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prime Number-eng.pdf

🧵 Untitled Thread

GilbertoCarcamo No. 16624653

Prime numbers distribution. This si the way

Anonymous No. 16626488

Does your PDF contain malware?
I don't want to tap, or download, it.

Anonymous No. 16626673

What if I told you, that there's an algorythm, that generates every prime number, and it's less computationally expensive than sieve?

Anonymous No. 16628835

That is a huge problem with that file format, really people should just use HTML, even with Javascript animations it would be far safer.

Anonymous No. 16629580

you'll never be happy.

Anonymous No. 16629581

How tf do you put malware in a pdf file? Genuinely curious, I’m not a cs guy.

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Anonymous No. 16629589

I ran the URL of the pdf file on a website. Besides the one flag, it seems clean.

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Anonymous No. 16629592

2nd piece

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Anonymous No. 16629594

3rd piece

Anonymous No. 16629602

historically, software that renders complex output has to do a lot of low level operations that don't take into account the need to sterilize the input. so carefully crafted instructions can be embedded that gain access to the memory space of the vulnerable application being targeted. at that point, new code can be run to do various nefarious things.
but even if there is no exploit, PDFs are very flexible in what they can do and can still get people to download malware from other sources.

Anonymous No. 16629603

Ugh I was consistently downloading books from libgen. Should I format my computer?

Anonymous No. 16629608

thx. I have typed “vim *filename*.pdf” on accident a few types (when editing .tex files) and it did seem like a lot of code just to do a fancy version of a word document.