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Anonymous No. 16625562

Why is us education considered better than European education even though European University programs are objectively harder than american ones?

Anonymous No. 16625596

things tend to seem harder when you are dumb?
I don't know if this answers your riddle but i had fun :^)

Anonymous No. 16625599

Top universities are in America.

Anonymous No. 16625613

>European University programs are objectively harder than american ones
they're not

Anonymous No. 16625618

They are, they have way more advanced math at earlier stages and study generally more shit in 3 years frame in comparison to 4 year American one

Anonymous No. 16625621

Not really, fellow american. The best universities will still be European, just because your McDonalds ranking where its just about money tells you otherwise doesn't mean its the truth

Mind you, people waste 1 year for "Precalculus" on the MIT, which is considered highschool tier level math that isn't even considered at mediocre colleges in Europe because its a waste of time

Anonymous No. 16625624

> 1 year for "Precalculus" on the MIT
It’s one semester, but nobody who’s a stemcel going to an Ivy League is taking precalc.
> The best universities will still be European
The people winning the math and science olympiads are
>well Chinese and Russian really
But also go to American schools and not European.

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Anonymous No. 16625642

pls be serious, child.
in no real order

The Perimeter Institute
Université PSL
University of Toronto
Imperial College london
University of Hong Kong
University of British Columbia
Universituy of Tokyo
Tsinghua UNiversity
University of Melbourne
Peking University
NTU Singapore
University of Edinburgh
Seoul National university
King's College
University of MAnchester
Hong Kong University of Science and tech
Institut POlytechnique de Paris
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Unkiversity of Queensland
Delft University of Tech
Zhejiang University

Anonymous No. 16625643

>Why is us education considered better than European education even though European University programs are objectively harder than american ones?

Because university rankings created by Anglo-centric media equivocate research activity with educational quality in their rankings. The problem is that most flagship research in Continental Europe is conducted by large and indepedent, as in non-university-affiliated, research institutes (like the French CNRS or the German Max Planck/Helmholtz Institutes) which are not listed in those rankings while universities are primarily educational establishment. In Anglo-Saxon countries universities have a dual function.

This systemic difference is not reflected in those rankings.

Anonymous No. 16625673

some are, some aren't
and the ones that are in America have a lot of foreign students

been substantially less interest from international students re: in studying in the USA the last few years, but there's still a lot of interest in the top few unis there