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🧵 is race socially constructed?

Anonymous No. 16623546

what does the science say?

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Anonymous No. 16623594

>It’s important to note that race and ethnicity are not the same.
It’s important to note that sets and groups are not the same. A group is set equipped with an identity element and an associative binary operation.
There is a place for this kind of technical jargon, but to demand your jargon be shoehorned into everyday English is stupid, arrogant and evil

Anonymous No. 16623617

Science says no.
>but why does that article say that yes, race is indeed socially constructed?
Because that's not science, it's (((science))). Being able to differentiate between the two is a very important skill to have these days.

Anonymous No. 16623631

there's your problem you've, confused them for human

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bodhi No. 16624005

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David Reich Genet....png

Anonymous No. 16624050


Anonymous No. 16624054

yeah this stupid shit DEFINITELY wont survive gene editing. i'd love to see the losers upholding this insanity die of diseases that might become easily curable. it would be extremely hilarious and satisfying.

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Anonymous No. 16624162

Not /sci/
Try lit.
Yes, ….by their definition.
Which could almost be interesting if they were aurging in good faith for an idea of identity in a certain time and place. but they will switch definition mid paragraph to the one people expect revealing it is just a political agenda

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Anonymous No. 16624577

The way we have created them are