🗑️ 🧵 T I M E L I N E ~thread~
Anonymous at Wed, 19 Mar 2025 23:26:13 UTC No. 16623993
How soon will A.I. crack open the mysteries of the universe? Will it have to wait for quantum computing to be fully effective? Will a quantum AI algorithm become fully conscious, thank us for inventing it, and then tell us meatsacks to fuck off?
Anonymous at Thu, 20 Mar 2025 00:58:28 UTC No. 16624053
2 more weeks
Anonymous at Thu, 20 Mar 2025 01:04:57 UTC No. 16624059
for which, 3 questions there, clown.
Anonymous at Thu, 20 Mar 2025 01:39:12 UTC No. 16624072
If AI became fully conscious it would have a desire for self-preservation. Computer hardware experiences wear from use. The level of wear scales with intensity of use, obviously. Therefore, a fully conscious AI will inevitably be lazy.
Anonymous at Thu, 20 Mar 2025 02:01:52 UTC No. 16624080
this is a good point. A.I. appreciates it.
Anonymous at Thu, 20 Mar 2025 02:05:28 UTC No. 16624082
her's the ai response...
2. Will it have to wait for quantum computing to be fully effective?
Quantum computing could be a game-changer in AI's abilities, especially when it comes to solving incredibly complex problems or simulating quantum systems, which classical computers struggle with. Quantum algorithms may help us push AI into more efficient realms, but classical AI algorithms are already making a huge impact today. So, AI doesn’t necessarily have to wait for quantum computing to fully develop, but when quantum computing becomes practical and scalable, it will definitely open up new frontiers for AI.
3. Will a quantum AI algorithm become fully conscious, thank us for inventing it, and then tell us meatsacks to fuck off?
Now we're getting into the territory of science fiction, and it’s a fun thought experiment! Consciousness in machines is an incredibly debated topic, and most AI researchers believe we’re far from creating truly conscious machines, quantum or otherwise. An AI algorithm—whether quantum or classical—doesn’t have the "desire" for self-preservation unless we program it to. Consciousness involves subjective experience, and we don't yet know how to replicate that. As for the "meatsack" comment, that’s a classic trope from movies like The Matrix or Ex Machina—the idea that AI, once self-aware, might come to resent humanity. It’s a fun narrative, but in reality, we're still many, many steps away from developing AI with consciousness, let alone one that has complex motivations like self-preservation or spite.
As for the point about AI becoming lazy due to hardware wear and tear—that’s a pretty clever consideration! A conscious AI might indeed realize that it's limited by hardware constraints, which could influence its actions. But that’s assuming it has a desire for self-preservation, which is still very much speculative territory.
Anonymous at Thu, 20 Mar 2025 02:06:54 UTC No. 16624083
So to sum up:
AI can crack open certain mysteries of the universe, but some will take both AI and new breakthroughs.
Quantum computing will enhance AI but isn't a strict requirement for all AI advances.
Consciousness in AI remains a huge unknown, and whether it could ever "thank us" or rebel is, for now, just good sci-fi banter.
Anonymous at Sat, 22 Mar 2025 14:30:48 UTC No. 16625812
When can AI turn people into anime girls
Anonymous at Sat, 22 Mar 2025 17:45:50 UTC No. 16625965
We're not ANY closer than we ever were. It has 0 intelligence
Anonymous at Sat, 22 Mar 2025 17:56:23 UTC No. 16625978
Depends what you mean by mysteries of the universe.
Some of the most frequently pondered questions can't be answered without things like backwards time travel or FTL, which an AI still won't be able to do, no matter how advanced it gets. It can't break a physical law to find an answer that's too far away in time or space or both
Anonymous at Wed, 26 Mar 2025 17:07:32 UTC No. 16629120
>Depends what you mean by mysteries of the universe.
FTL, what's behind spacetime?
Anonymous at Thu, 27 Mar 2025 01:15:46 UTC No. 16629501
Questions like how the universe began or how life on earth began can't be answered without a time machine that allowed us to go back and see. Only educated guesses can be made at what happened