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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16625707

scientifically speaking, what's the biggest thing you can fit in your ass?

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Anonymous No. 16625708

Only thing I put was this and it was super uncomfortable

Anonymous No. 16625760

This is the gayest image Iโ€™ve ever seen.

Anonymous No. 16626334


why so?

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Anonymous No. 16627042

whatever it is, the chances are that pic related has broken the laws of physics

Anonymous No. 16627196

obsessively coloring everything to look like clown makeup is a feminine trait

Anonymous No. 16627719



Eyedol No. 16627720

Technically the whole universe, if i turn my asshole inside out

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Anonymous No. 16627765

>upholds the law
>breaks them

Anonymous No. 16627779

Like me in particular? Like an average person? Or like elite asses? Also depends how safe you need said ass to be.

Because scientifically speaking, I've seen a handful of people take some pretty outstanding objects in their asses. 12+ inches long, coke can girth. The limiting dimension is almost always girth. The bottleneck is the rectum, a tight little ring of muscle near the entrance. Usually it's puckered tight to keep the shit in. If you take your time to warm it up, get it relaxed, and stretch it out gently, you can safely pass a large human hand through the average rectum.

If safety isn't a concern, I know an ER doctor who once had to order a surgery for a patient who inserted a German beer stein (like a huge mug) into their own ass. They had to cut open the guy's asshole and spent a lot of time repairing perforations in his colon so he wouldn't get sepsis and die. I think size, shape, and surface hardness are probably all involved in the calculation.

My guess is that if you wanted to insert a maximally large object into an ass safely and had an unlimited budget, the best way would be to put the person on an all liquids diet for a few days. Then get a very long inflatable soft robot, drench it in lube, and and have it snake it's way through the intestines.

Something like this

Anonymous No. 16627854

I once shoved a Markov chain up there

Anonymous No. 16627856

Extremely true. My notes are all in black. The girls around me do theirs in 10 different colors.

Anonymous No. 16627893

>if you take your time to warm it up, get it relaxed, and stretch it out gently
How does one do this? Can you give me a step by step process?
For scientific purposes, of course.