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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16625551

What can science ever really know if it can't even understand the dynamics of the qualia of a sip of coffee. Not the chemical pathways... the experience.

Anonymous No. 16625553

how much energy is needed to boil the water to make the coffee you want to mull over

Anonymous No. 16625563

>muh qualia
Fuck off to >>>/x/ with this pseudoscientific garbage

Anonymous No. 16625566

It is now the future. You can get your brain scanned and share an exact memory with your friend by having his brain stimulated.
By both sitting in two chairs, you have now shared an experience with one of you never having had the experience by simplying modifying your friends brain to have the same pathways and stimulation as yours.

We know this would work because we know that you can remove experience and sensation by destroying those pathways.

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Anonymous No. 16625573

>really know
Nobody can really know anything. Unless you got legit /x/ powers communicating with God about patch updates, approximating the future based on past patterns via math&science, aka empiricism, is the best mortals got.

Anonymous No. 16625580

>Nobody can really know anything.
So how do you know that you dumbfuck pseud retard? Philosotards should be shot on sight

Anonymous No. 16625590

>So how do you know that
You got legit /x/ powers? God uploaded the source code into your head?
Newsflash, grinding 1k hr of minecraft doesn't magically turn you into a comp-sci expert, no matter how much you larp as one with gameplay guides.

Anonymous No. 16625592

Nowhere in your schizophrenic rambling did you answer my question, retarded dumbfuck. Can't expect much from you braindead morons who fantasize about gods and "source codes".

Anonymous No. 16625595

What do you mean? Dopamine that you're hit with after a hit is clearly well understood.

Anonymous No. 16625597

Already answered. You are just too lost in your seeth and cope to see it.
But if it need to be said out loud, no, I don't know for sure. It could very well be that as luck would have it all the current conclusions of modern science as of this moment is correct for all of eternity.
I just wouldn't bet on it myself.

Anonymous No. 16625598

So *you* don't know anything, got it. Now stop projecting your stupidity on everyone else.
>I just wouldn't bet on it myself.
No one cares about what you would bet on, since you're a self-professed ignoramus.

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Anonymous No. 16625600

>you don't know for sure so stop criticizing my religion
No. Seeth more

Anonymous No. 16625603

You can't criticize shit since you don't know anything, you dumbfuck retard (this is not an insult btw, it's just how you describe yourself)

Anonymous No. 16625608

>you have to know for sure to criticize
I don't know for sure if gravity will still work tomorrow, but I can criticize a plan to step off a 6 story building to find out.
Likewise, I don't know for sure if the current empirical conclusions can't be all correct for all time, but I sure as hell can call a religion that blindly believes it to be so when I see one.

Anonymous No. 16625619

You don't even know that for sure, you braindead ignoramus.

Anonymous No. 16625623


Anonymous No. 16625625

You said the magic word! Too bad this isn't pol so you don't get any points

Anonymous No. 16625627

>can't probability
I'm not 100% certain you are a seething retard, just 99%.
Can I say you are retarded in this case?

Anonymous No. 16625629

What probability? You don't know shit about probabilities or anything else, you retard. Remember that you're braindead and incapable of knowing anything.

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Anonymous No. 16625636

Well, since I can't know for sure if you are a raging retard or not, guess I'd better stop engaging with you just in case you turn out to be a retard.
Good night anon, who might be retarded.

Anonymous No. 16625650


Anonymous No. 16626181

>You can get your brain scanned and share an exact memory with your friend by having his brain stimulated.

FALSE, this will only reproduce the signal, not the qualia, or experience

Anonymous No. 16626182

Can you provide evidence that these are not the same thing?
No? Blind assumption you say?

Anonymous No. 16626187

It's in the literature bub, nruroscience cannot explain qualia.

Anonymous No. 16626247

I apologize for the fact you are too retarded to read literature but I don't see why you need to announce it to me.

Anonymous No. 16626293

Did i ask for a dumb opinion?

Anonymous No. 16626347

The qualia is an emergent phenomena when you combine all the different signals going into the brain from the coffee. Whatever structure they activate and the output of that structure is an electrical representation of the coffee which is unique to the configuration your brain has. It's unique since our neural pathways are incredibly unlikely to form in the exact same way at a micro scale. You could say you're electrically connected to the coffee particles and the combination of the coffee's molecular configuration with yours changes the current configuration of your brain, this change in configuration is sensed consciously and the difference between the configuration you had before you drank the coffee and after you drank is the qualia.

Anonymous No. 16626349

Science is not about a priori knowledge or capital T truth (as much as theoretical physicists might protest). Science is about inferential modeling and getting as close as we can get to an instrumental truth that helps us understand the material world around us.

We could have a future in which we literally never solve the problem of consciousness and never produce a mechanistic understanding of experience, and yet science will surely progress in many meaningful ways beyond this.

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Anonymous No. 16626356

Nonetheless midwit /sci/ acolytes will go apeshit if you point out their dogma.

Anonymous No. 16626358

A monk took a sip of coffee.
He placed the cup down and said,
"How deep is the taste of the morning?"
Another monk asked,
"Who can measure the stillness between sips?"

Anonymous No. 16626374

>Science is about inferential modeling and getting as close as we can get to an instrumental truth
So is that a capital T truth or is it just your opinion and hence worthless and indistinguishable from any other arbitrary opinion?

Anonymous No. 16626375

at least its not linear differential equations

Anonymous No. 16626421


Anonymous No. 16626441

i use a french press