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🗑️ 🧵 Fish literally DON'T EXIST

Anonymous No. 16624909

Fish are not an actual clade, which means that we arbitrarily exclude organisms from being called "fish" regardless of their actual ancestry. We just pick and choose what's considered a fish. Humans and salmon actually belong to the same clade (Osteichthyes), but not the same clade as sharks (Chondrichthyes), and both of these are also a different clade from hagfish (Agnatha).

If fish aren't monophyletic, then why the hell can't dolphins and whales be considered fish? They're marine vertebrates with fins that are more closely related to salmon than sharks are, so you have to pick one: either salmon aren't fish, or sharks aren't fish.

Anonymous No. 16624911

taxonomic threads are the best

Anonymous No. 16624914

all of these are fish

Anonymous No. 16624915

Even humans?

Anonymous No. 16624917

Especially humans. You are a lobe finned fish.

Anonymous No. 16624947

I agree. The root of this is taxonomists are probably the most autistic group of individuals in biology.

Anonymous No. 16625008

Chondrichthyes should just be called "true fish" because they're the highest taxon of fish where all members are unquestionably fish

Anonymous No. 16625046

>Fish literally DON'T EXIST
Fishes, OP. Fishes.

Anonymous No. 16625050

I mean you could just define fish as vertebrates that never left the ocean

Anonymous No. 16625059

But amphibious fish exist

Anonymous No. 16625094

Anon it's simple. If it has gills, it's a fish.
If it doesn't, it isn't.

Anonymous No. 16625125

Axolotls? Crabs?

Anonymous No. 16625133

Shut the fuck up.
Crabs are crabs. Not fish.
Axolotls are salamanders. Not fish.
Other things with gills that looks fish-like are fish.

There's no precise definition of a chair, and neither there will be of fish.

Anonymous No. 16625257

Axolotls are actually fish.

Anonymous No. 16625267


Anonymous No. 16625375

>Does it live in water?
>Does it have gills?
>Does it have fins to swim?

It's literally this simple.

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Anonymous No. 16625399

Behold, a fish!

Anonymous No. 16625503

So...hagfish aren't fish?

Anonymous No. 16625513

Fish can be defined as aquatic vertebrates with gills and lacking limbs with digits. Not that complicated

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Anonymous No. 16625537

Behold, and amphibian

Anonymous No. 16625560

It wouldn't need to have "hand" in its name if the grasping fins weren't a unique feature that's lacking in all other fish.

Anonymous No. 16625692

cetaceans arent fish, get over it OP

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Anonymous No. 16626419

They aren’t a unique feature though. Hand fish aren’t the only fish that have hands, frogfish and reef anglerfish also do

Anonymous No. 16626423

>he hasn't read You Inner Fish

Anonymous No. 16626424

only in illiterateland.

Anonymous No. 16626426

>he doesn’t know about fish vs fishes

Anonymous No. 16626437

OP has a good point. Fish are about as real as concepts such as "chair" or "table". They are not actually real in a sense such as atoms are: they are just a made up heuristic categorization.

Anonymous No. 16626447

they could be honorary fish.

Anonymous No. 16626458

fishes are dinosaurs

Anonymous No. 16626459

Clads are social counteracts from atheist rationalists

Anonymous No. 16626507

Cetaceans are fish and so are you

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Anonymous No. 16626548

I present you a fish

Anonymous No. 16626549

Define fish then

Anonymous No. 16626560

Where are it's fins?
Correct, they're eels.
No fins.

Anonymous No. 16626565

It has tail fin

Anonymous No. 16626581

That's a tail, not a fin.

Anonymous No. 16626584

It has a fin on its tail

Anonymous No. 16626585

Nope. If it looks like a fin, then its a fin. If it looks like a tail, then its a tail. Simple. As.

Anonymous No. 16626591

>If it looks like a fin, then its a fin
Yes, and it looks like a caudal fin

Anonymous No. 16626595

>If I keep repeating the lie, it becomes the truth
For shame anon.

Anonymous No. 16626597

>caudal fins are not fins because they just aren't okay???!!!

Anonymous No. 16626599

Horseshoe crabs have fins on their underside used for swimming.

Anonymous No. 16626643

non-tetrapod vertebrates

Anonymous No. 16626685

OP is correct

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Anonymous No. 16626709

A fish

Anonymous No. 16626955

Correct, they're tails.

Anonymous No. 16626960

No they’re fins on tails

Anonymous No. 16627049

>fins on tails
Madness! It's either a fin, or a tail. Pick one anon.
[spoiler]Its a tail btw[/spoiler]

Anonymous No. 16627091

>Its a tail btw
Then why is it a fin

Anonymous No. 16627368

No silly, a tail can't be a fin. If a tail was a fin then it would be a fin.

Anonymous No. 16627395

freshwater fish aren't fish?