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๐Ÿงต Geology Thread

Anonymous No. 16625682

Every time I come to /sci/ I never see a geo thread, so let's talk about the earth. Favorite mineral? Favorite type of rock (extrusive or intrusive; igneous, metamorphic, or sedimentary)? Favorite kind of tectonic boundary or fault line? Favorite volcano? Any interesting studies to share? Anything geology related is welcome.

Anonymous No. 16625691

i love shield volcanoes!!

Anonymous No. 16625705

Shield volcanoes are cool, the lower silica content and higher temperature means the magma can flow freely and make for cool pictures. Though since it's always flowing you don't get cool rocks filled with big crystals like you would in a composite volcano.

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Anonymous No. 16625766

Does anyone have an idea what rock this is? It should be from the Late Jurassic and I measured a density of 1.5 g/cm3, despite it doesn't look porous. I am not sure what rock could have such a low density that look like that. Also what are those black areas?

Anonymous No. 16625789

I failed to measure the density correctly.. The density is actually ~ 2.7 g/cm3. So I assume it is some kind of limestone

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Anonymous No. 16625803

sugilite looks pretty cool

Anonymous No. 16625813

It kind of looks like shale to me, the flaky texture, and also I'm pretty sure I'm seeing some mica in it, possibly both muscovite from the light flakes, and biotite in the darker flakes.

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Anonymous No. 16626324

Is lignite sedimentary or metamorphic?

Anonymous No. 16626338

who's steve jobs?

Anonymous No. 16626341

ligma jobs, gotem.

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Anonymous No. 16628311

When will we send a probe to the upper mantle?