๐งต Thoughts on the possibility of free energy
Anonymous at Fri, 21 Mar 2025 19:54:06 UTC No. 16625294
Imagine the following: I use a small amount of energy to create a small amount of motion, then I use a purely mechanical method (that requires no energy whatsoever) to turn the small amount of motion I created into a much larger amount of motion.
Your first reaction to that idea is that it would violate the laws of thermodynamics. But you're wrong.
Let me give you an example: a megaphone (a mechanical one, not an electronic one). The megaphone takes a small amount of sound (aka vibrations) and turns it into a larger amount of sound. In other words, it takes a small amount of motion and turns it into a larger amount of motion without needing any kind of energy.
Another example: a pendulum. You pull on the small weight of the pendulum and move it, then let it go, and the weight will begin to swing back and forth. In other words, you create a small amount of motion, and it turns into a much larger amount of motion.
But a pendulum has another way to get it to move: you can use vibrations. If you apply vibrations with the right timing to the base of the pendulum, it will start to swing on its own.
Now combine those two ideas: a megaphone and a pendulum. The megaphone can turn a minute amount of vibrations into a much larger amount, and these vibrations can be aimed at the base of the pendulum, which will cause it to swing back and forth continuously.
Then you can use the swinging weight of the pendulum to generate electricity, and the amount generated will be much greater than the tiny amount required to produce the vibrations which are causing the pendulum to move.
In other words, you get free electricity.
However, this method isn't efficient or scalable enough to power your own home.
For that, you can use the Hydro-Gravitational Device: https://youtu.be/T6fK8EcFizI
Or this guy, using inertial forces: https://artiesays8.wordpress.com/20
Anonymous at Fri, 21 Mar 2025 20:05:09 UTC No. 16625299
>Now combine those two ideas: a megaphone and a pendulum.
What does it sound like? Farts or wolves?
Anonymous at Fri, 21 Mar 2025 20:34:22 UTC No. 16625321
Free energy is possible.
Anonymous at Fri, 21 Mar 2025 22:16:22 UTC No. 16625398
Anonymous at Fri, 21 Mar 2025 23:06:07 UTC No. 16625430
>a megaphone doesn't use energy
What a strange supposition. You have seen megaphones, yes?
Anonymous at Sat, 22 Mar 2025 00:49:26 UTC No. 16625484
An old analog megaphone doesn't magically turn sound into more sound, it works by increasing the amount of pressure that you need to overcome. You are using much more energy to get sound out of a megaphone than speaking regularly.
As far as perpetual machines go, this gets 0/10. The violation of 2nd law isn't even cleverly hidden, you just start with outrageous claims without any regard for suspense or consistency.
It's beyond obvious at this point that perpetual machines are epistemologically impossible and anyone attempting to create them for real should curl up in deep shame. They only have entertainment value in looking for the error in their formulation because we know the error is necessarily there.
Anonymous at Sat, 22 Mar 2025 00:58:48 UTC No. 16625488
the batteries are just for balance