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Anonymous No. 16623503

Why does this pop up everywhere?

Anonymous No. 16623537

qed (h-bar with e) governs intermolecular atomic electromagnetic forces. that's why it's everywhere.

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bounds on alpha.gif

Anonymous No. 16623641

Anonymous No. 16623663

so that speed of light [math] c [/math] has meaning in the holy equations when in fact it cannot be measured
You may replace [math] c [/math] with [math] \frac{1}{\sqrt{\mu_0}{\epsilon_0}} [/math] same difference

It is very important that nothing moves faster than light. very

Anonymous No. 16623664

sry [math] \frac{1}{\sqrt{\mu_0 \epsilon_0}} [/math]

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four bounds on al....gif

Anonymous No. 16623807

four bounds on alpha

Anonymous No. 16623812

omg can't you get anything right on your first try?

Anonymous No. 16623813

tits or gtfo

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same 4 bounds on ....gif

Anonymous No. 16624039

same 4 bounds on alpha

Anonymous No. 16624249

My guess is that it is the output to a Riemann Zeta function, similar to the strength of the Casimir Effect.

Anonymous No. 16624623

>Why does this pop up everywhere?
it doesnt, it only pops up on physical situations that involve electromagnetic interactions. Other interactions have nothing to do with it. Its also not a fixed number as suggested with 1/137, its a variable

Anonymous No. 16624684

>it[']s a variable
So then it should be renamed.
Or called the "fine-structure variable" instead.

"Paul Dirac in 1937 speculated that physical constants such as the gravitational constant or the fine-structure constant might be subject to change over time in proportion of the age of the universe. Experiments conducted since then have put upper bounds on their time-dependence."

Anonymous No. 16624688

The first lower bound on alpha is 27/3700.
27*37 = 999

Anonymous No. 16624737

Oh yes, the structure constant.
Is just a part of the Sacred Geoemtry.
Here you go, a blogpost.
There's other elements on the Sacred Geometry, maybe you should check it out instead of getting obsess with one part... You become no different from horse with blinders, missing the unseen trues.

Anonymous No. 16624743

Nobody knows. You can make reasonable conjectures where most dimensionless constants come from and dimensioned constants are numerically uninteresting because they just depend on the units you choose and how accurate your measurements are. Fine structure constant on the other hand appears out of nowhere with a totally arbitrary value that is very specific for there to be any meaningful existence.
Its value depends on how hard you yeet the electron but is constant at the same energy level. Fine structure constant is defined by permittivity in vacuum but you can have a different effective fine structure constant if you have higher permittivity. The time variation Paul Dirac hypothesized is not referring to that.

Anonymous No. 16624804

>So then it should be renamed.
Everyone knows its not a constant and has known since the 1940s. Its only news to you
>Paul Dirac speculated
Its not a speculation that the fine structure constant changes. It doesnt change with the age of the universe, it changes with the energy level of the interaction. Its not a constant at all, it only looks like one at low energies.
Every other physical interaction has something similar to its own "fine structure constant" so not only is not a constant but theres a few of these

plpl No. 16625290

>It[']s only news to you[.]
I already knew this.
Thus it's olds to me.

Anonymous No. 16625308

wtf I thought it was exactly 1/137????

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Anonymous No. 16625377
