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Anonymous No. 16625755 Report

>biologists will tell you that French Bulldogs and Boston Terriers are different breeds but will then say the two people in pic rel are the same race and not a sub species

Anonymous No. 16625765 Report

>breeds are different subspecies
OP is a midwit faggot per usual.

Anonymous No. 16625771 Report


Anonymous No. 16625772 Report

>OP is a midwit faggot per usual.
I beg to disagree. In this case, OP is a dimwit poltard, a kind of invasive species only found in hot waters.

Anonymous No. 16625788 Report

>He chose the wrong words to make his point therefore his point is wrong

Anonymous No. 16625793 Report

Why would you compare a boy and a girl?

Anonymous No. 16625802 Report

Species is a word we made up. In our definition of this made up word we decided that it means two animals who can't or don't produce viable offspring. Can't, like in the case of different species of, oh I dunno birds like crows and finches. Or don't like lions and tigers. Yes Tigons are a thing but not in nature and their parent animals are so different in look and behavior we continue to call them separate species. Again, because it's a word we made up, not some fundamental aspect of the universe.

Furthermore sub-species is any animal that can breed very easily and have very similar morphology but vary in size, coloration, or similar physical differences and don't breed with one another because they're separated by distance. The difference between a Tundra Wolf and a Mexican Wolf. Those things don't cross paths, ever. They do not breed with each other, ever. But not distinct species because again, it's a word we made up.

What OP is trying to do is something called dehumanization. It's the first step toward genocide. OP isn't asking for genocide, but because dehumanization IS in fact the first step toward genocide we always stop people from doing it. It's certainly an excuse to stop funding programs to assist people from that group, to marginalize them, to strip them of rights, to push them in camps, and so forth.

The problem with dehumanizing anyone is that "subspecies" does not work on humans by any definition of the term. Humans have never in their history been separated from other groups of humans by distance, they continue to interbreed in the past and continue to do so today. There simply is no way to cut humans into groups of subspecies. Again, a term we made up, not some fundamental aspect of reality and still its definition does not suit OP's case.

Anonymous No. 16625840 Report

This. We decide the definition of species ourselves which means that the reason why European and a sub-Saharan Afrikan basically brothers of the same mother is strictly political. If you gonna divide people into different groups they will start hate each other and we also won't be able to establish globalism.

The only thing I disagree with is that human were never separated. They were, unless you want to argue that tundra wolf and mexican wolf evolved separately in 2 different places