🧵 standard model btfo
Anonymous at Fri, 21 Mar 2025 18:20:54 UTC No. 16625217
big bounce enjoyers stay winning! dark energy weakens over time
>Taken alone, DESI’s data are consistent with our standard model of the universe: Lambda CDM (where CDM is cold dark matter and Lambda represents the simplest case of dark energy, where it acts as a cosmological constant). However, when paired with other measurements, there are mounting indications that the impact of dark energy may be weakening over time and that other models may be a better fit.
Anonymous at Sat, 22 Mar 2025 15:00:22 UTC No. 16625836
it would be better to explain this shit with an animation then even attempting to depict it as a 2d illustration. There's just so much fucking symbolism and abstraction that it's practically worthless as a visual representation.