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ethics holding ac....png

๐Ÿงต True of False?

Anonymous No. 16623390

Anonymous No. 16623511

of course that's true

Anonymous No. 16623516

Civilized humans inherently understand sacrifice. Our ancestors that saved their grain and went hungry to plant it next year are the ones that lived, after all. But just as this psychological drive pushed some regions to sacrifice humans to their God, many now believe that sacrificing humans to science will get results based purely on the fact that human life is valuable. Talk to any normalfag about the Nazis.
>well the death and suffering was terrible but we sure learned a lot about science
We didn't. The fallacy is that if human life is valuable, sacrificing it will get results. Many fall for this.
What if doctor chink here fucked up with those genetically engineered girls he made? What if they die terrified and suffering from a genetic disease at a young age, drowning in their own blood? Was it worth it? What did we learn from their suffering? We already knew you can insert genes into eggs. It's a huge ethical risk with absolutely no reward.
This guy is a bug and can be disregarded as such.

Anonymous No. 16623654

Yes. If it weren't for ethics we might have solved OP's dyslexia by now

Anonymous No. 16623666

Yes, we could literally be farming clones without brains right this very instant. That means no more organ shortages, we could do more dangerous drug testing, medical students could practice surgery on live bodies, surrogates would be obsolete cause you could just use real wombs. The only thing that holds it back is bioethicists getting icked out about it.

Anonymous No. 16624024

what is the primary cause of modern ethics?

Anonymous No. 16624102

Maximize the pleasure sensation of the animal brain.