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atlas robot.webm

๐Ÿงต Conquers Mars in your behalf meatsacks

Anonymous No. 16623724

>Starship arrives to Mars
>A bunch of these dudes descend
>Build a colony and live peacefully in the lavatubes

Mars belongs to the robots, the age of humans is over.

Anonymous No. 16623734

>we have to relax planetary protection rules to let humans shit on mars because robots will nev- ACK!!!!!

Anonymous No. 16623735

my mind will be uploaded to one atlas robot in 2080 so that's okay

Anonymous No. 16623747

my mind will just move from one meatbag to the next for all eternity.

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canal.mutuo robot....mp4

Anonymous No. 16623888

Anonymous No. 16623916

Elon Musk is a grifter and his pack of H1B try hards will never take America anywhere but to bankruptcy. They can barely make it to lower orbit.
>Posted from the texas plant

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Anonymous No. 16624035

>Elon Musk is a grifter and his pack of H1B try hards will never take America anywhere but to bankruptcy. They can barely make it to lower orbit.

Anonymous No. 16624045

You mean your mind will be duplicated into a robot

Anonymous No. 16624107

how are they going to be powered? are they going to each have a tether to the starship that provides the juice? are they all going to wear solar panels like a suit of armor? will they all walk back to a base station and "plug in" when they get low on battery? and where will this power come from, solar panels on the Starship or some other source?

Anonymous No. 16624137

They will shove a cord up their ass which is connected to solar panels and batteries. That is obvious

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Anonymous No. 16624141

Nuclear fusion reactor.

test ItsAMeMario No. 16624142


Anonymous No. 16624146

They'd hook up to either solar or possibly those kilowatt scale fission things.