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๐Ÿงต I bought a 114 mm skywatcher

Anonymous No. 16624098

How do I see the image on the right, instead of the image on the left?

Anonymous No. 16624105

you gotta wait until it's night time on Jupiter, obviously

Anonymous No. 16624120

you need significantly more magnification and you need to lower the exposure

Anonymous No. 16624123

Go to an observatory. Colleges usually have them, even small ones. I saw some cool shit going to those.

Anonymous No. 16624127

By using powerful oculars?

Anonymous No. 16624189

much less ambient light

op's telescope is easily large enough to see the banding

Anonymous No. 16624210

You're peeking from the wrong side of the tube.

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Anonymous No. 16624220

>114 mm skywatcher
What a limp dick. Do you really expect women to respect you with such a weak ass tube? KEK
>Laughs in Dobsonian
Also what are you some city nigger? Christ, I bet your Bortle scale is an 8 or even a 9. Why even live.

Anonymous No. 16624232

3/4 according to a.i.

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Anonymous No. 16625857

I'm gonna steal this thread to tell you that I observed Venus during daytime today.
It's in inferior conjunction so it's just a thin crescent right now but that also puts it dangerously close to the Sun in the sky.

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Anonymous No. 16625859

>but that also puts it dangerously close to the Sun in the sky.
My solution was to create a sun shield by tying some plywood to a ladder.

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Anonymous No. 16625861


Anonymous No. 16626009

The universe isn't real, all the lights in the sky are really just an interference pattern.

Anonymous No. 16626129


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Anonymous No. 16626138

I'm gonna stay on topic so here's Jupiter during daylight.
Shot this 20 minutes after my first post and I've been observing throughout the evening until now and the seeing conditions have been excellent tonight.

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Anonymous No. 16626158

Here's 1 hour and 20 minutes later at higher magnification. The moon to the lower right is Callisto.

Anonymous No. 16626705

bet a nice ccd would go well with that scope thanks for the webm!

Anonymous No. 16628873


try priting one of these

Anonymous No. 16629798

don't you just like, stack polarizers or some shit. I'm pretty sure you just do that.