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๐Ÿงต Male pattern baldness

Anonymous No. 16625575

Is there any evolutionary reason for male pattern baldness? People have speculated that it is to signal that a man is no longer is his prime and that baldness makes men look less threatening and more nurturing but this doesn't make sense because men can go bald even in their teens and 20s. This theory is called the "taking one for the team" theory where some men go bald in order to take care of the tribe's children while the hair headed men continue to be warriors and fight and find food.

Anonymous No. 16625584

Premature aging of the hair

Anonymous No. 16625587

i can think of more reasons why a head of hair is advantageous (e.g. prevent sunburn) than not

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Anonymous No. 16625594

This all sounds like pure schizo shit. I'm going to guess pure genetic drift and agree with >>16625587; baldness increases skin cancer risk without headwear.

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kelly slater 1.jpg

Anonymous No. 16625602

>Is there any evolutionary reason for male pattern baldness?
it helps you look badass
and that scares away threats

Anonymous No. 16625787

guess its more it wasn't an evolutionary disadvantage enough for it to be taken out of the gene pool

Anonymous No. 16627659

I have a seborheic dermatitis apparently and my widow peaks started receiding. Is it normal that now the flaking continues but not in those zones (so the ones with the fewer hairs) + the skin is different. Like, it's smoother and not full of holes like the rest of the scalp with hair (and also it's not as thick as let's say the "tip" of the hairline for lack of a better word - i mean the middle of my hairline)
thanks in advance for answers

Anonymous No. 16628170

Less than 5% of baldies look like this tho.