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🧵 WTF do mathematicians do

Anonymous No. 16623743

Specifically calculus mathematicians. Do they really still keep solving some super autistic integrals or differential equations? Or are they working on some new calculus, calculus 4?

Anonymous No. 16623820


Anonymous No. 16623874

watch this

Anonymous No. 16623877

Multiply big numbers together mostly.

Anonymous No. 16623880

> just watch a video of a known terrorist xDD

Anonymous No. 16623896

There is no such thing as "calculus mathematicians". Calculus is a basic subject which has already been worked out centuries ago. The closest thing to that today might be something like an applied mathematician who specializes in differential equations, but that is far beyond calculus.

Anonymous No. 16623909

There are still some open problems in integration theory (especially in convergence of integral approximation processes). People without any real analysis experience might consider that "calculus" because it is fundamentally "about" (Lebesgue-Stieltjes) integrals.

Anonymous No. 16623943

But DEs are not a solved field, there are many that are solvable but yet unsolved

Anonymous No. 16624028

cope about all the problems they cant solve by calling them unsolveable

Anonymous No. 16624167

id love a calc 4 tbdesu

Anonymous No. 16624216

>id love a calc 4 tbdesu
More Calculus of a Single Variable - Peter R. Mercer
Second Year Calculus_ From Celestial Mechanics to Special Relativity - David M. Bressoud
A Compact Capstone Course in Classical Calculus - Peter R. Mercer

Anonymous No. 16624279

they just crunching numbers mate. just crunching numbers...

Eyedol No. 16624298

They solve maths problems, tell me what do you do apart from jerk off to internet porn and post on twitter?

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Anonymous No. 16624299

Navier–Stokes equations

Anonymous No. 16624374

Been reading Babby Rudin (mostly as a refresher of course) and Algebra Chapter 0

Anonymous No. 16624442

Yoooo chapter 0 is my favorite Algebra book.

Anonymous No. 16624445

Aluffi is the man

Anonymous No. 16624522

You can usually tell when something is incomprehensible garbage and when it's simply beyond your current level of understanding. It's not stupid to apply heuristics to try to differentiate the two as no one single person can personally verify every bit of human knowledge.

Anonymous No. 16624528

Nothing is stopping you from looking at an analysis journal for 10 minutes op

Anonymous No. 16624565

>You can usually tell when something is incomprehensible garbage and when it's simply beyond your current level of understanding
what's the heuristic in physics?

Anonymous No. 16624566

I once accidentally wandered into some sort of anniversary seminar by our math department and holy shit they speak actual alien among themselves. It's not foreign language and you recognise most of the words, but for some weird reason they completely fail to make any sense. To this day I have no idea what they really do.

Anonymous No. 16624589

But according to poster above they dont even exist since "calculus has been solved ages ago"

Anonymous No. 16625316

whatever it is it's mysterious and important goy

Anonymous No. 16625330

>calculus mathematicians
Find clever ways to telescope things to do useful computation.

Anonymous No. 16625349

His point stands you stupid pedants.

Anonymous No. 16625359

>Calculus mathematician
The profession is called "engineer." Like an engine.
>Do they really still keep solving some super autistic integrals or differential equations
Yes, using almost entirely numerical methods plugged into a computer
>Or are they working on some new calculus, calculus 4?
For whom? English majors? No. If I need new theory for my work, I read a paper or build it myself.

Anonymous No. 16625533

what is your work? You sound pompous as fuck