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Anonymous No. 16625426

Suppose you wake up in a world where the only human beings alive are your clones. Since you probably don't want that to happen for real I've just proven that Dawkin's "selfish" gene-centered perspective must be severely lacking. Go cry about it.

Anonymous No. 16625458

reading up on information theory should make it obvious that neo-darwinism/modern synthesis is more of a cult and not really "science".

Anonymous No. 16625470

> Reading up on information theory...
What in the fuck are you talking about?

Information theory has basically nothing to do with evolution and is about the measure of mutual information and relative entropy of different random variables. Where on Earth did you get this idea that information theory has something to do with "neo-darwinism" (whatever the fuck that means)?

Anonymous No. 16625509

what do you think genetics are, smart guy?
>"neo-darwinism" (whatever the fuck that means)?
actually, you're just a moron.

Anonymous No. 16625574

Genetics are not structured random variables you moron. Information theory has nothing to do with genetics.

Pick up a standard information theory textbook like Cover and Thomas. You won't find anything about genetics.

Anonymous No. 16625604

>Information theory has nothing to do with genetics.
it honestly amazes me how many retarded faggots on this board do the equivalent of poking their hand in the sand and refusing to come out when their pre-conceptions are challenged:

5 seconds in google. posts such as
>Information theory has basically nothing to do with evolution and is about the measure of mutual information and relative entropy of different random variables.
are just a form of cognitive dissonance that refuses to acknowledge evolution's role in entropy.

Anonymous No. 16625743

Reminder that I've proven that genes are not entirely selfish and individual organisms are driven by collective interest as well. The silence speaks volumes: you have no argument against this.

I'm OP by the way and I'm not talking about information theory.