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๐Ÿงต wavelets

Anonymous No. 16623722

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Anonymous No. 16623728

1995 called, they want their fad back.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16625451

Aren't all these bullshits based on the same principle that you can represent an arbitrary function as the sum of the functions in an orthogonal function system. Some of these transformations happen to have use cases by engineering faggots that's all.

Anonymous No. 16625452

Aren't all these bullshits based on the same principle that you can represent an arbitrary function as the sum of the functions in an arbitrary orthogonal function system? Some of these transformations happen to have use cases by engineering faggots that's all.

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Anonymous No. 16626335

The reproducing kernel Hilbert space won't give you arbitrary functions because we have to truncate the series.

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Anonymous No. 16626357

Which of you nerds wrote this uncooked gibberish?
>roasted by JPEG to 33KB @ oversized resolution
>seared with JPEG2000 at 30 kilobytes
wavelets are smoother, its like analogue broadcast TV
>4chin: JPEG2000 doesnt exist
rendered to PNG