>if Elon didn’t have the impedimental retardation
we'd be sending astronauts to the ISS on soyuz for the next 50 years

Anonymous No. 16618195

how is that relevant to rocket engineers?

Anonymous No. 16618196

if a fully fueled starship blows up on the pad it could destroy the entire planet

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Anonymous No. 16618198

The new guy has everything under control, everything will be sorted by the next flight

Anonymous No. 16618200

and when's that?

Anonymous No. 16618204

A failed starship launch would open a measurable hole in the ozone layer, increase global temperatures by 1°C, and increase global CO2 levels to 1000 ppm

Anonymous No. 16618205

thank you for posting indian aislop clickbait content farms, really improves the general

Anonymous No. 16618208

you dont even want to know what its going to do to the seals, beetles and deer.

Anonymous No. 16618211

Kimbal put points into charisma
Elon minmaxed int and will

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Anonymous No. 16618212

Anonymous No. 16618214

Hmmmm, go to Mars
a year of free starlink.
Hard to choose!

Anonymous No. 16618217

No one will win a perfect bracket, my israeli bots will make sure of that

Anonymous No. 16618221

It’s so funny how everyone on DearMoon got rugpulled

Anonymous No. 16618228

don't forget the illegal wetback ocelots

Anonymous No. 16618229

2 weeks

Anonymous No. 16618230


Anonymous No. 16618236
ben franklin pays the boys a visit

Anonymous No. 16618237

one way or round trip

Anonymous No. 16618241

I have that on lock already actually, I don't need any help
I believe the current story is that the return trip is always free

Anonymous No. 16618242

CNC is a good way of building stuff when you don't need to make tens of thousands of them

Anonymous No. 16618252

It's a good way, but it's not the only way, nor is it the fastest or the cheapest way to make every shape and structure. It's certainly the most flexible, no one can deny that.

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Anonymous No. 16618253

>Managers from NASA’s Exploration Ground Systems (EGS) and SLS (Space Launch System) Programs hold a baton signifying the hand off of the SLS interim cryogenic propulsion stage to Kennedy’s EGS Program inside the Multi-Payload Processing Facility at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida on Monday, March 10, 2025, after being transported from United Launch Alliance’s Delta Operations Center at nearby Cape Canaveral Space Force Station.


Anonymous No. 16618256

I will say that my friend at SpaceX Hawthorne did mention that the HLS ECLSS teams are getting scaled down and talent is being transferred over to the regular Starship teams as opposed to Crew Starship (to get starship operational ASAP before being sent back to the HLS teams).

However I too am in speculation territory as I’m hearing this second hand and have never worked in Hawthorne.

Anonymous No. 16618259

The rumor mill has been running rife around the Cape about HLS.

Anonymous No. 16618261

First of all, rumors are never authoritative. But some people are reading between the lines and putting 2+2 together about the ELCSS reassignments and Elon's not mentioning the moon much at all lately. Second is that Blue is lot farther down the road with Blue Moon than most folks believe.

Anonymous No. 16618263


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Anonymous No. 16618267

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Anonymous No. 16618268
>Tell your friends! The Moon will turn a brilliant shade of red early on Friday morning during a total lunar eclipse where long wavelength red light will pass through the edge of Earth’s atmosphere and bend toward the Moon.
>The Moon enters the Earth’s shadow around 05:10 UT (01:10am Friday morning Eastern) and the total eclipse where the Moon takes on color begins around 06:26 UT (02:26am Friday morning Eastern), lasting just over an hour.

Anonymous No. 16618270

I’s didn’t mean to hit starship HLS with the baton

Anonymous No. 16618271

this scares me

Anonymous No. 16618275

It actually can be pretty fast and cheap. You also don't need to build custom hardware to produce your part

Anonymous No. 16618276

Yes we know about a certain twitter user with severe EDS.

Anonymous No. 16618277

Stringers and runners are the method of choice for strong, light weight, and inexpensive hollow tubes under pressure. This method seems underused for payloads. Failing that, how about that incremental press-forming technology for panels?

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Anonymous No. 16618278


Anonymous No. 16618279

you want to return... to earth?!

Anonymous No. 16618292

>Starlink service is free but you still have to buy the hardware
That's jewish

Anonymous No. 16618295

Airplanes figured this out like 90 years ago. I wonder why rockets and spacecraft still cant.

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Anonymous No. 16618298
>Now that Blue Ghost is on the other side of the lunar noon heat, the X-band antenna is downlinking at 10 Mbps again to transmit even more science data for NASA! More to come soon as we prepare to operate for 5 hours of darkness during the eclipse tonight - a challenging feat similar to operating in the lunar night.

Anonymous No. 16618299

A one time purchase is certainly not jewish. A perpetual subscription is

Anonymous No. 16618301

Watching blue ghost succeed makes me so bummed the other landers flopped.

Anonymous No. 16618306

its a ongoing expense

Anonymous No. 16618313


Anonymous No. 16618314

Sucks to be the guys who made the tiny rover on IM-2, all that work and it's stuck under a topheavy lander.

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Anonymous No. 16618315

Anonymous No. 16618327

which one is the gravioli detector?

Anonymous No. 16618329

I bet those guys felt... crushed

Anonymous No. 16618340

At least the cool mission made it.
Evil timeline where all the boring shitcans land and do nothing while firefly crashes

Anonymous No. 16618347

Will it take a picture of the Earth during the lunar eclipse?

Anonymous No. 16618348

I haven’t seen confirmation from the horse’s mouth but many are speculating that they’re going to get a good photo of it. I don’t see why not. Unless they have to shut it off for power reasons (would be so gay and the largest missed opportunity of the year)

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Anonymous No. 16618365

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average manley yt....png

Anonymous No. 16618377

Anonymous No. 16618385

fuck i've only got 3 hours to drive to tribune, kansas i guess

Anonymous No. 16618398

They're hoping to survive a few hours into the night, and I wonder if they're going to try for a bonus round

Anonymous No. 16618444

>Tell your friends
But I don't have friends.

Anonymous No. 16618450

we're not friends?!?

Anonymous No. 16618461

wait, so do we actually know by know why starship v2 fails to do what v1 could?
Like an actual diagramm or youtube video or something with side by side comparison of v1 and v2, what exactly changed between the two versions, and how these changes resulted in the issues we're seeing.
AFAIK v2 is a bit taller.
And the problem seems to be with the feeder lines and harmonic resonance or some shit.
Did they change the placement of the feeder lines in v2 or is this issue literally just from the increased lenght of the pipes or what?

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Anonymous No. 16618465


Anonymous No. 16618468

oh nice, thanks.
I'm assuming they wanted the additional tubes for higher or more even flowrate or something.
my KSP brain tells me to just put some struts between them and it should be fine hopefully.
Or does the system need reworking from the ground up and its a fundamental design flaw?

Anonymous No. 16618489

The current problem appears to be violent acoustic coupling between the plumbing lines and the engines, and mechanically linking the pipes together could dampen it or it could amplify the problem. This probably can't be cludged, and likely requires in depth analysis and calculation.

Anonymous No. 16618493

stupid bitchass moon it’s too cloudy I can’t see shit.

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a NASA Reorg.jpg

Anonymous No. 16618501

And close JPL and put a Trump Indian casino on the land.

Anonymous No. 16618504


Anonymous No. 16618506

nasa is a cost center, time to make it a profit center

Anonymous No. 16618510

moon is alright
I've seen better lunar eclipses

Anonymous No. 16618526

There were claims that the transfer tubes WERE heavily reinforced on flight 8 after flight 7. Not sure what they did, seems it wasn't enough.

Anonymous No. 16618529

you know what, this eclipse fucking sucks actually
the atmosphere sucks, we should remove it

Anonymous No. 16618538

i suddenly have a desire to get into astrology and buy a telescope camera

Anonymous No. 16618539

8" dob

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Anonymous No. 16618540

based Casey has done it again

>All up, the CH4 side consumes 127 kW of electrical power and radiates 141 kW, while the oxygen side consumes 380 kW and radiates 399 kW. The system consumes 507 kW of electrical power. Assuming a solar array with 36% efficiency pointed directly at the sun with 50% utilization (we’re in shade half the time while in LEO) we need 2000 m^2 of solar array, equivalent to a disk with a radius of 25 m.
that's a lot of fucking power, jesus, that's grim

Anonymous No. 16618544

i mean astronomy

Anonymous No. 16618571

he's so much smarter than anyone on /sfg/

Anonymous No. 16618572

the only difference between me and him is that he has access to a physics textbook, millions of dollars of venture capital, a castle, and the will to get literally anything done instead of jack off on my couch and shitpost on 4chan
to be fair, that last one is pretty important

Anonymous No. 16618576

>Doesn't paint the ship
>Neglects the effects of high reflection, high emissivity coatings on the actual thermal load
>Assumes subcooling temperatures instead of more conservative and easily achieved values
The assumptions used to build this case are silly at best, and malicious deception at worst.

Anonymous No. 16618578

send him an email calling him a double niggerfaggot then, if you're so great

Anonymous No. 16618579

how do i convince a mid latina to dump her loser boyfriend of 4 years?

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Anonymous No. 16618582

Anonymous No. 16618586

kill him

Anonymous No. 16618588
>An Andøya Space notice has revealed that the launch of the inaugural flight of the Isar Aerospace Spectrum rocket is set for 20 to 30 March.

Anonymous No. 16618595

NTA but it can be very funny to be purposefully stupid.
>inb4 pretending to be shpiel
Yeah yeah I get it

Anonymous No. 16618596

Video of the eclipse from the lander?

Anonymous No. 16618599

Without refuels starship is just starlink rocket

Anonymous No. 16618603

Always was (a pebble rocket.)

Anonymous No. 16618610

What else were they going to launch?

Anonymous No. 16618613

>something that will NEVER happen
truly an impossible choice

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Anonymous No. 16618618
>BlueGhost caught her first look at the solar eclipse from the Moon around 12:30 am CDT - notice the glowing ring of light emerge in the reflection of our solar panel as the Earth began to block the sun! We hope to downlink more imagery soon once our X-band antenna warms up from the cold temperatures faced in the darkness of totality. Stay tuned!

Anonymous No. 16618619

another golden opportunity lost by the other failed lunar missions

Anonymous No. 16618620

when theyre gonna do single raptor rocket?

Anonymous No. 16618621

That's fair enough I guess, having everything loaded all the time and the seamless map view does look very cool.

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Anonymous No. 16618622

They deserved it.
The meme drive relaunch is supposedly in the bottom right there

Anonymous No. 16618623

That was supposed to be the DoD upgraded F9 upper stage. Raptor was originally for a beefed-up falcon

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Anonymous No. 16618626

I wonder how it's gonna "fail" this time?

Anonymous No. 16618627

This one will finally go smoothly but they’ll have some bullshit excuse like
>erm this was just a pathfinder, error bars still pretty big. Next time we will build an even bigger demonstrator to finally prove once and for all it works! Stay tuned for our next launch in 2 years :)

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Anonymous No. 16618628

Anonymous No. 16618631

I stopped believing in UFOs and spookdrones and secret government surveillance shit after my prefrontal lobe developed and I realized real life isn’t the X Files

Anonymous No. 16618633

read the article again, retard. Properly this time.

Anonymous No. 16618637

>a Mars ticket gate kept by ape-hoop knowledge
More good news to make me feel better.

Anonymous No. 16618641

>2 square kilometers of solar in space

Anonymous No. 16618643

>US government offhandedly tries to convince the Soviets they have alien tech as one of several propaganda moves
>10% of boomers get completely one shotted by this as an accidental byproduct
>Yeah you wouldn't believe the shit they're working on in secret, who knows what kinda stuff they have now...
The amount of conversations I've had with these faggots that genuinely think we live in the Stargate universe is baffling, until you remember that for them emailing is indiscernibly as advanced as a warp drive

Anonymous No. 16618644

Honestly you could probably solve the Martian “power problem” with a constellation of a ton of solar sats in mars orbit, that beam power down to the surface

Anonymous No. 16618647

I will kill you

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Anonymous No. 16618648


Anonymous No. 16618649

Samefag. Solar in orbit makes much more sense. There's so much space, and it's closer to the sun.

Anonymous No. 16618650

These prizes suck lmao

Anonymous No. 16618651

>everyone who calls out my retardation is the same person
meds. NOW
a single rtg would outdo all of your meme panels and be easier to build, service and maintain

Anonymous No. 16618655

How are you going to beam down power from an rtg dumbass

Anonymous No. 16618658

250k sucks?
the other shit is just spices

Anonymous No. 16618659

battery drops

Anonymous No. 16618660

its over, elon won

>Starlink, Elon Musk’s satellite communications company, fought behind the scenes for months to break into India’s internet business. The market is dominated by two local giants, Reliance Jio and Bharti Airtel, which seemed united in trying to keep Starlink out.
>Then, suddenly, this week each of them announced a partnership to bring Starlink into India, pending the government’s approval.

Anonymous No. 16618663

>reentry wind power

Anonymous No. 16618664

I think its implied that the rtg is placed next to the thing that needs power and connected to it with a little thing called wires.
(Also a full scale fission reactor would be more practical than any rtg for anything more than a rocer).

Anonymous No. 16618666

Soyuz-2 launched from Baikonur as recently as February 27. Launches from there also occurred on December 25 and November 21.

Anonymous No. 16618668

I don't think launching 1,400 by 2030 will be difficult for Qianfan. That's just 78 launches. LM6A/8/12 should soon ramp up their cadence.

Anonymous No. 16618676

>just 78 launches
you mean 78 flattened villages?

Anonymous No. 16618679


Anonymous No. 16618680

>elon wins
>mankind loses
many such cases

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Anonymous No. 16618682
>The FAA has released a draft environmental assessment to increase Falcon 9 launches at SLC-40 from 50 to 120 and to build a new landing zone at SLC-40.

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Anonymous No. 16618684


Anonymous No. 16618687

childs play, just go straight to 480

Anonymous No. 16618688

Bearish for Starship.

Anonymous No. 16618694

>saarshit is being abandoned
owari da

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Anonymous No. 16618695
>The inaugural flight of Isar Aerospace’s Spectrum rocket is scheduled to take place between 20 and 30 March 2025 from Andøya Spaceport in Norway.
>In February, Isar announced that it had completed the final major milestone in the development of its two-stage Spectrum rocket with the successful test-firing of both the first and second stages. At the time, the company stated that the only remaining hurdle before its inaugural launch attempt was obtaining a launch licence from the Civil Aviation Authority of Norway (CAA Norway). While the Andøya Spaceport notice suggests this hurdle has now been cleared, no formal announcement has been made by CAA Norway.

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Anonymous No. 16618710
>Blue Ghost got her first diamond ring! Captured at our landing site in the Moon’s Mare Crisium around 3:30 am CDT, the photo shows the sun about to emerge from totality behind Earth. Hope to have more shots to share soon!

Image not available



Anonymous No. 16618713

Anonymous No. 16618714

>Hope to have more shots to share soon!

Anonymous No. 16618726

Neat, nice to see a CLPS mission not shitting the bed

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Anonymous No. 16618729


Anonymous No. 16618730

Space is kind of boring

Anonymous No. 16618733

Expendable Citizens

Anonymous No. 16618734

I wonder if we’ll get to see the red surface or if the cameras aren’t good enough to show detail with that little light

Anonymous No. 16618738

A brief history of China

Anonymous No. 16618741

you just need to be able to into it.

Anonymous No. 16618745
Blue Moon landing attempt this year, and two more next year? I'd completely forgotten about them.

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Screenshot from 2....png

Anonymous No. 16618747

Expendable engineers
Expendable citizens
There's no room for empathy if you want to be a hardcore successful CEO of space

Anonymous No. 16618750

That's a Xichang problem. Taiyuan and Wenchang don't have that problem

Anonymous No. 16618756

Everyone ready for a record-setting seven launches in 24 hours?

Falcon 9 Dragon2 Crew-10
Electron QPS-SAR 10
Falcon 9 Transporter-13
CZ-2D ?
Falcon 9 Starlink 12-16
Angara 1.2 3x Kosmos
Firefly Lockheed-Martin LM400

Anonymous No. 16618757

no way it happens

Anonymous No. 16618758

I'm ready for 2-4 of those to scrub

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Anonymous No. 16618759

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Anonymous No. 16618760

insulation... in space?!

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insulation is haram.jpg

Anonymous No. 16618765


Anonymous No. 16618769

hearty kek

Anonymous No. 16618779


Anonymous No. 16618784

Only if you're a normie faggot

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Anonymous No. 16618806

Anonymous No. 16618808

Hey I’m in this photo!

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Anonymous No. 16618810

Dude made a fully functioning PEZ dispenser as well, WTF

Anonymous No. 16618811

no offense but youre not

Anonymous No. 16618812

>could be

Anonymous No. 16618815

>wild speculation meant to instill fear and anger
they throw your ass in prison for shit like this in civilized countries

Anonymous No. 16618817

kilopower orbital constellation that beams power to the surface

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Anonymous No. 16618818

damn that sucks
hope the Kazaks got their money at least
I think they were in the shitty annoying part of the moon that was illuminated in white by the atmosphere
fucking garbage lunar eclipse, worst lunar eclipse I've seen at least
stupid frogposter

Anonymous No. 16618822

Boring. When Flight 9?

Anonymous No. 16618824

>hope the Kazaks got their money at least
ive been out round where they launch. just a rough gravel desert really. would have been cool to see a launch, even from far away.

Anonymous No. 16618825

two more weeks

Anonymous No. 16618826

they can't have that many guards, you could probably go full S.T.A.L.K.E.R. with even an FGC-9

Anonymous No. 16618827

How much is that in Mars weeks

Anonymous No. 16618829

>wild speculation
source? I'm willing to trust ol' B

Anonymous No. 16618831

you probably could. even now theres only one actual road but people are still in the habit of just making their own trails because often the road is so bad that bare desert is better. just carry several days water and you'll be ok.

Anonymous No. 16618832


Anonymous No. 16618833


Anonymous No. 16618834

I mean the guards still patrol, several of the urbex/S.T.A.L.K.E.R. guys had bad experiences trying to look at the Buran. I'm suggesting that they probably don't have enough guards that if you got the drop on them you could kill them.

Anonymous No. 16618835

oh i see what you mean. id be happy just watching a launch without trying to get inside any actual base areas. i wonder if you can see them from the road.

Anonymous No. 16618836

About 3.9.

Anonymous No. 16618849

That's it? I wanted to see the lunar landscape bathed in blood

Anonymous No. 16618853


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Anonymous No. 16618859
>The lunar eclipse above Dragon and Falcon 9 at pad 39A in Florida

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Anonymous No. 16618861


Anonymous No. 16618864


Anonymous No. 16618871

Who is VSVN?

Anonymous No. 16618874

Very Space, Very Nice.

Anonymous No. 16618875

>less than
>less than
What did they mean by this

Anonymous No. 16618876

Vertically Selected Velocity Nodules

Anonymous No. 16618883

Says CИC2. Probably some communists

Anonymous No. 16618888

Dead on arrival

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Anonymous No. 16618892

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Anonymous No. 16618894

Anonymous No. 16618896

How was the warping on the engine bells this time around?

Anonymous No. 16618899

This LEO is a waste and old news

Anonymous No. 16618901


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Anonymous No. 16618905

I don't know how it was on Flight 8, honestly. That video was flight 5. This one's Flight 8

Anonymous No. 16618915

There has never been warping on the engine bells.

Anonymous No. 16618922

i was going to say that. there have only been frame grabs which display distortion from heat plume effects etc.

Anonymous No. 16618934

it's a species of worm

Anonymous No. 16618936

Is this the first time a Terran eclipse has been photographed?

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Anonymous No. 16618937


Anonymous No. 16618938

what happened to the 7 launches that were supposed to happen today?

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C_jfNSUE87w5d0w- ....mp4

Anonymous No. 16618939

>A terran eclipse causes everything on the moon to turn red
First time seeing this, kinda unsettling

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Anonymous No. 16618941

careful now, they can be almost so bad as snozzwangers

Anonymous No. 16618942

no but the first clear photo

Anonymous No. 16618943

Vermis Visuviolens (often abbreviated VSVN), the worm of violent force

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Anonymous No. 16618944

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Anonymous No. 16618945


Anonymous No. 16618946

Firefly moon mission ended up being pretty cool

Anonymous No. 16618947

So many wide people

Anonymous No. 16618948

kicking off with the crewed Dragon, due to [spoiler]scrub[/spoiler] in four hours

Anonymous No. 16618949

You just know the main reason for the worm's retirement was autistic graphic designers seething at normies for innocently reading NVSV as VSVN. They couldnt take it any longer

Anonymous No. 16618951

i like exceptional

Anonymous No. 16618953

>humanity's first space rescue mission
>barely any press or media there

Anonymous No. 16618954

So is the dragon on schedule as originally planned or is it earlier?

Anonymous No. 16618955

dragons are always where they mean to be

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Anonymous No. 16618956

>humanity's first space rescue mission

Anonymous No. 16618958

How bad would it be if it blew up on the way there up failed to ignite its landing burn

Anonymous No. 16618959

it's Usun retard. V is latin

Anonymous No. 16618960

What landing burn

Anonymous No. 16618962

well then they would crash and die. what kimd of stupid question is that

Anonymous No. 16618964

space rescue service when

Anonymous No. 16618968

It's ASUS, dumbass.

Anonymous No. 16618969

I load these threads when they hit bump limit and scroll fast only stopping to read posts with 5 replies or more tp catch up on news or interesting stuff

Anonymous No. 16618971

when i go to mars i want to be employed as the fish tank caretaker. i would beautify the tank and keep the fishies happy and listen to nice music along the way. this is what i imagine it will be like

Anonymous No. 16618973

that'll be for robots or women. you'll be out in the mines getting red lung and dying from radiation.

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Apologize No. 16618976


is ChatGPT gaslighting me?

Anonymous No. 16618977

do not listen to the slop machine, anon, it only tells you what it thinks you want it to tell you

Anonymous No. 16618982

i still believe fish caretakery is not that easy (for a robot). and girls shouldnt go to mars, they are distracting. to preserve the serene and maintain healthy fishe a human touch is needed

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Anonymous No. 16618985

Berger is not wrong here

Anonymous No. 16618987

sorry but you're not a real player just because your runway was extended. either you're profitable or you're not.

Anonymous No. 16618988

>dying from radiation
Oh look, another anti-Mars colonisation kike spreading the radiation meme.,_Iran#Geography

Anonymous No. 16618990

>First time seeing this
I think it's the first time it has been imaged from the surface
I wonder what are the luminosity levels: it looks completely dark at the end of the video, but since we see the red Moon from Earth during the eclipse, an observer on the Moon could probably see a bit.

Anonymous No. 16618991

yeah, as we know, more money equals more success. just look at

Anonymous No. 16618993

>I think it's the first time it has been imaged from the surface
With a non shitty resolution at least

Anonymous No. 16618997

A billion dollars combined with a good rocket means Relativity can survive long enough to get going.

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Anonymous No. 16618998

Anonymous No. 16618999

where'd you get this?

Anonymous No. 16619002

From the Moon.

Anonymous No. 16619003

I hope dragon parachutes fail, I want to see emergency landing.

Anonymous No. 16619005

>girls shouldnt go to mars, they are distracting.
you'd likely soon find a few of the boys distracting too. you know you would.

Anonymous No. 16619006

what happens then? does it got balloons?

Anonymous No. 16619007

propulsive landing with super draco as god originally intended

Anonymous No. 16619008


Anonymous No. 16619009


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Anonymous No. 16619012

neat thanks. I'm following them not sure why I missed it

>You can also spot Mercury (left) and Venus (right) just above the eclipse!

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Anonymous No. 16619013


Anonymous No. 16619016

it is incredibly late. Was supposed to launch in february but had some issues with the capsule. Ironically that was the exact time when Musk had his spergout about le poor stranded astronuts. Really makes you think...

Anonymous No. 16619017

The Sun -> Sol
The Earth -> Terra
The Moon -> Luna
Titan -> Oceanus
Uranus -> Caelus
Miranda -> Urania
Ariel -> Clio
Umbriel -> Thalia
Titania -> Calliope
Oberon -> Euterpe

We need to keep planet names mythology related. Let's fix it. Now.

Anonymous No. 16619022

>just look at
spaceX and tesla. Both were on the brink of bankruptcy in 2008 because falcon kept fucking failing but got saved by NASA. Money absolutely goes into the success formula, you can't do shit, especially in spaceflight, if you don't have lots and lots of cash.

Anonymous No. 16619023

yeah the turnaround is surprising
they pivoted to doing everything as run of the mill as possible basically, buying a lot of stuff from suppliers
though even if they launch a few times successfully they are pretty far away from becoming competitive, basically competing with Blue Origin and Rocketlab at this point I guess

Anonymous No. 16619025

Did you know that Elon Musk's father worked for SpaceX?

Anonymous No. 16619028

you think that NOW

Anonymous No. 16619033

>SLS moving LEFT

lol, lmao, sure

Anonymous No. 16619037

>have to sit there for two hours doing nothing

Anonymous No. 16619039

who is the female talking on the nsf stream?

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Anonymous No. 16619046

The piece of SHIT known as MESSENGER took these two photographs of Venus on its approach.

Why the FUCK didn't they aim its camera so a quarter of it wasn't cropped out? Now there exists no full-frame photograph of Venus in true colour.

Anonymous No. 16619048

Those names suck except the generic Terra Luna

Anonymous No. 16619050

2 hours sitting on top of a bunch of explosives. That's a bit more interesting than nothing

Anonymous No. 16619052

these names are freking amazing!

Anonymous No. 16619055

its true. everyone is orgasming constantly

Anonymous No. 16619066

that's why they don't show the view inside
it's the customary pre-launch orgy

Anonymous No. 16619071

>SLS moved left 2 months
>it's still months to the right of the previous move to the right

Anonymous No. 16619072

just imagine the intensity of an orgy when you're all strapped into crash couches. THAT is hot.

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screenshot (2).png

Anonymous No. 16619073

They're bored out of their minds

Anonymous No. 16619074

can dragon run ksp?

Anonymous No. 16619075

What's he listening to?

Anonymous No. 16619077

Can anyone explain SLS cost to me?
>core stage - just use Marietta's lightweight tank technology
>solids - should be very cheap
>RS-25 - the 'E' variant uses additive manufacturing to reduce cost
>RL10 - again, its suppose to be relatively affordable now
Why is it so expensive then?
How the fuck is it $ bn+?

Anonymous No. 16619078

each of those parts needs an astronomical amount of river rocks from Alabama

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Anonymous No. 16619081

sugarcoat status?

Anonymous No. 16619083

every single aspect of the program must be overseen by a pyramid structured army of managers/HR/etc bureaucrats. each of them needs to be paid enough to afford a large house in a prestigious gated community with several large new automobiles because they are of course entitled, by virtue of their bureaucratic talent, to an upper-middle class lifestyle. and that's just the ones near the bottom of the pyramid.

Anonymous No. 16619084

>Why the FUCK didn't they aim its camera so a quarter of it wasn't cropped out?
that'll be 1 billion usd plus tip

Anonymous No. 16619085

>solids - should be very cheap
oh you sweet summer child

Anonymous No. 16619086

they simplah no wayah raynd it boy

Anonymous No. 16619087

>Can anyone explain SLS cost to me?
Bureaucracy and politics

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Delta IV Super He....png

Anonymous No. 16619089

Boeing's cost affordable alternative to SLS

Anonymous No. 16619090

Getting close to scrub prime time

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Anonymous No. 16619091

Clear Live

Anonymous No. 16619093

Yeah, every single one of those is brand new for SLS. The "External Tank" core stage is a complete lie and is a brand new rocket. Solids are getting a SLS-specific redesign (they are using shuttle-era casings for some reason right now). RS-25 is getting a new model just for SLS to eliminate its most costly components because it won't be reused. RL10 is getting a new model just for the EUS.
To recover the cost all of this gets amortized into the unit cost for the SLS.

Anonymous No. 16619094

I will now watch your shitty launch

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Anonymous No. 16619096

This better be good.

Anonymous No. 16619097

Happy waifu, happy laifu

Anonymous No. 16619099

>boeing 757 spacecraft

Anonymous No. 16619100

those boots. they look like what you want for mucking out at cow barn

Anonymous No. 16619101

>the astronauts are now TRAPPED in the space capsule
it just keeps getting worse and worse

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Anonymous No. 16619103


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Anonymous No. 16619105

Whip it out big boy, it's time to goon.

Anonymous No. 16619106

they just dont seem happy. its like they have been told to be not excited

Anonymous No. 16619108

I hope she fucking cries again HAHAH

Anonymous No. 16619110

>launch escape systems are vital for any spacecraft with people
What about shuttle?

Anonymous No. 16619112

shuttlefags aren't people

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Anonymous No. 16619113

Oh yeah, load your fuel into me bro!

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[1920x1080] vtime....png

Anonymous No. 16619114

Anonymous No. 16619116

>Delta IV
that's like a plain girl standing next to an uggo to look better by contrast. Govt. accountants will breathe a sigh of relief when ULA bites the dust for good.

Anonymous No. 16619119

I hate women.

Anonymous No. 16619123

clear off-note singing... kawaii...

Anonymous No. 16619126

are you gay?

Anonymous No. 16619128

>training on surface for a flyby mission


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Anonymous No. 16619130

newfag here
why are the helpers dressed in black, masked and with numbers on their backs? Looks like some real black ops shit. Pretty cool desu

Anonymous No. 16619132

Kabuki theater stage assistants all dressed completely in black to signify to the audience that they "aren't there" and shouldn't be considered part of the scene

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Anonymous No. 16619133

>we're tracking no issues

Anonymous No. 16619134

I wish that mystery meat cutie hosted Starship launches again.

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Anonymous No. 16619138

less than 10 min

Anonymous No. 16619139

>enjoy the ride
I hope to one day have this said to me...

Anonymous No. 16619140

what the ninjas for ?

Anonymous No. 16619141

We Found Life on Mars so We Can't Land Starship Spaceships on Mars

Anonymous No. 16619142


Anonymous No. 16619143

It's hapooning

Anonymous No. 16619144

We found life on Mars decades ago desu.

Anonymous No. 16619145

There's a lot at stake with this flight, Mr. Elon. You better get it fucking right.

Anonymous No. 16619146

those are the executioners

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[1920x1080] vtime....png

Anonymous No. 16619147

Anonymous No. 16619149


Anonymous No. 16619150

it's really wobbly what the hell

Anonymous No. 16619151

lmao the empty seats

Anonymous No. 16619152

>cuts to an empty studio
DOGE was here

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Anonymous No. 16619153

taofledermous being based as always

Anonymous No. 16619154

inb4 sabotage

Anonymous No. 16619155

jesus christ I can't believe we all just saw that in real time

Anonymous No. 16619156


Anonymous No. 16619157

was it called spacetwitter before ?

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Anonymous No. 16619158

Anonymous No. 16619159


Anonymous No. 16619160


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american launch 1.webm

Anonymous No. 16619161

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Anonymous No. 16619162


Anonymous No. 16619163

decollage nya

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Anonymous No. 16619164

Anonymous No. 16619165

Max Qute!

Anonymous No. 16619166

it looks cool

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Anonymous No. 16619167

Anonymous No. 16619168

We are max qute

Anonymous No. 16619169

The Space Witch is coming home!!!

Anonymous No. 16619171

wow the on board camera quality is awful
very embarrassing

Anonymous No. 16619172

earth has been baba yaga free for too long

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Anonymous No. 16619173

Anonymous No. 16619174

why is the foil twitching?

Anonymous No. 16619175

it's alive...

Anonymous No. 16619176

you know there's still some atmosphere even at ISS orbit altitude, right?

Anonymous No. 16619177

That is actually a good analogy for SLS, for what they both do Delta IVH makes SLS look economical.

Anonymous No. 16619178

That's where the engine thief romanian is hiding.

Anonymous No. 16619179

heartbeat of the foul beast that powers it

Anonymous No. 16619180

popcorn is about to burst

Anonymous No. 16619181

watch out for space rats

Anonymous No. 16619182

artifact of the round earth filter, ever seen those instagram girl fuckups?

Anonymous No. 16619183

afghans hiding there

Anonymous No. 16619184

I thought they would be under more stress from the G forces.

Anonymous No. 16619186

filled with mice

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popcorn laser.jpg

Anonymous No. 16619187


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Anonymous No. 16619188

omg they exploded!

Anonymous No. 16619189


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Anonymous No. 16619190


Anonymous No. 16619191

damn that's a nice angle

Anonymous No. 16619192

oh no the booster is going to land on the camera man

Anonymous No. 16619193

This is fake it's an old photo from soviet union

Anonymous No. 16619194

why cant they just go to the moon with this rocket?

Anonymous No. 16619195


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a IMG_3048.jpg

Anonymous No. 16619196

"Hello... Worms."

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Anonymous No. 16619197


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Anonymous No. 16619198

its just that easy in rocketry

Anonymous No. 16619199

never gets old

Anonymous No. 16619201

I forgot how cool Falcon was

Anonymous No. 16619202

clear-chan tells me okaeri every time i get home because she's my wife

Anonymous No. 16619203

I didn't know we were getting a pad landing, holy fuck. It's (now) the second most awesome space thing after a tower catch.

Anonymous No. 16619204

it's not rocket science

Anonymous No. 16619205

>twenty-one thousand miles per hour

Anonymous No. 16619206


Anonymous No. 16619207


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[1920x1080] vtime....png

Anonymous No. 16619208


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Anonymous No. 16619209

buh bye

Anonymous No. 16619210

Can confirm, it's the signal she uses to tell me to leave through the window.

Anonymous No. 16619211

it's fine

Anonymous No. 16619212

>starfield screenshot

Anonymous No. 16619213


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Anonymous No. 16619214

is that the Moon?

Anonymous No. 16619215

Is it considered safe at this point?

Anonymous No. 16619216

Nothing in the trunk today, are they done delivering solar panels?

Anonymous No. 16619217

ummm the door came off

Anonymous No. 16619218

> Mvac shutdown and nominal orbit insertion

Anonymous No. 16619219

>thank you for flying SpaceX

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Anonymous No. 16619220

>the door came off
it's not boing
the back is what fell off

Anonymous No. 16619221

"hard right" indeed!

Anonymous No. 16619222

that was the heat shield...

Anonymous No. 16619223

>the harder right
ummm based??

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Screenshot from 2....png

Anonymous No. 16619224


Anonymous No. 16619225

> Dragon separation


Anonymous No. 16619226

oh no...

Anonymous No. 16619227

is that normal?

Anonymous No. 16619228

That bitch's speech was gay as fuck.
>No borders! One race!

Anonymous No. 16619229

yes, you're in 0G...

Anonymous No. 16619230

We'll return to normal before we shoot for Mars... hopefully.

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Anonymous No. 16619231

>astronaut speaks the japoness
>clear squeals in joy

Anonymous No. 16619232

docking when?

Anonymous No. 16619234

symmetrical docking

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a IMG_3135.jpg

Anonymous No. 16619235

Tell my wife I love her very much

She knows

Anonymous No. 16619236

I'm docking with clear atm

Anonymous No. 16619237

28 hours

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blew the bloody d....png

Anonymous No. 16619238

deebly goncerning

Anonymous No. 16619239

its over

Anonymous No. 16619240

pooland getting bombed again

Anonymous No. 16619241

wtf this makes no sense >>16619224

Anonymous No. 16619242

what the fuck are they gonna do inside the dragon for 28 hours

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Anonymous No. 16619243


Anonymous No. 16619244

4 hours

Anonymous No. 16619245

post-launch orgy

Anonymous No. 16619247

hope the have a starlink

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Anonymous No. 16619248

because it doesn't have wings, retard

Anonymous No. 16619249

Wait no, tomorrow 11:30 PM

Anonymous No. 16619250

nani kore??

Anonymous No. 16619251

what couldnt they do in 28 hours

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a crew_10_i.jpg

Anonymous No. 16619252

"Uhh -- Mission Control. Our Escape Hatch just -- escaped."

Anonymous No. 16619253

god damn those onboard screens look so fucking sexy.

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clear destroys fa....png

Anonymous No. 16619254

why would she do this

Anonymous No. 16619255

AAAA I'm blinking

Anonymous No. 16619256

No switches, no levers, no lights, no sovl

Anonymous No. 16619258

Wow origami just like youtube

Anonymous No. 16619259

6 astronauts stranded on the ISS.

Anonymous No. 16619260

They're absolutely fucking soulless, shithead zoomer

Anonymous No. 16619261

will this cunt shut up

Anonymous No. 16619262

nah it looks scifi
this is the true way
>muh knobs
are so gay and best remain in the ancient era glorified by younglings

Anonymous No. 16619264

we will have a space colony by mistake at this point.

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a IMG_3138.jpg

Anonymous No. 16619265

"Morbo laughs at the doomed human spacethings."

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Anonymous No. 16619266


Anonymous No. 16619269

Ban women from giving speeches.

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Anonymous No. 16619270

Anonymous No. 16619271

fuck off, they just went to space. Let them have their victory lap

Anonymous No. 16619272

holy shit this hole thinks she's neil fuckn armstrong times ten

Anonymous No. 16619273

post your ID or sit the fuck down, kid

Anonymous No. 16619274

>he set off the button autist
we all agree with you, we just keep it to ourselves to avoid invoking his wrath

Anonymous No. 16619275


Anonymous No. 16619276

I can only make basic flowers out of napkins.

Anonymous No. 16619277

Doesn't look sci-fi, just commercial. Probably the intended look desu

Anonymous No. 16619278

one down, six to go! Next up is the Rocket Lab Electron launch in one hour.

Stream live in four minutes

Anonymous No. 16619279


Anonymous No. 16619280

Cringy shit in orbit is still cringy. Should have had a better speech ready.

Anonymous No. 16619281

she's taking the extra gay stance due to elon

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Screenshot (1846).png

Anonymous No. 16619282


Anonymous No. 16619283

>they will be talking about this for years and years, for the rest of their lives
yeah I bet

Anonymous No. 16619284

All they did was get inside a capsule and sit down. Go back Redditor. We don't glorify astronauts here.

Anonymous No. 16619285

>origami da! peaceu!

Anonymous No. 16619286

but sad

Anonymous No. 16619287

I hate 80 digit subhumans so fucking much

Anonymous No. 16619289

I SWEAR TO GOD I will take her to Mars and start a family with her. WE WILL BE THE FIRST NATIVE MARTIANS.

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a IMG_3145.jpg

Anonymous No. 16619290

"Well done Worm."

Anonymous No. 16619291

Fuck off we're full

Anonymous No. 16619292

>Ars finally brought the hammer down on the EDS screamers trying to colonize space article comments
You love to see it

Anonymous No. 16619293

it is utterly stupid that they made an origami crane plush, instead of using... y'know... ACTUAL origami. There isn't even any mass savings!

Anonymous No. 16619294

is friend

Anonymous No. 16619295

>0G plushy named after russian word for "friend"
>represents peace or some gay shit
>when the country is at war
why are they like this?

Anonymous No. 16619296


Let's discuss Ceres colonisation.

Anonymous No. 16619297

Anonymous No. 16619298

No muttoids on Mars

Anonymous No. 16619299

make a thread there, kill one of the decade old ones

Anonymous No. 16619300

Time to change channels
I cant handle NASA talking women anymore
They're all fired in like 2 weeks
Rocket Lab is up next

Anonymous No. 16619301


Really? Earlier in the week they were allowing posters to openly call for the President to be assassinated. Again.

Anonymous No. 16619302

how so?
yeah, too bad for you.

Anonymous No. 16619303

im very sure that all this feels great when you've just made orbit

Anonymous No. 16619304

technically they would be pure blooded Martians

Anonymous No. 16619305

Shouldn't a manned rescue mission be a sticky?

Anonymous No. 16619306

It all plays out in the first few comments of the Rocket Report

Anonymous No. 16619307

They'd be illegal aliens

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don't fall f....png

Anonymous No. 16619308


Anonymous No. 16619309

but no 'go spacex' who just made your launch possible lol

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Anonymous No. 16619310

too routine

Anonymous No. 16619311

"crew has a 28 hour journey..."
in a spacex dragon

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Anonymous No. 16619312

there's no law on Mars according to Musk-sama

Anonymous No. 16619313


Anonymous No. 16619314

looks like the panel came off the second stage, not the trunk

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Anonymous No. 16619315

Anonymous No. 16619316

cute dildo

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Anonymous No. 16619317

Anonymous No. 16619318

SAAAAAR project

Anonymous No. 16619319

beat me to it, god damn

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Anonymous No. 16619320

Anonymous No. 16619321

I am fasterest hand in the west, sir

Anonymous No. 16619323

>millimeter tier depth resolution
fucking crazy....

Anonymous No. 16619324

>item from japan
>name from russia
>gay shit from america
whats the issue here

Anonymous No. 16619325

jesus christ this video is kinda dystopian

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Anonymous No. 16619327
Don't get too comfortable, Rocket Lab's up next

Anonymous No. 16619328

>control most of Earth's communication
>can also boost to a higher orbit and explode at any time
Jesus Christ, Mars will hold Earth hostage as soon is it becomes a political entity. I'm glad we live in modern times, where Elon got to be an engineer instead of a warlord. What a terrifying monster of a man.

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Anonymous No. 16619329


Anonymous No. 16619330

Colonies would first be international waters and then they'd likely get acknowledged as embassies. You can argue that you're free from laws up there but as long as you build and launch rockets on Earth you'll be subjected to Earth laws regardless of how you feel about governments

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Anonymous No. 16619331


Anonymous No. 16619332

There's no law on the Moon either
Makes these commercial landings super interesting

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Anonymous No. 16619334

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Anonymous No. 16619336

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Anonymous No. 16619337

Clear Live AGAIN!

Anonymous No. 16619339

she's right that badge is cool af

Anonymous No. 16619340

>hungry hippo fairing

Anonymous No. 16619341

>hungry hippo fairing

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Anonymous No. 16619342
>Looks like one of these panels (view looking back at S2 from CRS-30 Dragon)

Anonymous No. 16619343

this fairing looks so funky
I like it

Anonymous No. 16619344

>when a jumbo jet lands it doesn't jettison it's cargo doors

Anonymous No. 16619345

for some reason, I completely spaced (heh) on the fact that Neutron is SSTO, a historic first.

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a cry havok.jpg

Anonymous No. 16619346


They can still openly call for assassination in the Musk and SpaceX threads. Which is nice.

Anonymous No. 16619347

>Neutron is
anon, I...

Anonymous No. 16619348


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Anonymous No. 16619349

spacex ninjas are... cool

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Anonymous No. 16619350
>The QPS-SAR-9 satellite for QPS Inc. will be the second satellite we've deployed to build out their radar imaging constellation. With a newly-signed bulk order of launches on the manifest, Electron is scheduled to deploy seven more QPS-SAR satellites for iQPS on launches across this year and next.

Anonymous No. 16619351

take note, Boing

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Anonymous No. 16619352

Anonymous No. 16619353

what, I can't trust their CGI graphics?!

Anonymous No. 16619354

lol imagine having some fuckass payload on a gay ass memelauncher and requesting it to be blurred. No one cares about your payload bro, you’re not mysterious and cool for censoring it

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Anonymous No. 16619355

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Anonymous No. 16619356


Anonymous No. 16619358

it has a second stage dumbass

Anonymous No. 16619359

The payload's Japanese. Sometimes things just look like that in Japan

Anonymous No. 16619360

Clear Max-Qute!

Anonymous No. 16619361

do vehicles ever actually shred at maxq? they call it out like it is some kind of milestone but that's never where the launch failures actually happen

Anonymous No. 16619362

uh oh, that doesn't look good

Anonymous No. 16619364

"You are go for throttle-up"

Anonymous No. 16619366

Rocketlab throwing another battery into the ocean, you love to see it

Anonymous No. 16619367

The last time it happened would have been Alpha's first flight or one of Astra's disasters. It was more of a hurdle back in the early days of space launch. These days it's the point where things go wrong if someone else has already gone seriously wrong. Both Alpha and Rocket 3 lost engines early on and weren't able to punch through.

Anonymous No. 16619369

I have the same question about wind shear. Has there ever been a mission lost due to high level winds?

Anonymous No. 16619370

kino reflection on the solar panels

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starlink mars col....png

Anonymous No. 16619371

They don't need law when they have Mars Colonizer to figure these things out

Anonymous No. 16619373

sick track

Anonymous No. 16619374

You can land a falcon 9 booster on that forehead

Anonymous No. 16619375

bro you have super low standards

Anonymous No. 16619376

post your high standards then. But you won't, cuz you don't have any at all!

Anonymous No. 16619377

>You can do it Clear!
>Tank yew! I wanto to go tew space!
too cute

Anonymous No. 16619378

Not in a really long time. Meteorologists got good early on at predicting when upper level winds would exceed a rocket's tolerance. The only wind loss event I could find was a a Thor-Agena that got pushed off course and detonated by range safety back in 1965. There might have been more wind-related failures in the USSR, but the R7's ICBM heritage gave it pretty good all-weather capability and if the Soviets documented this failure case I've never seen it.

Anonymous No. 16619380

my rocket is exploding after reaching max cute...

Anonymous No. 16619381

so what's next? Or can I go to sleep now?

Anonymous No. 16619383

owari da

Anonymous No. 16619384

FP3 and Qualifying

Anonymous No. 16619386


Anonymous No. 16619387

>NASA's SpaceX Crew-10 Post-Launch News Conference - LIVE

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Anonymous No. 16619388

lol lmao
goodnight Sleepy Fellas General

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Anonymous No. 16619389

See you in six hours for Transporter 13

Anonymous No. 16619393

where is the meme drive

Anonymous No. 16619395

what's the purpose of those panels?

Anonymous No. 16619396

so Transporter 13 (because Chinese launches are rarely broadcast)

Anonymous No. 16619397

Insulate the trunk space from the liquid oxygen tank in the second stage.

Anonymous No. 16619398

heh, need one of these with a moonscape or mars-scape and a young space cadet. I grew up with blankets with rockets and spacemen on it.

Anonymous No. 16619399

>Transporter 13
They're gonna blame the next failure on numerology aren't they

Anonymous No. 16619400

I think it's supposed to be down on the bottom level with Spire Lemur-2, on the far right

Anonymous No. 16619401

of the meme drive I mean

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Anonymous No. 16619408
>A post-launch briefing on the Crew-10 mission is set to begin at 8:30 pm ET.

>Bowersox begins his comments by saying he admired the team's work to review the hydraulics issue on the clamp arms on the transporter erector that caused the mission scrub on Wednesday. Says it was the right thing to wait to clear the issue and for the poor weather to clear (Thursday was not ideal from a weather perspective).

>Stich says it was a little more than six weeks ago that they made the decision to swap the Dragon spacecraft that Crew-10 would use. He says the work items that were still open as of the flight readiness review a week ago were closed before launch. [he] says the crew and Dragon spacecraft are healthy and doing well. He alludes to the insulation foam that liberated from the Falcon 9 second stage, but says it didn't make contact with Dragon. Says Walker will address further.

>Stich says Dragon is not working any issues and is on track to dock with the forward port on the Harmony module of the space station at 11:30 pm ET (0330 UTC) on Saturday. There will be a Dragon mission management meeting tomorrow evening at about 8 pm ET and the crew will suit up around 9 pm ET.

>Contella says undocking of Crew-9 is scheduled for no earlier than Wednesday as they are trying to stretch the consumables onboard. The undocking will be driven by weather around Florida.

>The Cygnus spacecraft is scheduled to depart the ISS around March 21, Contella says. The NG-22 mission (now scheduled for over the summer) is still under review for its launch date. The transport vehicle was damaged bringing it down to Florida.

>Walker says this mission was "particularly dynamic," pointing to the schedule changes related to this mission and all that came with it. She says safety was "kept at the forefront" throughout the process.

Anonymous No. 16619409

>Regarding the scrub on Wednesday, Walker says they cycled the clamp arms opened and closed at various points through the count. They were able to run additional fluid through the lines on Thursday to clear the air in the system. Remarks that today, March 14, is the anniversary of SpaceX's founding in 2002.

>Walker says the insulation that liberated "did its job" on the way to orbit and "it's ok if it liberates."

>Matsuura remarks that it's a great honor for a Japanese astronaut to fly to the ISS on Dragon each of the five years since the spacecraft began flying crew. JAXA astronaut Takuya Onishi will assume command of the ISS during the course of his mission as part of Expedition 73.

>Stich says the earliest undocking time would be about 4 am ET (0800 UTC) on Wednesday, March 19.

>Regarding the amount of time NASA wants between missions, Stich says they've reduced that time from 48 to 24 hours. He says because the time between SPHEREx/PUNCH and the original Crew-10 launch date, and the fact that NASA teams were in the loop, they were able to proceed with the Wednesday launch attempt.

>Asked again about the foam that liberated, Walker says it's expected that some liberates as it does its job. She says on a satellite mission, there's a cover over them. Stich says at the velocity that a piece of foam could make contact with at that point, it's quite slow and is lightweight.

>Stich says they thought they might need to switch the Dragon spacecraft and began looking at Endurance last year. Says there was no additional loss of life risk with the Crew-10 flight.

>Addressing the fuel leak that caused the loss of B1086 through a post-landing fire, Walker says that there would need to be three, separate, anomalous events all happening simultaneously. The static fire done on the Crew-10 booster (B1090) helped provide more mission assurance.

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Anonymous No. 16619411

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Anonymous No. 16619412

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Anonymous No. 16619415


Anonymous No. 16619436

lmao this is the coolest mission in a long time. Hyperbased.
I think if I were on the surface during an eclipse like this I’d have an existential crisis looking out and seeing blood red everywhere

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1080p - 0.00.01-0....webm

Anonymous No. 16619440
>why yes you can download in 4k
>it's 1080p
Why can't space companies just upload in 4k
it's like 15 seconds of footage come on

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Anonymous No. 16619441

god damn look at them hips on 48

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Anonymous No. 16619442

Anonymous No. 16619444

I used to be a true believer but it seems now that Elon will due on Earth rather than Mars. He's not invested enough in SpaceX anymore.

Anonymous No. 16619445

Neuron activation

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Anonymous No. 16619453

he needs to rescue America and save us all from woke first or there wont be a Mars city of 1 million you see, it's the highest priority

pic unrelated

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Anonymous No. 16619455

oops pic unrelated again

Anonymous No. 16619463


Anonymous No. 16619465

now show me the figures for japan, south korea, taiwan, and any countries that haven't opened their border to uncontrolled immigration

Anonymous No. 16619470

Well he obviously can't do that and definitely not with Trump. The plan for mars was always to outpace societal collapse, not do pointless stunts in government while the Mars rocket program flounders.
Since he basically controls nasa now, where are the programs for Mars habitation? Just reeks of not caring

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Anonymous No. 16619478

I don't usually make stuff like this but something about her really compelled me.

Anonymous No. 16619480

that not real

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Anonymous No. 16619482


Anonymous No. 16619491


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Anonymous No. 16619510

I slept through the spacex launch because I stayed up for the lunar eclipse.

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Anonymous No. 16619518


Anonymous No. 16619520

You think she has an onlyfans?

Anonymous No. 16619538

crazy views during that boostback burn

Anonymous No. 16619540

she did seem kind of sad this stream

Anonymous No. 16619543

isaacman's not even confirmed yet, quit melting down

Anonymous No. 16619545

I'm so fucking lonely, bros.

Anonymous No. 16619546

#1 jewish penis polisher award

Anonymous No. 16619547

yeah, those finished a long time ago

Anonymous No. 16619550
>Starship departs for Mars at the end of next year, carrying Optimus.
>If those landings go well, then human landings may start as soon as 2029, although 2031 is more likely.

Anonymous No. 16619551

>Starship departs for Mars at the end of next year
Yeah, sure lmao

Anonymous No. 16619552

See >>16619546

Anonymous No. 16619553

>2031 is more likely
So what year is it considering Elon time, will Elon be even alive at this point.

Anonymous No. 16619556

The Japanese company did not blur their satellite on their official website so no idea why they decided to blur that particular image unless there was some QR Code they wanted to keep private

Anonymous No. 16619557

elon's already realized that grok 4 will invent an immortality adrenochrome recipe so there's no rush any more. if a few botched test flights set starship back 5 years it's not big deal.

Anonymous No. 16619560


Anonymous No. 16619562

Is Transporter-13 the one with the attempt #2 memedrive satellite or is that later this year?

Anonymous No. 16619565

rape her

Anonymous No. 16619566

see >>16619546

Anonymous No. 16619567

How can everyone be #1? Doesnt make sense

Anonymous No. 16619585

What if she does not agree?

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Anonymous No. 16619588


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Anonymous No. 16619590


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Anonymous No. 16619591

Non-Starship (or some niche space tech) is boring af.

Anonymous No. 16619602

>japan, south korea, taiwan,
Sadly those countries are dying out

Anonymous No. 16619608

starship not for 20 years lol

Anonymous No. 16619611

we call it progress
one day we will bomb them so they accept africans

Anonymous No. 16619613

Oh no, the line stopped going up, what a tragedy.

Anonymous No. 16619614


Anonymous No. 16619618

I hate what SpaceX is doing in terms of debris. I used to talk shit about the Chinese dropping boosters on their own people but now I can't anymore.

Anonymous No. 16619621

post address and i will drop a hypergolic s2 on your house

Anonymous No. 16619623


Anonymous No. 16619624
>SpaceX will launch over 90% of all of Earth’s payload mass to orbit this year.
>China will be ~5% and rest of world, including rest of America, around 5%.
>When Starship is launching at high rate, SpaceX will probably carry >99% of Earth’s payload mass to orbit. This is necessary to make Mars a self-sustaining civilization.

Anonymous No. 16619626

Musky should ban all canadian payloads

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reaction iwata.jpg

Anonymous No. 16619634

>When Starship is launching at high rate

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Anonymous No. 16619652

Anonymous No. 16619654


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Anonymous No. 16619655

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Anonymous No. 16619656

Reminder that in September of 2019 Elon Musk stated that Starship would achieve orbit within 6 months lol

Anonymous No. 16619660


Anonymous No. 16619663

>The record for the most space launches in a single day, based on Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), is five orbital launches, which occurred on August 4, 2022

we about to beat that record?

Anonymous No. 16619665

Feasibility of an Io lander? Muh radiation and hellish temperature, etc. etc.
If JPL stopped spamming Mars with missions they could focus their autism on building an analog / hardened-computer lander that could survive both Venus and Io

Anonymous No. 16619666

Feels like they were just at 200. The acceleration WILL continue.
Let's check in on everyone else. SX is at 400; in second place we have... nobody. Nobody else is doing this. The technological gap SpaceX have over the rest of the world right now is immense.

Anonymous No. 16619668

No one is doing homogeous mass produced satellites until literally last year (China) and next year(?)(Europe?)

Anonymous No. 16619670


I don't have the timestamp rn because I'm phonefagging, just look it up yourself

Note that I do wish for starship to succeed, but musks ambitions seem delusional sometimes
A more realistic timeline for a mars landing with Starship would be 2035 unmanned and maybe 2040 or 2045 manned at best

Anonymous No. 16619675

yup, it should be up there now.
Anyone know how to track the satellite it's attached to?

Anonymous No. 16619678

If they can make HLS work there's no reason why Mars Starship wouldn't. The biggest difference would be a heatshield. I don't believe in 2026 Mars starship, but 2028 unmanned should be feasible.

Anonymous No. 16619679

Found it myself, though supposedly it's also testing an ion engine too so tracking it might be a bit pointless. (site with info about the payloads)

Anonymous No. 16619681


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Anonymous No. 16619682

Yeah with this piece of shit lmao

Anonymous No. 16619683

yeah but orange man bad and elon is a gunky head nazi

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Anonymous No. 16619684

>watching the launch last night
>need to shit in the middle of it
>like a fire hose
>start projectile vomiting at the same time
>bathroom covered in vomit mist
>manage to make it through the launch until the panel thing comes off
>vomitting in the shower, can't even keep water down
>try to go to bed, fever delusions for hours about me being the rocket, launch is scrubbed, can't move because very volatile situation, keep vomiting whenever I so much as turn over, spacex in shambles because now falcon 9 aka me is having weird problems too
god that sucked.

has anything official been said about that panel thing? I literally had food poisoning induced nightmares about it all night.

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Anonymous No. 16619685

>From concept to routine manned Lunar launches in ten years
How in the FUCK did von Braun do it? Like I'm totally in awe

Anonymous No. 16619687

It's probably insulation, it's nothing to worry about.

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4 Million Chest X....png

Anonymous No. 16619688


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Anonymous No. 16619689

will earth get a nice set of rings like saturn when spacex gonna rud something in orbit? its just a matter of time, right?

Anonymous No. 16619691

deindustrialization was ongoing meaning they had tons of youngish people with machine shop experience

Plus their budget was like
10x what spacex is working with

Anonymous No. 16619692

Put the entire country into the space equivalent of war economy and you'd be surprised.

Anonymous No. 16619693

people didnt rely on machines to tell them how to think back then

Anonymous No. 16619695

the FAA is holding back spacex
why aren't they stacking the next starship

Anonymous No. 16619699

Fuck me, the Saturn V was SO SEXY

Anonymous No. 16619700

it was filthy

Anonymous No. 16619701

Don't you know we need to fully terraform Mars and restart technonic activity before anyone can visit?

Anonymous No. 16619702

sounds wonderful

Anonymous No. 16619704

its still the best looking rocket

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Peskov wtf reply.png

Anonymous No. 16619705

Elon time fatigue is getting to me, but at least he is optimistic as always lol

Anonymous No. 16619708

>although 2031 is more likely.
mars 2028 bros, I don't feel so good...

Anonymous No. 16619712

Do you know that Elon Musk's father worked for SpaceX?

Anonymous No. 16619713

emerald mine

Anonymous No. 16619715

Landscaping. Seed planter...

Anonymous No. 16619718

Drop tanks are bottom of the barrel design. Learn to refuel and top-off your tanks, or die

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Anonymous No. 16619719

surely its time for some pretty astro girl pics?

Anonymous No. 16619720

Hot take she’s a solid 6 or 7, not really a 9 or a 10. Also she hit the wall hard.
Slim pickings; not many gorgeous women have been to space (i’m just being realistic here)

Anonymous No. 16619726

Hadfield made a good point. The temperature would nosedive. It would be kinda scary.
The crew of Apollo 10 told mission control they thought something was wrong because the temperature of the CM suddenly started dropping, before realizing it was because they passed into the shadow of the Moon

Anonymous No. 16619727

looks we got the first five of the seven launches, ending with a beautiful dawn Starlink launch
...but the Angara launch didn't go off and the Firefly launch was delayed ("range constraint" = weather?)

Anonymous No. 16619728

we were this close

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NEO Surveyor envi....jpg

Anonymous No. 16619730

I am excited for NEO Surveyor. This is a mission NASA has been wanting to do for like 30 years at this point

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Anonymous No. 16619733

to me she's a total 10/10. very pretty, smart, doctor, fit, tomboy. the wall is another issue altogether.

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Anonymous No. 16619737

my spehs pretty

Anonymous No. 16619738

The problem isn’t necessarily the tiles themselves or the material they’re made from, it’s finding a way to confidently attach a gazillion of them onto the ship.

Anonymous No. 16619741

The problem is making it to SECO in one piece. Tiles will be troubleshot later

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Anonymous No. 16619746

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Anonymous No. 16619747

reminds me of this

Anonymous No. 16619751

>we still don't know if depots are possible

Anonymous No. 16619752

It’s funny because a lot of the time, lack of process in space is sort of just an institutional problem. But in-orbit depots (or lack thereof) can literally be blamed on one single person

Anonymous No. 16619754

Everyone just wants to keep doing what they've been doing
Large high budget flagship missions where they can employ people for their whole careers

It's not one guy, its absolutely noone at NASA wants change

Anonymous No. 16619761

There haven't been any missions that would have benefitted from a depot anyway.

Anonymous No. 16619762

good description of government jobs in general

Anonymous No. 16619764

every mission outside LEO would have benefitted one way or another with more payload capability/faster transit/etc

Anonymous No. 16619766

someone should build the infrastructure to make it happen. become the tesla supercharger network of spaceflight.

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Трансляция открыт....webm

Anonymous No. 16619767


Anonymous No. 16619772

Perhaps one of the most retarded posts I’ve ever seen on /sfg/ I’m not even kidding

Anonymous No. 16619773

god i wish i was the only girl in a capsule

Anonymous No. 16619776

Crazy how we’ve sent so many women to the ISS and it’s still dirty!

Anonymous No. 16619778


They need a tested reliable v3 Starship. Then they need to modify that to a v4 with legs and a lot of additional equipment, then get that tested and working. 2028 for a real attempt in out.

Don't think Elon can pull together a v3 based vanity launch ala sending a Tesla.

Anonymous No. 16619783

>this is gonna sound totally nuts
And it was.

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Anonymous No. 16619793

Yeah something to keep in mind, they have two different propulsion experiments onboard, the meme drive and some I'm guessing water-plasma thruster

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Anonymous No. 16619797

Space had a busy night

>Transporter 13

>Starlink 12-16
>A Long March 2D lifted off from Jiuquan at 0411 UTC today, sending the SuperView Neo-3 (02) high-res Earth observation satellite and Tianyan-23 for MinoSpace into orbit. This was China's 12th orbital launch of 2025.

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Anonymous No. 16619798

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Anonymous No. 16619800

nice. another qt there too

Anonymous No. 16619801

Are they copying starship tiles drop?

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Anonymous No. 16619802

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Anonymous No. 16619803
>Our Alpha FLTA-006 launch this weekend is being delayed due to a Range constraint at Vandenberg. The rocket and payload remain healthy and ready for launch. We're now working with the Range team to determine the next window. Stay tuned for more updates.

Anonymous No. 16619805
>almost 4 years ago

Anonymous No. 16619806

they've been in boca chica for 15 years and never reached orbit

Anonymous No. 16619807

Vandenberg is great because it’s a launch site that allows like 4 launches per year max and everything else has to scrub

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Anonymous No. 16619809

the saturday spehs movie is decided

Anonymous No. 16619810

based retard

Anonymous No. 16619814

What are some other /sfg/ approved movies?

Anonymous No. 16619828

The Martian

Anonymous No. 16619831

will electric cars be a right wing status symbol

Anonymous No. 16619832

I like it, but every time someone brings it up anons call it a reddit movie

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16619837

elon should start a gaming gpu company. literally trillions of dollars just waiting to be scooped up by a desperately underserved market.

Anonymous No. 16619838


Anonymous No. 16619877

I think of it as the last big triumph of oldspace in science fiction before SpaceX/Musk comes along and disrupts the whole paradigm and everyone's mindset of how thing should be done. Basically a turning point in which NASA, congress, and heritage contractors realize they haven't done shit in 50 years so they make Constellation and Ares V finally work. As a result, we get our long-awaited return to the Moon, legit in-space construction, spinhabs, and manned trips to the red planet, including a base there. Basically an expendable, more expensive, scaled-down version of Elon's plans, something that oldspace could achieve in real life. Now, everything that comes after it would be completely absurd and nonsensical if Musk/SpaceX is not even mentioned, marking the beginning of a new era in space fiction. I know that the book was written in like 2009-11, but the movie came just in time (2015) before being rendered unrealistic by Musk lol. Hell, some last-minute additions had to be made which mentioned SpaceX in some promo piece for the movie to make it more realistic.
> anons call it a reddit movie
I think it's only one guy. Ironic, cause Interstellar has a more reddit ending than any other serious space movie. And no, I haven't watched stuff like Don't Look Up, that's just anti-space propaganda made by urfers.

Anonymous No. 16619880

The Right Stuff
Apollo 11 (reallryeally good)
First Man (also reallyreally good)
From the Earth to the Moon (especially the LM ep)
In the Shadow of the Moon
Chasing the Moon

Anonymous No. 16619893

Apollo 11

Anonymous No. 16619921

its such a beautiful movie

Anonymous No. 16619975

>opening shot
>red sunset
Dropped it right there.

Anonymous No. 16619976

>opening shot
>red sunset
picked it the fuck up

Anonymous No. 16620185

which one, there was like three

Anonymous No. 16620201

holy fucking kino!

Anonymous No. 16620266


Anonymous No. 16620269

No law on Mars yet!

Anonymous No. 16620270

Their managers don't even ask them to wear those. It's just a weird sex thing and it would be too hard to fire them all at once.

Anonymous No. 16620279

They're staying out of orbit for safety reasons not because they can't orbit you disingenuous retard

Anonymous No. 16620427

Mobile Suit Gundam 3: Encounters in Space