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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Spiteful Mutant

Anonymous No. 16624949

Anonymous No. 16625380

Honestly, he has some intersing things to say, but to think his "scientific" researcher are for real or serious is delusional, he's just a guy with a political agenda.

Anonymous No. 16625409

>Everything and everyone in the world not to my liking is the result of biological inferiority
>The science says so because I found evidence that supports my preconceived conclusion
>Also I'm very smart
He's like saying the holocaust didn't happen but they deserved it.

Anonymous No. 16625457

Yeah, he deeply flawed and extremely biased, but he's just extrapolating things from some science fields like evolutionary psychology

Anonymous No. 16625473

he says IQ tests show a decline in the UK and that it happens among actual britons and its not caused by brown immigrants. He says the effect is less pronounced in other european countries that developed later, such as Finland

Anonymous No. 16625572

Dutty called me a spiteful mutant and that makes him automatically wrong, okay??

Anonymous No. 16625679

Never cared for dutton. Has Lord Menie come out of hiding yet?

Anonymous No. 16625686

We share similar views like lamenting modern architecture and cultural marxism but we differ about the explanation for why it do be like that.

Anonymous No. 16626394

Does Mutton ever shut the fuck up about his spiteful-mutants? just collect funko pops like a normal dweeb.

Anonymous No. 16626503

I don't listen to the opinions of vaxxies.
It shows a lack of critical thinking ability.

Anonymous No. 16626505


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Anonymous No. 16627225

May he live forever.

Anonymous No. 16627226

>science fields like evolutionary psychology