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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต [Breaking] Professor Dave has finally died

Anonymous No. 16625842

Here's the first public picture of his fresh corpse.
Please post F to celebrate getting rid of this Marxist, tranny-apologist, academic-bureaucracy-loving POS

Anonymous No. 16625874

>e-celeb bullshit drama thread
nobody cares.

Anonymous No. 16625915

Where did Prof Dave touch you? Is he in the room with you now?

Anonymous No. 16625967

This guy is a complete fraud. Claims to be a professor but in reality he flunked out of college.

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Anonymous No. 16625980

this guy is that smugjack redditor meme, the final boss of it
he is a fucking moron

Anonymous No. 16626128

I hate that all these grifters are associated with conservatives for no reason.
Maybe 10% of the conservative voter base are alt right schizos that entertains these conspiracy theory just like maybe 10% of progressives are chronic redditors.
Sabine is a grifter but so is this guy. He milks outrage the same way she does. Neither deserves respect nor should be posted here.

Anonymous No. 16626141

Evolution is a fact, electric universe is false, creationism is false. Sorry anons.

Anonymous No. 16626155

And most of all, I'm trans. :)

Anonymous No. 16626266

he lost a lot of his credibility when he argued for circumcision
which tells me that he lacks critical thought and simply uses his intellect to justify mainstream opinions
he could be wrong about things and he would never admit it, nor care to correct himself, if he actually questions them
so while he is good for communicating basic science and dabbing on retards like flat earthers and creationists, he is only slightly above midwittery and will not produce any valuable insights