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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16625837

Scientifically speaking, how do I cure my depression? It is getting pretty bad. Anime, alcohol and gooning isn't helping anymore.

Anonymous No. 16625906

you accept that depressing is a natural state. stop thinking it can be cured

Anonymous No. 16625974


Anonymous No. 16625988

Environment is more important than behavior with depression. You have to be around places and people who don't make you depressed.

Anonymous No. 16626484

>Anime, alcohol and gooning [are]n't helping anymore.
Each one of those things causes depression. Anime ultimately comes from Little Boy and Fat Man. If Japan had never been nuked, then there would be no anime industry. Consuming unnatural substances, like alcohol, causes depression.

>[Y]ou accept that depressi[on] is a natural state.
It's an unnatural state. But the political state of affairs on this planet naturally causes depression.

Its consumption will deepen, or increase, depression. Or make it worse.

Personally, I think, that 4chan is a depressing place. The bad outweighs the good.

Anonymous No. 16627844

Not joking here. Try ketamine at a clinic. Cured my depression. There is lots of research saying it's good for depression

Anonymous No. 16627878

Problem is you blaming external factors. With a mindset like that youre fucked.

Anonymous No. 16627882

set a goal that interests you.
pursue it.
hard work feels good when you look back on it.

Anonymous No. 16627933

stop drinking alcohol and gooning, also avoid eating red 40, yellow 6, yellow 5, and corn syrup as those cause inflammation which can cause the feeling of depression.

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Anonymous No. 16627993

Try drugs like ecstasy. Or cocaine. Have sex with a girl. Hang out with people don't isolate yourself. The last one cured my depression when I was younger no longer depressed ever since

Anonymous No. 16628088

>Problem is you blaming external factors.
you, shut up

Anonymous No. 16628092

ok but specially doing coke isn't as safe and helthy as in hanging out with people, I've seen coke drive people to pretty much bankruptcy and fuckery

Anonymous No. 16628118

Anonymous No. 16628152

Your body was designed to move which causes it to dump massive happy chemicals.
Not moving is bad for you in a plethora of ways.
Wait you have been exercising right?