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Poopy Pants.png

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16625443

Scientifically, what is the cutest image that could possibly be produced? Something that is specifically designed to be SO cute that it overloads the part of the brain that responds to cuteness!

Anonymous No. 16625463

I'm not really a specialist on perverts, but if your favorite TV show isn't sopranos but a cartoon about 7 year old girls you might be a sexual predator.

Anonymous No. 16625464

it is strange to prefer looking at gross balding obese middle aged italian men rather than cute lil animated girls

Anonymous No. 16625465

I like your gumption. No you aren't the pervert, it's everyone else who enjoyed the sopranos. I bet you will be real spicy in the sexual pervert part of prison.

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Anonymous No. 16625468

Every boy who grew up in the late 90s/early 2000s wanted to marry one of the Powerpuff Girls, but which one was it for you?

For me it was Bubbles

Anonymous No. 16625478

I guess if you spent your days watching cartoons. Isn't this the sci board? Did you even attend gifted and talented classes? Did you even pass the cal bc exam?

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Anonymous No. 16625630


Anonymous No. 16625632

Were Mesprit, Azelf and Uxie designed to look like the powerpuff girls?

Anonymous No. 16626149

Is anyone going to answer the question instead of just talking about the OP pic?

Anonymous No. 16626233

>Poopy Pants.png

Anonymous No. 16626239

But that just makes the image cuter!
If the Powerpuff Girls pooped their pants while giggling on their bed, wouldn't you want to clean up their poop, and then cuddle them until they felt better?

Anonymous No. 16626308

6 > 3 > 5 > 7 > 1 > 2 > 4 > 8 > 9 > 10 > 11

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Anonymous No. 16626351


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Anonymous No. 16626355

>6 > 3 > 5 > 7 > 1 > 2 > 4 > 8 > 9 > 10 > 11

Anonymous No. 16626390

They're 5 not 7

Anonymous No. 16626515

>muh sopranos
>ama fat coward with paranoia who failed as a mob boss please relate to me
yeah no thanks

Anonymous No. 16626953

None of those are as cute as the Powerpuff Girls

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Anonymous No. 16627102


Anonymous No. 16627107

Yeah stable diffusion degenerates into weird spherical mandala-like shapes if you eliminate the normal guidance.

Anonymous No. 16628131

>Something that is specifically designed to be SO cute that it overloads the part of the brain that responds to cuteness!
Browse the cute tag on mlp image archives