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๐Ÿงต Need a math anon for a question.

Anonymous No. 16623483

I don't know if this is the right place to ask but only place math anons would be.
Can any math anon look at Ubisoft financials, just on their wiki page and explain an estimate of how long/years they could stay afloat as a company with all their revenue, assets, income etc.

I ask because I am a /v/irgin and people keep saying their latest game is a "make or break" like company is gonna go under if it fails, but I cannot see how from the general financials on the wiki as well as basic /biz/ knowledge of how a company functions.
Also in case you didn't know their stock has tanked 70% in 5 years. Of course stock fluctuates and is all based on speculation but this info might be revenant to you.

Anonymous No. 16623751

Mathfag here
I looked at the financials.
Things don't look good.
I'd say they are done for in two more weeks.

Anonymous No. 16623784

Ubisoft is a public company. If it's struggling and there's a buyout offer the board has a fiduciary duty to the shareholders to sell or increase the value in some other way, in general. It cannot just stay afloat slowly bleeding dry for years if there's a way out unless an entity that holds majority of voting shares wants to and even then it's messy.
They likely won't just close down and say that's it we had a good run. They'll likely be bought out or forced to massively change course.
Nobody knows what will happen. Either Tencent buys them or they're forced to conform to market's demands to increase the share value. For Ubisoft to just wither away there needs to be no interest in their assets and a lack of internal change, if it's done intentionally and not due to incompetence or market situation it also opens the board to the threat of being liable for violation of fiduciary duty. Either way Ubisoft, as it has been until now, is cooked so it's a win win for gamers.

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Anonymous No. 16623823

i hope tencent buys ubisoft
having the chinese make tom clancy games would be amazing