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🧵 Does the midwit meme have any merit? What is /sci/'s IQ?

Anonymous No. 16625548

Please take the CAIT here and post the results:

Anyways, what do (you) think the average IQ of /sci/ is? Are you all midwits larping as geniuses? What about other boards?

I still can't believe that IQ is normally distributed. For every 110 iq person, there is a 90 iq person. For every 120iq person, there is an 80iq person. For every 150iq person, there is a 50iq person.
Of course this is logical, but 70iq seems so much dumber than 130iq seems smart.

>inb4 iq isn't real copers
lol ok

Anonymous No. 16625894

I took cait a while ago I got 107 FSIQ im pretty smart

iq is not normally distributed

Anonymous No. 16625895

I will not take those shitty tests, but it is true that the vast majority of this board is midwits larping as geniuses.

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Anonymous No. 16625913

>retarded "guess what author meant here" question
>fucking English language test
what a retarded test where did you even find it, the real test of intelligence here is to close the tab

Anonymous No. 16625914

>filtered by question 1
lmao sorry saar better luck next time

Anonymous No. 16625920

>gas tank
they all come assembled from a factory, which one is the correct one?

Anonymous No. 16625921

Oh come the fuck on.
>he forgot about the sped class
To be clear, sir. Midwit means something other than 100. If it were 100, they would be called "average." There was a reason the term was coined.

Anonymous No. 16625923


Anonymous No. 16625928

I still have a car without gas tank. Some cars don't have gas tanks to begin with. None of this answers the question "what is more likely to be in a car". The answer is all 3 of those things. The questions is literally "guess what I had in my mind" and you are an imbecile to defend it.

Anonymous No. 16625929

I must say it's a fact that IQ worshipping mongrels like yourself are the most dimwitted of all.

Anonymous No. 16625930

>be me
>have a car
>take out radio
>don't have a car anymore

Anonymous No. 16625933

>I still have a car without gas tank
>he knows the fucking answer but now wants to argue his bullshit angle
The list quite literally makes "functional" implicit. Do you know about implications?

Anonymous No. 16625938

>erm well it IMPLIED
yeah this is what I'm talking about, retarded guessing questions, this is why all these IQ tests are gambling garbage

Anonymous No. 16625941

Here's cool question to test your IQ.
What is more likely to be in OP's ass?
1) shit
2) cock
Guess what i IMPLIED here

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Anonymous No. 16625942


Anonymous No. 16625945

>retarded guessing question
For you.

Anonymous No. 16625972


Anonymous No. 16626485

You are supposed use your superior iq to guess that amerisharts drink leaded gasoline for breakfast, so it's obviously the gas tank.

Anonymous No. 16626511

The fair question would be "What is most likely to be found in functional car". Of course it is easy to guess, but the problem is that you have to guess, assume things and either add more to the conditions of the question, or go against them. The problem with these types of question is that when there's no concrete specifications, people can start assuming that there's some trickery going on and answer wrong not because they couldn't find the answer, but because they assumed that test tries to trick them into picking the "right" answer.

Anonymous No. 16626516

Which points to most self proclaimed IQ tests being invalid. Wish someone would sue one of those companies for false claims but I guess if they don't charge for the tests, it would be difficult to prove economic damage to a court.
If you want to know the general neighborhood of your IQ score, get a therapist to administer a valid test. You could try Mensa but in the US they don't score them, it's just pass/fail. The online "Mensa" tests are all invalid scams.
It's not like knowing your score is going to make you more or less intelligent than you are now. Maybe the only real positive outcome would be to keep you from being delusional about your level of intelligence. If you're not two standard deviations above the mean, that's completely fine. The vast majority of people aren't and most of them still are able to have good lives. But if it turns out your IQ is around 105, maybe going into theoretical physics isn't a good choice.

Anonymous No. 16626518

Electric vehicles exist and are functional.

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Anonymous No. 16626528

If you really want to test your intellect start doing math. Math is literally pure logic in its essential form. How far you will be able to climb in understanding math is how smart you are. All these "are curtains blue" and "put shape into a shape hole" tests are bullshit and are more useful to test your autism or adhd rather than intelligence.

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Anonymous No. 16626533


Anonymous No. 16626592

"Midwit zone" is where most nobel prize winners are.

Anonymous No. 16626631

You don’t have to guess, retard. Why are autists like this?

Anonymous No. 16626635

Nobel prize winners are in the 145+ zone

Anonymous No. 16626639

>midwit is when higher than mid
what a shame

Anonymous No. 16626644

IQ threads like this are cope/mental masturbation for NEET failures that have nothing but an online IQ test to make themselves feel better. They feel better about having accomplished nothing than having degrees because only midwits care about degrees and they with their true intellect are above the award of frivolous certificates that that just take effort rather than true intellect.

Anonymous No. 16626646

>Of course this is logical, but 70iq seems so much dumber than 130iq seems smart.
>assumes IQ is linear
>confuses frequency of incidence with similar difference of ability compared to the mean
midwit lol

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Anonymous No. 16626652

>28 replies
>no scores posted
Midwit theory confirmed.

Anonymous No. 16626654

It says I'd have to pay $10 for the full report. I was unsure if that included the score or not and wasn't willing to tryhard for 30 mins to find out.

Anonymous No. 16626659

Real IQ is skewed, and for every 120 IQ white person there are 5 75 IQ niggers or more.

Anonymous No. 16626660

It's free

Anonymous No. 16626661

Nvm, you can just click "submit" before the time runs out. It only tells you how many standard deviations above/below rhe mean you are. So I guess if you know what the standard deviation is you can figure out your IQ, but I don't.

Anonymous No. 16626663

you are on the wrong test retard
it's this one:

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Anonymous No. 16626664


Anonymous No. 16626666

this doesn't bode well for my IQ does it

Anonymous No. 16626693

120-140. Smart enough to do study difficult matters, not smart enough to not care. The higher you go, the closer you get to self-isolated off the grid nomads

Anonymous No. 16626694

Lmao, nice meme

Anonymous No. 16626695

Standard derivation for iq is 15. So it's
100 + 15 * standard derivation

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Anonymous No. 16626744

I did the symbol search and got 100
picrel is for figure weights
whole thing is retarded, I get wildly different scores
and the directions for the symbol search are totally unclear (are rotated symbols the same symbol?)
and the directions for weights are unclear (can you use pen/paper? then every single problem reduces to middle school algebra. i didn't use pen and paper because another test said you shouldn't, but i didn't know)

Anonymous No. 16626746

>are rotated symbols the same symbol

>whole thing is retarded, I get wildly different scores
They are different parts of the test.

>No outside resources are allowed at any point during this test. Pencils, paper, calculator, Google, etc., are NOT ALLOWED. The use of any outside Resources invalidates your test result.
No you cannot use pen and paper

Anonymous No. 16626749

> They are different parts of the test.
then why do they each report an IQ score? if they're all part of the same test they should report some subscore that only when considered by some aggregate formula returns an IQ. im not taking like 6 tests fuck this shit nigga

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Anonymous No. 16626774

99% of the time it didn't

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Anonymous No. 16626827

>/sci/ posters can't navigate a website, read instructions, or take an IQ test, even when spoonfed
You aren't even smart enough to qualify as midwits. You're just retarded.

Anonymous No. 16626862

I (>>16626744) literally have a PhD in theoretical CS ok
but am I retarded?
but you are too
nigga I had to solve problems no one has ever solved before shit wasn't easy ok????

Anonymous No. 16626873

oh man >>16626533

Anonymous No. 16626879


Eyedol No. 16626906

I scored 1.667 deviations above the mean. Then it asked my for $10 to see my I.Q score

Anonymous No. 16626961

Tbh, I feel you. I'm a doctoral candidate in EE focusing on statistical signal processing (so basically information theoretic statistics) and I feel like a retard a good 70% of the time I'm learning new material.

Getting absolutely filtered hard right now by Gallier's "introductory" computational Geometry book.

Anonymous No. 16627001

FINALLY someone comes in with the obvious stupid response.

Anonymous No. 16627033

Why is logic the best indicator of intelligence?

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s10fag !N7td22U8k6 No. 16627098

yeah about 5 years ago a bunch of californians moved into my town and its population tripled to 300k, they bought up my neighbors farms and built subdivisions, i left to live on a farmstead outside a town of <10k, and im working on buying my neighbors properties so it doesnt happen again. i dont want to see people, i dont want to know people, i dont want to know their stupid problems

Anonymous No. 16627174

lmfao you cheated like shit

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Anonymous No. 16627186

Am I smart /sci/?

Anonymous No. 16627188

#49 and #53 are flawed, and probably some others too

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Anonymous No. 16627194


Anonymous No. 16627199

ITT: midwits calling others midwidts

You're midwit under 3 STDs.
145+IQ is required to actually call yourself intelligent, and even then it's not that much.
110-140 IQ range is populated by the most insufferable, self-righteous, autistic retards without self-awareness of their inferior intellect. They tryhard into everything, very intellectually insecure species, as evident by this thread. They even cheat on IQ tests to show off to strangers on 4chan. How pathetic is that?

Anonymous No. 16627200

>135 is midwit
Lol. Retard.

Anonymous No. 16627202

I see cope is in full throttle.
Funny how you are proving my own point, by of course feeling a need to call me intellectually inferior, when we both know the truth.

Anonymous No. 16627217

>A midwit is five less than whatever I score

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2.86 sigma.jpg

Anonymous No. 16627220

>only 2.8
lol brainlet. getting this framed

Anonymous No. 16627238

Midwit is 105-125 by definition. You can make up your own definition like the 2+2=5 people do, but realize you're not making a coherent argument, you're just changing the meaning of words to fit your person viewpoint.

Anonymous No. 16627274

But it already tells you that you're stupid.a

s10fag !N7td22U8k6 No. 16627332

How many cars did you pass on the way to work today? Hundreds? Maybe you took the interstate, thousands then. At 2% you passed tens or maybe hundreds of "geniuses". What were they doing? Driving to a wage cage they hate in a depreciating asset they don't own eating dog shit. Intelligence is a worthless statistic that dumb people value. Sure you have the capacity to understand maths if you dedicate your entire life to it, that scenario is called a luxury. There's also self awareness most people lack to end their own suffering. These tests aren't worth cheating on.

Anonymous No. 16627673

0.867 deviations above the mean.

I have become a retard.

Thats what drugs and brain trauma does I guess.

Anonymous No. 16627675

As a child I scored 138, but I guess I was just precocious.

Anonymous No. 16627688

I took this a year and a half back. 140 FSIQ. It has translated to real-world outcomes. I got nearly perfect grades in undergrad, perfect grades in grad school, and I work at Nvidia.

However, I'm neurotic and it means I don't enjoy life very much. I likely have OCD.

Anonymous No. 16627807

The tests also changed

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Anonymous No. 16627891

This is the only question I couldn't get on GET. I got sd 2.467, I assume the guys getting 2.8 maxed it out.

Anonymous No. 16627918

>entire thread is full of people taking the wrong test

Anonymous No. 16627961

The page for the test OP reccomended is a broken mess.

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Anonymous No. 16627979

>go to website
>it works perfectly
Is this some thirdie thing or does it work different for stupid people or what?

Anonymous No. 16627982

I feel like it'd be ray.
A planet orbits
"A light" doesn't photon, or gravity, or eclipse, or solar
"A light" would therefore "ray" despite the shitty grammar

Anonymous No. 16627995

yeah it's ray

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Anonymous No. 16628016

It seems that the midwit meme has legitimacy. Anecdotally, I've spoken to dumb, homeless stoners who avoid the vaccine like the plague.

I've also spoken to PhD guys that took the vaccine, but they're still somewhat likely to take it.

I will rant a bit about the midwit meme since I came from >>>/pol/501388867

Part of the archetypes of a midwit is nitpicking unnecessary details and then passing it off as if you're einstein. This guy was nitpicking that I chose the wrong lagrangian off of google, and then tried to assert that I don't have a degree, and my argument is invalid, even though lagrangian mechanics is deterministic for all times. It's one of those things a typical redditor basedboy would do. They'd point out a spelling mistake instead of the actual argument and then play it off as if you committed heresy and need your degree and upvotes revoked.

Anonymous No. 16628018

I got 149 at mensa but I was 11 at the time, so I'm actually afraid to retake the test because it would actually cause my self esteem damage if I scored less, which is bad because you can't change IQ anyway.

Anonymous No. 16628021

It'd be way less ambiguous if it was 'beams' but it'd also be more correct

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CAIT IQ Screensho....png

Anonymous No. 16628027

I did alright but I had to google half the words, though that's more of a knowledge issue than an IQ issue. Knowing what the words mean is the whole point of this.

Anonymous No. 16628039

>vaccine tard
it's been 5 fucking years

move on nigger

Anonymous No. 16628043

No, I will not let (((them))) memoryhole this

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Anonymous No. 16628062


Anonymous No. 16628063

>he doesn't know
The original IQ distrubution was based on native Europeans, with an average of 100.
The current IQ distribution is based on the entire "species" we call human, and average is once again 100.
A purely native European population would test at an average of 110 on the current scale. Please review the numbers provided in the post you responded to, and properly adjust your expectations.

Anonymous No. 16628089

What better example is there than that graph?
p.s. i never took it vaxxie, and i will remember that the australian government tried to force me to

Anonymous No. 16628123

It’s a cope by retards trying to claim smart people would agree with them

Intelligence is a straight line relationship with being correct, it’s virtually impossible for a person above 190 IQ to be wrong about anything, 160 IQ is midwitt level, 140 and below is drooling retard level.

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Anonymous No. 16628214

Only east asian countries get remotely close to 110.
Even a country like Iceland which is almost entirely rich white European is not particularly high on the IQ scale. Same goes for Finland pr Switzerland or any country in Europe.

Maybe if you exclude white supremacist retards then the average white european iq would jump to 110.

Anonymous No. 16628217

Post your combined score then.

Anonymous No. 16628227

there isn't even a correct answer here
if the question is asking which is the most common, gas tank isn't really correct because EVs are so common nowadays and a lot of cars don't even have spare tires, but those two things are far more common than the rest
if the question is asking you to finish the sentence off with the correct term, mud flaps is wrong because almost no cars have mud flaps
what a weirdly worded question
i'm retarded for reading it this way, right?

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Anonymous No. 16628243


...wait really?

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Anonymous No. 16628247

Only question I felt at a loss on was the one about counting the gaps between two geometric shapes, wasn't sure what it was asking.

When I took an IQ test in grade school for gifted placement, they measured me at barely over 130.

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Anonymous No. 16628265

buncha fucking midwits here

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Anonymous No. 16628281


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my beliefs vs you....jpg

Anonymous No. 16628292


Anonymous No. 16628303

i'm at min a midwit for wasting the thirty minutes to take the test and post my results

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Anonymous No. 16628307

Midwits are real, but the trvke is that the midwit meme is used by midwits.

In other words, you need to flip the “good” and “bad” opinions in order to accurately reflect reality.

Anonymous No. 16628309

I'm a midwit for spending 30 minutes taking the wrong test

Anonymous No. 16628327

that bottom comic has an important part of nuance that the midwits who screech about this meme don't seem to pick up on. the tard and genius may reach similar ultimate conclusions but they get there in different ways - the tard based on gut intuition and the genius on insight, pattern recognition and "seeing the forest for the trees," as it were

Anonymous No. 16628328

agreed, anon

Anonymous No. 16628334

c-c-c-c-captcha reset

Anonymous No. 16628649

Holy cope lol

Anonymous No. 16628660

>telling people they're overrated by 10 points is cope
At best it would be a self own. At worst, I'm laughing at your stupidity.

Anonymous No. 16628667

Imagine being this retarded

Anonymous No. 16628668

Utter midwit cope
Midwits are between 80 to 120 IQ
At these points there is no real difference they are all disabled by midwitism

Anonymous No. 16628671

>mrna gene therapy that gets into the organs as well as the LNP vehicle
>yeah bro put that shit in me
Regrettably I had to do it for my work, but I knew the organ damage would be pretty low.
The shit I do to "participate" in "society"

Anonymous No. 16628673

Yes. One more aspect:
The dimwit operates on instinct, and doesn't really think abstrctly enough to be sold on ideas that contradict it (e.g. gender studies or similar nonsense). The midwit is happier disregarding his instinct, having "fath in syenss" and a desire to show off fancy ideas to his colleagues, so he will dive assfirst into hatever retarded big-word idea. The smart guy is more likely unable to buy into the ideas, ever feeling them to be suspect. Maybe he put a lot of thought in and validated that which his instinct told him anyway.
tldr midwits smart enough for fancy but retarded ideas; idiots don't because can't; smarts don't cus it's retarded, reverts to instinct

I guess it's also propaganda: you target your propaganda at the masses, not the far ends of the bell curve, so it will go over the idiot and under the smartie to be more convincing for the midwit

Retard. How would I cope anyway, as my definition has a higher bar for midwits?
Go read my shit carefully you may get the point that it's "mid" between "normal" and "genius" (but, Dr Tism, this is not easy to put in a meme so it gets drawn at mid=100)

Anonymous No. 16628689

>which is bad because you can't change IQ anyway.
In all practical respects, this is not a true statement. Brain damage and neurocognitive impairment can come from a variety of sources over your lifetime. If at 12 you moved to a house with lead paint and air pollution and had a few concussions playing sports and binge drank a few too many times at parties and smoked a bunch of weed, staring at your PC and phone screens for the majority of your day, for several years and then took another IQ test it would be lower and you would be less intelligent. But the brain is also miraculously skilled at healing and adapting to injury, so you probably wouldn't be fully retarded unless you got some serious injury, just slower than if you had much less environmental damage.

This world is not designed to be mind-safe, act accordingly.

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Anonymous No. 16628761

my power level is higher than yours

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Anonymous No. 16628762

smug pepe so you can understand how smug I am right now (quite smug)

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Anonymous No. 16628806

Some of these questions were mildly frustrating. A horse does not require eyes to be a horse, for example. It'd be nice to see how my responses were marked. Paywalls are lame.

Also, after browsing this thread, it appears I may have taken the wrong test.

Anonymous No. 16628810

I don't particularly care what the right test is, the body can't write coherent questions.

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Anonymous No. 16628839

I've now spent considerably longer than the original 30 minutes on the other tests I noticed linked in this thread. I don't think I would weigh a rote vocabulary test so highly in a generalized IQ metric. The digits test was a little unwieldy toward the end. I think I enjoyed the figure weights test the most. I might look more of these up.

Anonymous No. 16628853

I'm not sure about this data. Anecdotally, something I've maybe noticed throughout my life is that a considerable portion of the people I've encountered who could perform well with rote memorization were what I'd probably consider religious to some degree, but I've spent most of my time in the eastern to southeastern US, so probably the majority of people I've encountered, in general, are what I'd consider at least somewhat religious. I generally think IQ metrics are too misleading to take seriously, though I do enjoy some of the tests themselves, for some reason. I think I've seen some chimp-like apes that would perform well on some of the visual parts of the CAIT.

Anonymous No. 16628861


Anonymous No. 16628875

>retard says test is stupid
>147 iq guy says test is stupid
>all midwits say it's fine
oh my god the meme is real holy shit