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🧵 genetics

Anonymous No. 16623517

Hello beloved mammals and AIs. Is it possible to know the genetic disorder this guy has for his face looks? There is an app that would help.
If someone has acces or could tell me something about, it will be very helpful
Thanks in advance

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Anonymous No. 16623596

I would guess the man in your photo is half either Norwegian or Dutch, and half jew

Anonymous No. 16623715

could be...but no...but what genetic disorder would they have? if Norwegian dutch jew guys have the same...

Anonymous No. 16623911

he is fat

Anonymous No. 16623920

all of my students are alive.

Anonymous No. 16624030

most likely has a corruption within the DCHS2 (fat jew) gene. Possible Grave's disease. Along with being racemixxed (jew and Scandinavian)

Anonymous No. 16624036


Anonymous No. 16624042

The first langoixa díes was my worst enemy: But how to fill the hours and minutes? A blank sheet. It was like the production of a program when everyone you call can’t attend to you. But I said, enough! We got here!
I changed the chip. And all of a sudden the hours were starting to make sense. And that sheet was starting to have small drafts.(Whatsaap stained glass with family, friends and colleagues, Instagram's Live daily with my friend and colleague)

Anonymous No. 16624060

what does face2gene app says if you can use it?

Anonymous No. 16624065

He's just fat and had a bad photo, he doesn't have a defect.

Anonymous No. 16624119

I scanned his face. It says he is rat demon hybrid. Strong ashkenanzi jewish ancestry. 3% nigger

Anonymous No. 16624125

He looks normal. Probably would look better if he lost weight and groomed better

Anonymous No. 16624151

yes its called being Welsh

Anonymous No. 16624209

someone has access to face2gene ? it's free...they say

Anonymous No. 16624341

The external auditory meatus should be horizontally aligned with the infraorbital margin of the eye socket in properly developed individuals.
If this is not the case, it will expectedly result in a narrower, longer face, in the appearance of the eyes as tired or downturned, in a smaller smile, smaller jaw, smaller cheekbones, puffy cheeks, crooked nose, overbite and so on, or any combination thereof.

Habitually acquired maxillofacial dystrophy.

To translate it into NormieSpeak: His jaw likely did not grow enough during his childhood, which is when the majority of growth occurs and this has negative effects on his health and aesthetics.
We perceive it so because it hints at the potential presence of minor developmental disorders, poor general health and the possibility that he will or has developed conditions such as sleep apnea and all the negative effects that come with it.
In actuality this was most likely caused by a severe lack of masticatory training during childhood, which is commonplace nowadays thanks to soft food, absence of breastfeeding and widespread allergy.
This is a universal concept in human beauty and health. These issues affect countless people from accross the world.
Oral medicine continues to be one of the most important, yet most scientifically neglected fields. The potential improvements in quality of life for coming generations across the world, which are to be gained from additional preventative efforts targeted at children's dental health and development are gargantuan.

Also he is fat.

Anonymous No. 16624406

Awesome. Thank you. But if it is genetic, at least the main treats in this particular case, are inherited for sure, so It could be related to some known disorder or maybe not. That's why the AI would be helpful if it works as advertised.
Still no one can acces face2gene?

Anonymous No. 16624423

dude if you dont want his genetic material then just stop lettting him cumin youre asse

Anonymous No. 16624536

fuking liars!! they told me i couldn't get pregnant for giving my bunghole!

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Anonymous No. 16624626

too much incest in europe

Anonymous No. 16624678

If chewing harder food during childhood would have made him develop properly, then it isn't genetic.
If you select for genes that lead to proper development while chewing soft food, then you are creating maladaptive designer physiology that will result in disorders if it ever tries to fit into a natural environment.
Humans should not strive to genetically adapt to the modern environment, instead, be mindful and make good choices.

Anonymous No. 16624816

face2gene app? no one?