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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16623646

Is pop-sci good for you?
What are you favorite pop-sci channels?

Anonymous No. 16623662

None I hate all of them but 3b1b is alright I guess

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Anonymous No. 16623912

Yes. It makes you cool.

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2025-03-19 22-53-02.png

Anonymous No. 16623918

Donnu if it's good, but she's hot.

Anonymous No. 16623992

It's probably fine if you're incapable of noticing the errors. Myself, I find it aneurism inducing.
>they put plastic in their drinking water so that it can degrade via solar radiation

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Where do the elem....png

Anonymous No. 16623995

Science Asylum - fundamental physics mostly
@ronhipschman Tales From The Periodic Table, one 20+ minute video per element
@periodicvideos Periodic Videos, a shortish video per element
@MarsGuy weekly videos on Mars exploration of Jezero crater by the Perseverance rover and Ingenuity
Focused on semiconductor production and history
@paulfellows5411 Astronomy, stellar nuclear physics, planetary science
Alpha Phoenix, practical demonstrations of various physical phenomena, e.g. laminar flow, aerodynamics, electric fields

Anonymous No. 16623998

>Trannies rule!

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Brian Garvey F1 V....jpg

Anonymous No. 16624013

i like watching 40 minute videos of engineers autistically dissecting high-precision parts

Anonymous No. 16624154

No, but I like applied science.

Anonymous No. 16624155


Anonymous No. 16624156

I'd hardly consider him popsci, rather very talented at describing complicated shit to novices. With 7 million subscribers there's no way in hell even close to a majority of that audience even understands whats going on in his more in-depth videos, me included, but they are still fun to watch. Popsci is when they sell out for pointless gimmick videos like Vsauce and Nilered

Anonymous No. 16624170

>this gay ass cone BREAKS PHYSICS

Anonymous No. 16624171

>if it's understandable it's bad
midwit take

Anonymous No. 16624172

>full of cuts
>no ambient music, just the component noises for le ASMR
cringey shit

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Anonymous No. 16624175

I'm sorry, go on ahead and enjoy your down-to-earth content in the name of science

Anonymous No. 16624180

I don't watch that faggot but you could do a lot worse than Vsauce

Anonymous No. 16624450

What the fuck even is it? Analogy for symmetry breaking? I refuse to watch it

Anonymous No. 16624454

If a ball is at reast on top of that cone at some point it'll randomly pick a direction and fall, even in a perfect environment with zero friction, no air etc.
Complete nonsense

Anonymous No. 16624455

rest* whoops

Anonymous No. 16624507

>fill a pond microplastics to decrease test levels in LA

Anonymous No. 16624516

You can roll up the ball up the hill and rest it on top of the cone showing that both equations correctly describe the position of the ball in time given the same exact circumstances and initial conditions. You have to rely on some nebulous concept of arbitrary time "at some point" to break away from the indeterminate form which is not part of the system in which you're describing the trajectory of the ball in.
This obviously doesn't break physics just shows that Newtonian mechanics have indeterminate solutions in some edge cases. There is no paradox, a toy model of the universe is unphysical in some circumstances.

Anonymous No. 16624521

Microplastics suck but they're a hundred times preferable to biological contamination and a million times preferable to your reservoir making bromate. The plastic they use doesn't release benzene like some old ones did, either.
You have somewhat similar situation with crops. The use of fungicides has some negative consequences but they're orders of magnitude less harmful than the aflatoxin produced by mold.

Anonymous No. 16624663

I don't like popsci. I don't mind Collier because I enjoy her kinda retarded rants. I like a channel called suckerpinch but it's not really popsci.

Anonymous No. 16624761


Anonymous No. 16624772

PBS Space Time is amazing. It's simple enough anyone can grasp it but isn't simplified to the point of being wrong like most pop science content. I also like ScienceClic, FloatHeadPhysics and 3B1B the other anon mentioned.
I never liked Veritasium, he's the LTT of pop science.

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Anonymous No. 16624810

I'll give their videos a shot but this is not a great look

Anonymous No. 16624818

I really dont understand the VSauce hate. Sounds like "it's popular therefore liking it doesnt make me look smart" midwit dribble

Anonymous No. 16624885

They said YouTube is fucking them over and not showing their videos even to subs. Unfortunately if you don't do this shit YouTube will bury your videos.

Anonymous No. 16624894

VSauce was extremely based. His videos explored novel ideas instead of generic science thing #72, were edited and presented well and fairly accurate. Veritasium just reads off a script talking about some generic science mcguffin and the videos often have errors. His video on Feynman path integral was really bad, explained nothing and the experiment that other guy did in the video was shamelessly phoned in at the last moment.

Anonymous No. 16624935

It's definitely better than any other pop-culture.
Good pop-sci is good, bad pop-sci is not good.
Here, let me share with you some channels worth watching, some of them are not pop at all:

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Anonymous No. 16625044


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Anonymous No. 16625064

I still like Dr Becky. She would give me strong sons.

Anonymous No. 16625347

>Is pop-sci good for you?
No. It makes you FEEL like you're learning without actually teaching you anything. It sates your desire for knowledge by giving you shallow surface level content that you will struggle to recall let alone ever put to use. Watching popsci is like smoking weed to make yourself feel smart.

Anonymous No. 16625410

She has very strong neglectful mother vibes.

Anonymous No. 16625495

nta but that's malicious duplicity or fuddlore. there are plenty of channels I'm subbed to that don't need to do that garbage or whatever the current meta is.

Anonymous No. 16625515

I listen to John Michael Godier and Anton Petrov so I can relax and fall asleep.

Anonymous No. 16625654

...who the fuck puts quantum mechanics to use?

Anonymous No. 16625721

My 5 year goal is finding a smart cutie like her and breed genius children with her. Or at least make embryos and implant them in sheboons

Anonymous No. 16625738

If you're not going to use it, then why are you pretending to learn it? Instead of sating your curiosity by pretending to learn something, you should find something you actually can use and learn that for real.

Anonymous No. 16625740

ok midwit

Anonymous No. 16625742

>"learns" from watching popsci videos
>calls others a midwit

Anonymous No. 16625748

>entertainment is BAD
ok midwit

Anonymous No. 16625750

>first it was learning, now it's merely entertainment

Anonymous No. 16625753

You're the one who brought up learning faggot

Anonymous No. 16625776

96,000,000 black balls? What is this? My wife's sexual history/

Anonymous No. 16625785

She has crazy eyes

Anonymous No. 16625817


Anonymous No. 16625854

worst character arc

looks like Boxxy after the wall

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Anonymous No. 16626415

Vanced has this feature that swaps the thumbnail witha single frame from the video, and it's great.

Anonymous No. 16627510

Is Sabine popsci?

Anonymous No. 16627512

Well, her video presentations are accessible, and it's a good thing, but it qualifies.
Yet it's a hardcore form of it.