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Anonymous No. 16624144

Let’s settle this once and for all: was the moon landing faked?

Anonymous No. 16624149

yes, but only because we live in a simulation

Anonymous No. 16624157

if it comes out that they were, I wouldn't be surprised, but I try to be optimistic

Anonymous No. 16624457

Nah. Studied orbital mechanics, seen the kinds of equipment they had access to, have done the math. It was very feasible with the equipment and funding they had at the time. Also consider that there have been functional space satellites since Sputnik I in 1957. America couldn't let Russia's space superiority stand since space was our the world's ICBM proxy dick measuring contest during the cold war. Sending men to the moon was the US's way to say "Don't fuck with us, Russia. Our nukes will be faster, bigger, and more precise." You could argue that we might try to fake a landing as a way of pretending we got the better nukes, but even if the American public were fooled, the Russian government would have been able to verify we were lying, which defeats the purpose.

Anonymous No. 16624460

of course it's fake. the only way to go to outer space is on drugs.

Anonymous No. 16624517


Anonymous No. 16624563

'48, '69, or INDIA?

Anonymous No. 16624575

the only solid argument is that russia would have disproved it otherwise, unless they were playing 4d monopoly and let it slide just cause they KNEW they were ahead and they would pretend otherwise

Anonymous No. 16624679

>was the moon landing faked?
Omg, of course it was!
Maybe equipment, machines, robots, or rovers were on the Moon before.
But no human being was ever on the Moon.
How the Hell would they have gotten home, or back to Earth?
They could have ended up on Venus instead!
Provided that they even had enough fuel or thrust to escape the Moon's gravitational field.
Only young children believe, that the Moon landing wasn't faked.

Anonymous No. 16624777

Russia propagates the moon landing hoax narrative because they have a deep traumatic guilt and inferiority complex about Yuri’s flight being fake gay and sus as all hell, with Alan Shepard being the actual first human to space.
They project their misdeeds onto others.

Anonymous No. 16624790

My guy. You know the equations of orbital mechanics are things you can derive on your own, right? You can prove the rocket equation and uniquely determine satellite trajectories from base principle physics and math. I know cause I've done that shit.

Do you have any idea how much delta v it would take to get to venus from the moon? A lot more than they had on the lander. There were a lot of things that could have gone wrong if somebody made a mistake, and going to venus was never one of them.

You live in a world where almost everyone alive has access to GPS. The level of precision with which we have to know a GPS satellite's orbital parameters at every moment for them fuckers to not give you a margin of error of hundreds of miles is many times finer than what it would take to calculate a lunar orbital insertion burn, especially if you allow for little course correction burns along the way.

Also it takes very little fuel to get off the moon's surface. That thing is like 1.2% the mass of earth. Tiny ass gravity wells take tiny ass fuel reserves to get into orbit

Anonymous No. 16625230

good posts anon. thank you.

Anonymous No. 16625280

>Do you have any idea how much delta v it would take to get to venus from the moon? A lot more than they had on the lander. There were a lot of things that could have gone wrong if somebody made a mistake, and going to venus was never one of them.
I meant the following, where Earth is the middle"rock".

"A gravity assist, gravity assist maneuver, swing-by, or generally a gravitational slingshot in orbital mechanics, is a type of spaceflight flyby which makes use of the relative movement (e.g. orbit around the Sun) and gravity of a planet or other astronomical object to alter the path and speed of a spacecraft, typically to save propellant and reduce expense."

Anonymous No. 16625284

was awesome how they did that with the Voyager probes

Anonymous No. 16625386

Moon landings might have been real, but all the footage is 100% faked and directed by Stanley Kubrick.

Anonymous No. 16625467

Think logically. Why even bother faking it and maintaining that lie for decades?
It's less effort to just go there for real. It's also easier to get people on board with something they're passionate about. If they were paid or threatened to lie they're guaranteed to spill the beans eventually because they never cared in the first place.

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Anonymous No. 16625476

>I know cause I've done that shit.
k h e k
how many moon landings and back to earth missions have you taken part in?

Anonymous No. 16625510

>It's less effort to just go there for real.
so easy that they have literally never been able to reproduce it again.

Anonymous No. 16625582

>faking it and maintaining that lie for decades
the USA is a most filthy liar
and also lies about 9-11 to this day

Anonymous No. 16625638

anyone who genuinely thinks the moon landing was fake is retarded, a religious lunatic or a retarded religious lunatic

Anonymous No. 16625641

i don't think the moon landings are real because the government is ran by sociopaths and only demented trannies would support this system.

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Anonymous No. 16625660

They just happen forgtt all the tech behind doing it again.

Anonymous No. 16625695

we've been there a hundred times, man.

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Anonymous No. 16625983

If it was faked, it wouldn't just be a US conspiracy, it would have to be an international conspiracy where a dozen other countries agree to produce fake third party evidence for the landings, and continue doing so all the way up to the present day.

Anonymous No. 16626008

No, but it should have been

Anonymous No. 16626544


Anonymous No. 16627855
